The Sewers of Goth, one of Lord Fear's defences in Series 7 and Series 8 of Knightmare.

Series 7

Knightmare Series 7 was formed of 15 episodes. It was shown on Friday afternoons from 10 September - 17 December 1993.

Key facts

New characters

Other additions

Series 7: What's new

In This Section

Children's ITV - 1993

CITV 1993 advert for Knightmare with Lord Fear and Lissard

A review of Children's ITV in 1993, particularly the autumn months when Knightmare Series 7 was broadcast.

Gallery 1993

Lord Fear and Lissard

Promotional images and cast photocards from the seventh series of Knightmare in 1993.

Series 7 Quest 1

Series 7, Quest 1. Simon begins the 'Play Your Cards Right' puzzle.

Team 1: Simon, David, Matthew and Nicholas from Cornwall.

Series 7 Quest 2

Series 7, Quest 2. Nicola takes on the Trial by Spikes in Level 2.

Team 2: Nicola, Lisa, Diane and Vicki from Oldham.

Series 7 Quest 3

Series 7, Quest 3. Lord Fear and Lissard trap Hordriss.

Team 3: Alex, James, Neil and Richard from London.

Series 7 Quest 4

Series 7, Quest 4. Naila enters a dark dwarf tunnel.

Team 4: Naila, Aquila, Asmita and Samreen from London.

Series 7 Quest 5

Series 7, Quest 5. Ben uncovers an 'Insight' spell by mopping the floor.

Team 5: Ben, Jonathan, Tim and Ben from Salisbury.

Series 7 Quest 6

Series 7, Quest 6. Julie turns into a black cat to frighten Raptor.

Team 6: Julie, Helen, Samantha and Helen from Leek, Staffordshire.

Series 7 Quest 7

Series 7, Quest 7. Barry trades with the Witch Queen, Greystagg.

Team 7: Barry, Simon, Derek and Daniel from Worcestershire.

Series 7: Characters

Lord Fear and Lissard

The Series 7 characters included new assistants for Treguard and Lord Fear, plus a wizard in pursuit of a dragon-slaying Brollachan.

Series 7: Dungeon

The Sewers of Goth, one of Lord Fear's defences in Series 7 and Series 8 of Knightmare.

The Knightmare Series 7 dungeon featured Lord Fear's new Black Tower of Goth and several new locations derived from Spanish castles.

Series 7: End of Series

Series 7, end of series. Barry (team 7) finds two cubes containing the Shield and a troll hammer.

The seventh and final team of Series 7 must prevent a troll from attacking Knightmare Castle.

Series 7: Overview

Series 7 (1993). Treguard the Dungeon Master is annoyed by his new assistant, Majida.

What's new for Series 7 of Knightmare? A summary of the main differences.

Series 7: Teams

Series 7, Quest 3. Lord Fear and Lissard trap Hordriss.

Series 7 featured 7 teams across 15 episodes, with 2 winning quests.

Series 7: Winners

Series 7, winners. Julie (Team 6) confronts Lord Fear after retrieving the Sword.

In Series 7, two teams were victorious. Team 6 retrieved the Sword in 50 mins. Team 7 retrieved the Shield in 63 mins.