Gibbet, the guard. Played by Alec Westwood.


By Keith McDonald

Gibbet was a sour and vicious guard who watched over the wellway to Level 3 in the first series of Knightmare.

Gibbet was a sullen Celtic guard with a Scots accent. He guarded the wellway at the end of Level 2.

Gibbet only appeared twice but did manage to claim a victim – unlike many Knightmare guards.

His capture happens in his first appearance. Gibbet is angered at being awoken by a lantern. The team in quest decide not to use an ANVIL spell and instead turn off the light, which ends the quest immediately.

Gibbet, the celtic guard, played by Alec Westwood in Series 1 of Knightmare (1987).

Gibbet returns at the end of the series as the final team reaches the end of Level 2.

The team has the password, and Gibbet has to let them descend – but not without a sour barb in the dungeoneer's direction.

I may have let you go, but I don't have to like you...


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