Sidriss the Confused. Played by Iona Kennedy.

Sidriss (the Confused)

By Keith McDonald

Sidriss 'the Confused' was an accident-prone trainee sorceress. She is the only and beloved daughter of Hordriss the Confuser.

Sidriss was introduced in Series 6 as the only daughter of Hordriss the Confuser. She is dizzy but kind-hearted and helpful to dungeoneers. Her skills with magic are quite disastrous.

She is nicknamed 'Sidriss the Confused' as her frivolous ways often get her or others into danger.

Sidriss the Confused, played by Iona Kennedy. As seen in Series 8 of Knightmare (1994).
Sidriss in Series 8 (1994)

The confused

Sidriss is a trainee sorceress. Unlike her father's rapid ascent, she makes no progress during a three-year spell.

In her first appearance, Sidriss tries to evoke a woodland sprite but conjures up a pooka. In her final appearance, she is moving Motley around in the air after something goes wrong.

Sidriss is aware of her weaknesses but struggles to live up to her father's expectations. Hordriss has a vastly overinflated opinion of her abilities.

Other dungeon characters are well aware of her mishaps. Elita refers to her as 'Hordriss's dizzy daughter'. Treguard says she is 'not much more than a conjurer'.

Even Motley mocks her magic ability - though one of her few successes is shrinking him to the size of a mouse.

Sidriss the Confused, played by Iona Kennedy. As seen in Series 6 of Knightmare (1992).
Sidriss in Series 6 (1992)

Easy pickings

Lord Fear quickly recognises that Sidriss is a liability. She becomes the pawn in several of his schemes to target Hordriss.

He manages to freeze her twice, using the second occasion to blackmail Hordriss into abandoning the Powers that Be. Sylvester Hands manages to trick her twice, with a Love Potion and a Wand of Majesty.

In the final year, Fear makes a replica of Sidriss out of a skeletron. It takes some persuading the blinkered Hordriss that it is not his daughter.

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