This cultured puzzle in Level 3 required dungeoneers to navigate their way down from a high platform to an exit at the bottom.
- Series | 4
- Level | 3
This stylish puzzle lay deep in Level 3 during the fourth series.
Dungeoneers entered on a small platform at the top-right of the screen. They stood on a central tile, with a transporter pad at either side.
A series of similar platforms at alternate sides lead down to the ground. On one of these stands a knight swinging a large sword.
Dungeoneers had to choose between two options from each platform to navigate their way down.
We can see you, but we can't see what you're standing on. Look down beneath the helmet and tell us what you see.
Usually, this meant stepping in the preferred direction of travel.
However, to avoid landing by the opposition knight, the team must use the pad against the direction of travel on one occasion.
Every team who makes a full attempt at this puzzle recognises the pattern correctly. The final team runs out of time here and are united by Treguard.
Yes, a transporter pad. Step right for one journey, step left for another.