Series 4, Quest 1. Mogdred confronts dungeoneer Helen on the bridge in Level 3.

Falling Bridge

By Keith McDonald

This long bridge in the third level of the Series 4 dungeon would begin to collapse at the behest of Mogdred or Malice.

The falling bridge was among the final challenges of the Series 4 dungeon.

Dungeoneers appear at the beginning of a long bridge, which is set in a vibrant cavern with waterfalls.

Before they move, the face of Mogdred or Malice appears near the player's standing point.

The collapsing bridge, based on a handpainted scene by David Rowe, as shown on Series 4 of Knightmare (1990).

The sorcerers demand the team pledges its allegiance or progress would come to an end.

When the team refuses, the opponent sends a warning - and sometimes fires a shot at the bridge.

The blocks begin to fall as the team progresses. The dungeoneer must hurry through this three-stage bridge before it collapses completely.

The collapsing bridge, based on a handpainted scene by David Rowe, as shown on Series 4 of Knightmare (1990).

You defy me? You are too proud. You ride too high. Which means you're ready for a fall.


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