The jolly tavern monk Brother Mace speaks Latin, dines with assassins, and swears by strong drink and insobriety.
- Series | 4, 5
- Played by | Michael Cule
Brother Mace belonged to the Order of Tavern Monks. He swore commitment to God and strong drink.
Mace was a jolly character, who spent a lot of time drunk and showing off his dubious Latin.
He was a regular source of help for dungeoneers. He might offer spells or information for a small donation to the church - or sometimes for free.
Nerves of steel
Mace is clearly not afraid of danger. He was often found in hazardous forest areas, such as Wolfglade or Dunkley Wood.
He was seen having lunch with an assassin in Series 4 and gambling with Sylvester Hands in Series 5.
On one occasion, Mace prepares to attack a dungeoneer, thinking he was a goblin.
Comedy gold
Scenes with Brother Mace were often comical, aided by Michael Cule's improvisation skills.
One team turns Mace into a lizard by convincing him to drink a green liquid supplied by Hordriss the Confuser.
Mace's role is often to supply teams with a joker card. He visibly humours one team that is struggling to answer a simple question. On another occasion, a drunken Mace struggles to find the joker in his deck.
Mace looks bemused when one Series 5 team asks him to prove his identity. He resorts to the robes, the paunch, and "the silly rope".