Doorkis, one of the Weeping Doors locked with lies. Voiced by Michael Cule.

Weeping Door

By Keith McDonald

These spellbound doors on each level of the Series 4 dungeon were locked with lies and could only be opened with the truth.

The Weeping Doors were crying faces on a raised drawbridge. As spellbound creatures locked by lies, they could only be opened by truths.

Dungeoneers had to issue a challenge through a 'calling' that Pickle would teach them in Level 1.

True and false, false and true, open up and let us through.


The Level 1 Weeping Door, as seen in Series 4 of Knightmare (1990).

The face begins speaking with its own gloomy catchphrases, before asking three true-or-false questions.

Dooris in Level 1 required one correct answer to proceed. Doorkis in Level 2 required two correct answers. Dooreen in Level 3 required three correct answers.

When the team achieved this, the door admitted defeat and the drawbridge lowered so the team could exit.

Truth will out, and so will you.


Zoe Loftin played Dooris and Dooreen, while Michael Cule played Doorkis.

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