Mogdred was the dark side of Merlin and the principal 'opponent' to a successful quest during the early years of Knightmare.
- Series | 2, 3, 4
- Played by | John Woodnutt
Mogdred was the dark side of Merlin's nature and his magic. He appeared in the lower levels to intimidate players and lead them astray.
I enjoy observing fear. I shall enjoy observing yours.
Mogdred's motivation was creating fear rather than simply ending quests without a challenge. He often woke or summoned threats that made the surroundings more dangerous.
He also demanded teams to pledge allegiance to him, tempting them with offers of powerful spells and fewer restrictions on the use of magic.
Mogdred did not appear at all in Series 1, and infrequently in Series 3 (as few teams reached Level 3). Consequently, he was given some influence in Level 2.
In Series 4, there was a series of confrontations once a player reached Level 3. Mogdred would appear at the Falling Bridge, and then again at a future point to exact revenge.
Ultimately, Mogdred did show killer instinct.
In Series 2, he taunts a dungeoneer in one of his 'playpens', where the quest ends. In Series 4, he appears in person and sends a magic sword to end the game.