A corridor in the Black Tower of Goth (Series 7-8).

Black Tower of Goth

By Keith McDonald

Lord Fear's domain of Goth formed the entire Level 3 in Series 7, and the entire Level 2 in Series 8.

Series 7

Lord Fear's new domain for the seventh season was a grim, grey stone environment that looked metallic and unnatural. Fear occupied the top of the Tower, while the quest object lay below.

The Black Tower consisted of stone rooms and long corridors with portcullises. Its defences included the Sewers of Goth, a difficult puzzle called Play Your Cards Right, and the Corridor of Blades.

The only escape from Goth was to earn a magical route back to the antechamber.

A stone room in the Black Tower of Goth, as seen in Series 7 of Knightmare (1993).
A stone room in Goth

Early in the series, Treguard suggests that the Opposition is using a magical engine to distort reality.

By the end of the series, Greystagg the Witch Queen rages that the techno-magical environment of Goth had caused the decay and destruction of Witch Haven.

This is beyond illusion. A different dimension, even...


Series 8

In an unexpected twist, Goth became Level 2 in the final series, as Lord Fear constructed new domains around the Great Mire below.

The aesthetic was changed in places to add variety. Dungeoneers encountered a new threat from Miremen, amphibian creatures that could move freely through the sewers.

A stone room in the Black Tower of Goth, as seen in Series 7 of Knightmare (1993).
A clue room in Goth

However, the principal threat from Series 7, 'Play Your Cards Right', was seen only once in Series 8.

The final two teams also managed to bypass Goth altogether by taking a short cut from Level 1 to Level 3.

Goth's defences are unimaginable...

Lord Fear

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