The door option room, often the first room of the dungeon in Series 1 of Knightmare.

Door Option Room

By Keith McDonald

A room with four doors, often used towards the beginning of a quest in the early seasons of Knightmare.

This was the first dungeon room seen in Knightmare.

It was a versatile room with four exits, often used at the start of a quest.

The left and right exits are set in the foreground, with two centre exits in the background.

How to escape

In the first series, the doors are normally locked with portcullises.

Fragments of a word or key appear. Dungeoneers must collect them in the correct order to release a door.

See this in action on Kellyvision.

In the second series, teams might instead receive a hint to the safest exit. They also met characters here, such as Gretel or Folly.

A variant of the 'Door Option Room', based on a handpainted scene by David Rowe, as shown on Series 3 of Knightmare (1989).
The Door Option Room in Series 3

Unexpected hazards

The room wasn't always used for this anodyne starting puzzle.

In Series 3, it might contain a trapdoor. The new maid, Mellisandre, was susceptible to falling though.

This additional hazard prevented teams from using the rear exits.

A variant of the 'Door Option Room', based on a handpainted scene by David Rowe, as shown on Series 2 of Knightmare (1988).
The Door Option Room in Level 2

When the room appeared in Level 2 (with striking colour palette), it was more menacing.

One dungeoneer must try to collect the fragments of a spell under pressure from the Automatum.

Another team starves here after failing to collect a clue to show the way. Every time the dungeoneer exits, he reappears in the same room.

Geek Week

A digitally remastered version of this room appears in the 2013 Geek Week episode of Knightmare.

The two side doors are covered with webs, while the two central doors are covered by cards.

As the dungeoneer advances, the back of the room appears as a separate scene. The team must choose between a joker or the Ace of Spades to proceed.

First room of Knightmare geek week
The Door Option Room in the Geek Week episode.

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