Julius Scaramonger was a crafty and opportunistic merchant who had a stall in Wolfenden and traded elsewhere in the dungeon.
- Series | 5, 6
- Played by | Rayner Bourton
Julius Scaramonger was an unscrupulous trader with a Liverpudlian accent and a clever way with words.
Brother Mace refers to him as 'merchant by trade and scoundrel by religion'.
Who do I have the pleasure of diddling - I mean, dealing with?
Streetwise Scaramonger
Scaramonger looked for ways to dupe gullible dungeoneers. His bartering skills sometimes unsettled teams and pressured them into wrong decisions.
He might try to sell them something useless, like an invisible sword or a fake spell scroll. He sometimes gave out fake passwords. Sometimes he might get them into trouble by fleeing the scene of a crime.
Scaramonger's most successful ruse was to sell one dungeoneer a CHANGE spell that turned him into a goblin.
Rogue to ruins
Scaramonger builds a reputation in Series 5 for dodgy dealing and other misdemeanours such as poaching. Lord Fear is interested in recruiting him, but Scaramonger wants to remain neutral.
The following year, in Series 6, Scaramonger is forced to reconsider after he loses trade to the new trader, Ah Wok.
Firstly, he asks Lord Fear to eliminate the Oriental trader. He then tries to smuggle a dragon caller into the dungeon.
Scaramonger ends the series drunk and destitute, and grateful for what little gold he can find.