Treguard, Pickle, Hordriss, and Elita in the antechamber.

The Quest 1.1: Who's Who? Part 1

By Keith McDonald

An introduction to the Powers that Be and other allies in Knightmare Series 5 (1991).


The host of Knightmare and warden of Knightmare Castle, is also custodian of the electronic catacombs that make up television's toughest game show. The sardonic Dungeon Master is now in his fifth series and is a deep fund of knowledge, where the arts of dungeoneering are concerned.


The Dungeon Master's elvish assistant is also keeper of the Book of Quests, and archivist for The Powers That Be. A deep hatred for the Opposition makes Pickle a handy ally for any team, but his enthusiasm sometimes carries him beyond the bounds of good sense and careful gameplay. Has special knowledge of forests, and some other obscure parts of the dungeon world.

A 1990 character shot of Treguard (Hugo Myatt) and Pickle (David Learner).
Treguard and Pickle

Brother Mace

An extremely loud and large Friar Tuck type who laughs at his own jokes. Uses bad Latin. Always a help, this Tavern Monk who occasionally walks the path of sobriety himself will often elicit information from the wary dungeoneer as a test of his intelligence.

Sir Hugh de Wittless

This lone hero is the medieval equivalent of the Flying Dutchman. The curse laid upon him is a compulsion to rescue anyone he encounters - even when the subject has no desire to he rescued! Described as "several plates short of a suit of armour" Sir Hugh is short on brains but long on bravery. His enduring good nature and optimism make him very hard to dislike. Very fond of his horse, Neddy.

Sir Hugh de Wittless, as played by Mark Knight in Series 5 of Knightmare (1991).

Hordriss The Confuser

Now Wizard of the First Level of Magyck, the ultra-proud and ultra pompous Hordriss is still plotting his way towards further advancement in his chosen field. Often his aims and objectives lead him to alliance with a passing dungeoneer. Hordriss can be a useful ally as many a questing Knightmare team has discovered. Special care must be taken to avoid offending his dignity.

Gwendoline the Greenwarden

A sort of female Robin Hood. However, her prime role is protection of the Greenwood and its natural environment, rather than redressing the balance between rich and poor. A formidable archer and hunter, the Greenwarden serves The Powers That Be and has the task of passing dungeoneers safely through the principal forests of Wolfglade and Greenshades.

A promotional card of Gwendoline the Greenwarden (Juliet Henry-Massey) and Smirkenorff from 1991.
Gwendoline the Greenwarden

Motley the Jester

A charming scoundrel from the back streets of Olde London Towne. Motley may be somewhat ragged in appearance but is intensely proud of his chosen profession as "perfessional entertainer". Ever available to provide useful hints to dungeoneers, he scorns charity and usually demands something in return!


The Great Oak Tree is another guardian of the Greenwood and an ally of Gwendoline. Occasionally surly and grumpy (particularly in late autumn), Oakley warms to those humans who display knowledge of the Forest.

Pixel the Pixie

Pixel and her needle are a formidable combination, and the closest thing to an air force that the dungeon possesses. The spiky Pixel is suspicious (hence the lack of a photo of her) but hates Goblins and thieves. Enlist her aid and she can prove a powerful ally against all but armored opposition.

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