Series 3, End of Series. The dungeon twists and warps before it disintegrates.

Series 3: End of Series

By Keith McDonald

The final dungeoneer of Series 3 is rescued by Treguard as the dungeon disintegrates.

Team 12: Christopher, James, Alex and Tim from Bristol

Christopher reaches the Level 2 clue room.

See their progress so far.

Chris reaches the Level 2 clue room. As he approaches the table, a horn blasts. The room begins to quake around him.

Treguard: "Extreme warning, everyone. That was the first blast. For time is turning and this age of the dungeon is approaching.

"When the third blast sounds, the dungeon will disintegrate, only to reform for the next phase."

Knightmare Series 3 - End of season. A trumpet blows in the Level 2 clue room.

The second blast sounds. The dungeon visibly disintegrates around Chris.

Treguard: "There! That was the second blast. Now all adventuring must cease while we rescue Chris and save him from destruction. Spellcasting, UNITE."

Chris is transported back to the antechamber.

Treguard: "There! Just in time. Now watch all of you, for the final blast must sound."

The third blast sounds. The dungeon explodes into shades of technicolour.

Knightmare Series 3 - End of series. The dungeon rooms begin to warp.

Treguard: "As for you - well, I suppose you weren't in any real danger. But then you didn't answer the challenge, did you? Perhaps you'll find the courage and wits to do so next time."

"And when will that come? Who knows? But one thing is certain...

"When the time turns once more,
and the fire burns as more,
and the gauntlet is hurled down,
then will the age of Knightmare be found."

Knightmare Series 3 - End of series. Treguard addresses the watchers.

Hear from the team

In 2022, Alex tweeted about his Knightmare experience:

'No extra footage filmed sadly [beyond what was seen in the episode] and we didn't hear about what was going to happen next. The producers were totally upfront with us at the start of filming and said we wouldn't be able to finish due to running out of time on the series.

That did mean though that they also didn't have time to get another team in, so as long as we didn't do anything too ridiculous, they didn't really want to kill us off before the series end...

The whole thing was great. Meeting Treguard, being on the set, actually doing the game for real. Behind the scenes it was great too. It actually took about an hour or more for them to load up each room, so between those times we had to wait in a room that had a C64 and a ton of games to play on it. We were all getting pretty competitive on it. James' Dad was the adult that supervised us, but we were staying in pairs in our own hotel rooms, so that felt like a big adventure too.

Also, whilst we were staying up where it was filmed ... we went to see the first Tim Burton Batman film, which was really exciting!'

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