Series 2, Quest 5 end at the hands of Mogdred in Level 2.

Series 2: Overview

By Keith McDonald

What's new for Series 2 of Knightmare? A summary of the main differences.

Start of Series

There is a swift introduction by Treguard before the first dungeoneer is welcomed.

Questing teams receive the same preparation and guidance as before.

Start with Team 1

The Medusa, based on a handpainted scene by David Rowe, as shown on Series 2 of Knightmare (1988).

Similarities and Differences

The dungeon design is similar to the opening series, but with a broader range of rooms and puzzles.

Treguard continues to communicate with characters from the antechamber, though Mogdred can overpower him.

There are differences to the intro and outro sequences. We also saw the first winning quests.

View trailers and idents from 1988

The Guillotine Room, based on a handpainted scene by David Rowe, as shown on Series 2 of Knightmare (1988).


The standard first room is replaced with a 'Wheel of Fortune'. This randomises the route through the dungeon while giving gameplayers a sense of control about their fate.

A broad range of puzzles includes 'Black-Jack', Combat Chess, and the animated Scorpion.

View the Series 2 dungeon

The Wheel of Fate or Wheel of Fortune, based on a handpainted scene by David Rowe, as shown on Series 2 of Knightmare (1988).

A suite of new characters gives a greater dimension to the dungeon. These include Gretel the Maid, Bumptious the dwarf, and the first appearance of Mogdred.

An automatum is introduced to chase dungeoneers and speed up gameplay.

View the Series 2 characters

The kitchen, based on a handpainted scene by David Rowe, as shown on Series 2 of Knightmare (1988).

Start of Episode

Treguard introduces each episode with a 'progress report'.

Treguard: "Watch now, you curious lot, as Treguard turns back the dungeon clock."

New dragon-styled graphics are used to recap the previous episode.

End of Episode

In Series 2, the bell tolls to signal 'time out'. (In Series 1, it is announced by Treguard and the fire stops burning.)

Join us again for Knightmare. And just keep telling yourself - it can't be real... Can it?


The credits end with a combined Anglia/Broadsword logo.

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Series 1 Quest 4. Danny lands in the serpent's stomach.

Dungeoneers who passed into the serpent's mouth risked falling into its stomach. Teams had to improvise to fashion an escape.

Corridor of the Catacombs

Series 2, Quest 9. Jamie from Leeds navigates the Corridor of the Catacombs as the floor disintegrates.

These sinister corridors appeared in the early series of Knightmare. They were riddled with hazards, from moving walls to disintegrating floors.

Series 2 Quest 2

Series 2, Quest 2. Claire faces a staring reptile in Level 1.

Team 2: Claire, Kerry, Michelle and Cheryl from Ludlow, Shropshire

See Also