Hugo Myatt in rehearsals with Paul Flannery for Knightmare Live (2016). Picture credit: Jackie Vance.

Hugo Myatt Appears in Knightmare Live

By Keith McDonald

Knightmare's Hugo Myatt made a dramatic appearance in Knightmare Live this weekend, marking the end of the Udderbelly Festival.

In an unexpected twist to the final show on London's South Bank, dungeon custodian Treguard (Paul Flannery) was left prostrate on the stage after being struck by a Frightknight.

Thankfully, a replacement was at hand.

Out strolled Hugo to resume his duties as Master of Dunshelm once again, reviving his younger doppelganger with a LIVE spell.

In a striking turn of events, two Treguards faced off against two Lord Fears. And in true Knightmare fashion, there was little Hugo could do to prevent the opposition claiming a decisive victory.

With Knightmare creator Tim Child present, and guidance provided by Stuart Ashen (dungeoneer of the Geek Week episode) and comedian Paul Gannon, the show received a rapturous send-off ahead of the Edinburgh Fringe in August.

No victims spared

Keith as a Knightmare Live dungeoneer with Paul Flannery (Treguard) at the Udderbelly Festival, London South Bank, 2016.

It's been a rather bloodthirsty season for Knightmare Live. Not content with fobbing off dungeoneers left, right and centre, the tables finally turned on Treguard during the final London event.

The latest version of the live adaptation allows for multiple dungeoneers per show. It's not quite Le Chavalier du Labyrinthe - the French version of Knightmare where advisors replaced perished dungeoneers - but not too far shy.

It's required a lot of victims - and has provided two (by special invitation) during the current run.

My appearance came on the late May Bank Holiday Sunday. Guided by Simon Feilder (@simonfeilder) and Barry Brett-McStay (@bazmcstay), I ran into some very early trouble.

Simon's VLOG charts the journey (from 5:08).

You'll notice that, in a lateral reverse of Knightmare's infamous "side-step left" remark from 1990, I'm told to turn to my 'other right'. You can't account for that kind of clarity!

Not to be outdone, webmaster Alan Boyd finally brought down the curtain on his Knightmare immortality during the final show of the Udderbelly season.

A fiendish opening to the show meant an all-too-brief appearance, ending a hitherto unmatched double-winning streak.

Myatt's Moment

After three attendances at this year's run, I can say with conviction that Hugo's appearance was by some distance the highlight of the season.

The ovation raised memories of his cameo appearance two years ago when Knightmare Live appeared at the Lyric Theatre on Shaftesbury Avenue.

Paul and Hugo are currently working together on Bewilder Box, an interactive story and escape adventure based in Brighton that reached its funding target of £3,000 via Kickstarter. Hugo will also be making an appearance at Skegness Comic Con at the Embassy Theatre in July.

Photo credit: Hugo in rehearsal - Jackie Vance

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