Top deck of the Golden Galleon in Series 8 (1994).

Golden Galleon

By Keith McDonald

A ship that transferred dungeoneers between Lord Fear's two towers in the final series.

The Golden Galleon was a vessel that sailed across the Great Mire. Dungeoneers boarded it to travel from Linghorm to Marblehead, where their quest object was based.

The decks of the Golden Galleon, as seen in Series 8 of Knightmare (1994).
The deck is guarded by miremen

Teams usually arrived at the jetty or on the top deck. Their challenge was to evade miremen guards and get below decks, where they might find supplies or a spyglass.

A cabin onboard the Golden Galleon, as seen in Series 8 of Knightmare (1994).
A cabin on the Golden Galleon

Players disembarked onto the Docks of Marblehead where opportunists such as Honesty Bartram or Maldame might try and strike a trade.

The docks outside the Tower of Marblehead, as seen in Series 8 of Knightmare (1994).
The Docks at Marblehead

The vessel wasn't used solely by dungeoneers. One team encounters the unlikely pair of Motley and Stiletta who had decided to raid Lord Fear's bullion chamber in Level 3.

The important thing here is to get below decks as soon as possible.


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