Majida the Genie. Played by Jackie Sawiris.

Majida, the Genie

By Keith McDonald

Majida was Treguard's second assistant. Fiery and obstinate, she quickly gets absorbed by the game and provokes a lot of laughs in her two-year spell.

Majida appears at the start of Series 7. Treguard accidentally releases her from a bottle.

She delivers a message from Pickle and announces herself as Treguard's new assistant.

You think a girl can't do this? Like camel I spit on you!


Majida the Genie, played by Jackie Sawiris in Series 7 of Knightmare (1993).

Majida was a genie of Eastern origin with an exorbitant name: Daughter of the Setting Moon, Whose Eyes are like Daggers in the Hearts of Men who guard the Great Caravan of the Sultan.

Initially, Majida is hot-headed and obstinate. She doesn't like being told what to do and acts reluctantly or with backchat.

She develops a reputation for saying what she thinks, however inappropriate.

But she gets increasingly absorbed by the game and concerned for the players. By Series 8, she is eager to assist and is fully behind the players from the start.

She saves her barbs for in-game characters, such as Sidriss's calamities or Maldame's sanctimonious rants.

Not a great deal is made of Majida's abilities as a genie. Like Pickle's knowledge of the forests, sometimes Majida could detect concealed magic. This gave a strong hint to the players.

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