Series 1 Quest 6. Richard examines a bottle labelled Sniff in the Level 3 clue room.

Series 1: Teams

By Keith McDonald

Series 1 featured six teams across eight episodes, with no winning quests.

Knightmare Series 1 Team 1, Dungeoneer David Campbell.
Team 1: David

Team 1: David, James, Lucian and David from Bedfordshire

Knightmare Series 1 Team 2. Maeve, the Dungeoneer.
Team 2: Maeve

Team 2: Maeve, Christina, David and Lee from Lancashire

Knightmare Series 1 Team 3. Simon, the dungeoneer.
Team 3: Simon

Team 3: Simon, Simon, Jonathan and Steven from Yorkshire

Knightmare Series 1 Team 4. Danny, the dungeoneer.
Team 4: Danny

Team 4: Danny, Nigel, Tom and Mark from Portsmouth

Knightmare Series 1 Team 5. Helen, the dungeoneer.
Team 5: Helen

Team 5: Helen, Anthony, Jon-Paul and Claire from Mid-Glamorgan

Knightmare Series 1 Team 6. Richard, the dungeoneer.
Team 6: Richard

Team 6: Richard, Jonathan, Paul and Edward from West Yorkshire

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Series 1 Quest 2

Series 1 Quest 2 arrive at a Bomb Room.

Team 2: Maeve, Christina, David and Lee from Lancashire.

Lillith's Domain

Lillith's Domain in Level 1, as seen in Series 1 and 2 of Knightmare.

Lillith's Domain was a stone chasm. Teams needed her causeway to escape through a serpent's mouth.

Gargoyle Room

The Gargoyle Room, found in Level 3 during the early series of Knightmare.

The gargoyle was found in Level 3. Some of the teams that encountered it had to answer a riddle or improve its mood until it released the exit.

See Also