Weald and Downland Living Museum (Wolfenden)


By Keith McDonald

Wolfenden was the village on the borders of Wolfglade where traders usually set up their stalls.

Wolfenden was a settlement that most dungeoneers encountered in the early stages of the quest in Series 5 and 6.

Teams might appear in the centre of town or, during Series 6, at a grass verge on its outskirts.

The centre of Wolfenden, as seen in Series 6 of Knightmare (1992).
Wolfenden Centre

Wolfenden was commonly used as a marketplace. Trading rights were initially held by Julius Scaramonger, but in Series 6 he faced competition from an oriental trader, Ah-Wok.

As Wolfenden became a battle for territory, Scaramonger appeals to Lord Fear to bring 'brute force' into the marketplace. Fear obliges by sending in a samurai warrior.

The garden area became useful for tricks of perspective. One team summons a giant Hordriss to warn him about his daughter's capture.

A garden in Wolfenden, as seen in Series 6 of Knightmare (1992).
Wolfenden Garden

Another dungeoneer uses a magic ring to make herself grow larger and intimidate Scaramonger into handing over a dragon caller.

A charming little den of vice and iniquity.

Brother Mace

Wolfenden was based on the Weald and Downland Living Museum in Chichester, West Sussex, including the Market Hall and the Bayleaf Farmhouse and garden.

A shot of the settlement at Weald and Downland Living Museum in Chichester, West Sussex.

A shot of the settlement at Weald and Downland Living Museum in Chichester, West Sussex.

A shot of the settlement at Weald and Downland Living Museum in Chichester, West Sussex.

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