Series 2, Quest 4. The scene gets misty as Mark awakens a dragon deep in Level 3.

Dragon Room

By Keith McDonald

Before the arrival of Smirkenorff, a dragon occupied a handpainted chamber in Level 3. Dungeoneers might have to cross its mouth to escape.

This room was an early equivalent of a final encounter.

It was a dark chamber with yellow lighting. From two doors are short platforms that are connected by a dragon's mouth.

The first team to encounter the dragon initially sees little of the room. As the dungeoneer moves, the mouth begins to steam, and the surroundings are slowly unveiled.

A variant of the dragon room, based on a handpainted scene by David Rowe, as shown on Series 2 of Knightmare (1988).

The second dungeoneer to arrive here is accosted by Mogdred, who wakes up the dragon. The team does not hang around - it is a simple escape.

In Series 3, the dragon is no longer a direct threat. The doors are now connected by one platform, so the dungeoneer doesn't step onto the dragon.

It introduces itself as Owen with a welsh accent. It asks a difficult riddle with the reward of dragon magic.

Awaken, dragon. Awake and slay.


Draft dragons

David Rowe's draft designs for this room show different poses that might allow players to cross part of a dragon.

One draft shows the full body of the dragon. Its back creates the bridge as the head lies in the foreground.

Tim Child returned a basic sketch of how the room should work, which pre-empts this final result.

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Series 3 Quest 4

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