Circular rooms appeared in a variety of situations in Series 4 and Series 5.

Circular Rooms

By Keith McDonald

A circular chamber formed the basis for most of the third level in Series 4, with cameo appearances in later years.

This distinct circular chamber was used in a variety of settings in Level 3.

It was the clue room in the Tower of Time, where dungeoneers would redeem a pact agreed in the Eye Shield room at the start of the quest.

It was also used as a prequel to the Corridor of Blades and for final showdowns with Mogdred or Malice.

A circular room, as seen in Series 4 of Knightmare (1990).
A dungeoneer retrieves an object

The exit - except when the conveyor belt was visible - was via the window ledge. This was shown through the Eye Shield.

The window ledge also formed the basis of the room that held the quest object.

Other appearances

This circular chamber made one appearance in Level 2, where a team encounters a dangerous idol.

A circular room, as seen in Series 4 of Knightmare (1992).
A dungeoneer encounters a grotesque idol

It also made Level 3 appearances in later series: once in Winteria in Series 5, and once for Elita's ritual in Series 6.

The circular chamber is based on the Upper Hall at the twelfth-century Orford Castle in Suffolk.

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