The Sewers of Goth, one of Lord Fear's defences in Series 7 and Series 8 of Knightmare.

Sewers of Goth

By Keith McDonald

The Sewers of Goth formed the first line of defence inside Lord Fear's Black Tower.

Series 7

The Sewers of Goth were an atmospheric, if unpleasant, addition to Lord Fear's territory in the seventh season. They were a channel of green slime that could only be crossed by boat.

Dungeoneers relied on meeting an ally to exchange a ride or had to trick one of Fear's servants into rowing them across.

A journey through the Sewers of Goth, as seen in Series 7 of Knightmare (1993).

Characters normally tried to evade small-talk during the crossing, but it was an opportunity to gain magic for the challenges ahead - notably 'Play Your Cards Right' which often followed.

Mile after mile of the rankest, stenchiest subterranean passages in this world or any other.

Lord Fear

Series 8

In the final series, Goth appeared again, but in the second level. Teams still encountered the sewers, but the boat was not always there, so they did not necessarily have to cross.

The sewers were a favourite hunting ground for Snapper-Jack the Fool Taker. He almost manages to kidnap Sidriss until a team comes to her aid.

The Sewers of Goth, as seen in Series 7 of Knightmare (1993).

The sewers were also an ideal habitat for the new miremen - amphibian creatures with webbed feet that could move faster through water than on land.

Miremen emerge from the sewers upon one team who are almost caught as they struggle to make an exit.

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