Series 7, Quest 2. Nicola takes on the Trial by Spikes in Level 2.

Trial by Spikes

By Keith McDonald

Lord Fear's vicious trap in Series 7 required fast guidance and careful timing to survive.

To complete the trial, teams had to reach a safe square on each row to cross a grid of spikes.

The combination for the safe path was usually earned through trading or spying. One team must watch Romahna cross first and count out the route for themselves.

The start of the route was always provided. When the dungeoneer stepped on this, the next row of spikes would rescind briefly, allowing the team just enough time to reach the safe square before firing up again.

The puzzle continued in this way, row by row, until the dungeoneer perished or reached the other side.

Teams needed to show careful coordination and quick movement to survive. Some dungeoneers moved so quickly that they almost overshot the safe square and had to adjust.

Several teams were encouraged to use sight magic to complete the puzzle. The older teams were also harried by goblins or trolls.

It's a great ordeal, because the timing must be perfect.


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