Black keyboard with colour LEDs. Photo by Mateo Vrbnjak on Unsplash.

RPG Season 1 Quest 3

By Nicholas Lam

The third quest from the first season of the Knightmare RPG. The team is Michael and Forester.

Session 3 - 30.10.99


Treguard Let us see, who is brave enough to path through the dungeon. Enter Strangers. Who Challenges my dungeon?

Michael i do

Treguard You alone?

Michael Forseter has joined me

Treguard You both have some small previous experience of dungeoneering I hope?

Michael yes

Treguard Very well then

Treguard Now let me explain the rules of the dungeon to you. You have a knapsack with which you must put food into. You also have a life force. To feed your life force, you must place any food in this knapsack, but place only food there, for any other objects will also be consumed. When you put food into your knapsack, your life force will go to what is known as condition green. If you tread badly on the path you will lose one life force grade.

Treguard Also, I Treguard will be your guide. I will describe objects and settings to you and even talk you through conversations with any people you may meet, friend or foe unfortunately. Any movement you want to make must be done through me.

Treguard REMEMBER THAT I CAN DESCRIBE OBJECTS TO YOU IF YOU WISH, but I am not allowed to tell you what to do or pick up. In this realm lie four of the classic quest objects. Decide now which will be the object of your quest : The cup that heals which some call the chalice, the the sword of freedom, the crown in glory or the shield in justice.

Michael crown

Treguard Okay, off you go. Oh I'm sorry I didn't ask you if you had any last requests, but you're not going to turn back now are you?

Michael no

Treguard Very well, turn then, face the door and take a step forwards


Treguard You enter a dark room made out of stone, which has evidently rotted away over the years. Ahead of you is an exit, and next to the exit is a large bare patch of wall which for some reason doesn't look as old as the rest of the room. In front of you on the floor though are some objects.

Michael describe objects

Treguard There are a: Scroll, Orange, Bone, Bottle with the label aspirin, cross bolt

Treguard The scroll says: "Nic Nac Paddy Whack says you should migraine to another country."

Michael describe bottle

Treguard The bottle contains white tablets and has the label aspirin on it

Forester Michael: Any ideas what the scroll could mean?

Treguard This is a nursery rhyme scroll

Michael shall we take the cross bolt and the bone?

Treguard with two clues about the objects

Forester Treguard: Can you confirm that the scroll says migraine?

Treguard Yep. As in headache (not the other one)

Treguard The scroll is in two parts

Forester Michael: We need the orange for food

Forester I think we should take the bottle as well since the scroll indicates that

Michael ok and the aspirin?

Michael yeah ok

Forester I don't know what we should take as the 2nd object but I suspect the bone

Michael yeah we'll take the orange and the bone

Treguard The last part of the scroll could be a clue

Treguard The cross bolt is that which is fired from a cross bow. It is broken anyway

Michael ok

Treguard Think back to what Forester said

Michael pick up aspirin

Treguard OK. You pick up the aspirin

Treguard You now have the bottle and the bone

Treguard You exit the room, and walk down a blue dwarf tunnel. As you progress down the tunnel, you see bats fly past you. One nearly catches your ear, but you swing to the side just in time. You then exit through a portal.

Treguard You enter a Tudor style room with a few windows to the left. On your right are a hob and a woman cooking some soup at it. She turns and starts talking.

Treguard "Oi! You mustn't come in here! If his lordship spots you, he'll 'ave your head off. What is it you're doing here anyway?"

Michael push newer looking wall

Michael I'm on a quest

Treguard A quest. A quest!!! A quest for what?

Michael a crown

Treguard Oh, well mi lordship. Are you a king?

Michael yeah

Treguard Oh. Royalty. Finally. It's nice to have some

Michael who are you?

Treguard I'm Betty. Betty the cook

Treguard I run this house for his lordship

Michael nice to meet you

Treguard Listen there's someone I'd like you to meet

Michael who?

Treguard Rocky, mi dog

Treguard Suddenly, a dog walks in front of you and blocks your path.

Treguard That's good old Rocky that is, I tell you, that dog is so strong, I'm sure he'll become a boxer one of these days! He won't barge though in a month of Sundays, sorry, but you're just going to have to go the way you came in.

Forester Michael: I think the bone will help here :)

Michael give the dog the bone

Treguard You give the dog the bone, and it scurries off with it into a corner.

Michael go to exit

Treguard You exit the room. Again you proceed down a blue dwarf tunnel but this one is much older. You exit at the other end. You emerge in another room with an exit and another bare wall in front of you

Michael is there anything in the room?

Forester Anything suspicious looking?

Treguard Not really

Michael go to exit

Treguard A face in the wall appears and starts talking to you.

Treguard "Tell the truth, and tell it you will if you wish to proceed. To see I think that you should be able to pass I will ask you three questions, answer one question or no questions, and you will die. Answer two or three questions fully, and I may let you live, I might even give you some information on your quest. You must agree. Ready?"

Michael yes

Forester Yes

Treguard "Retreating from Moscow was done by someone. But who retreated from Moscow in 1812?"

Forester Michael: I've no idea

Michael pass

Treguard Napoleon

Treguard "Changing colours and changing moods. But what creature changes it colour according to it's surroundings?"

Michael a chameleon

Treguard Truth Accepted

Treguard "A famine of potatoes occurred between 1830 and 1910, but which country did this famine occur in?"

Forester Michael: Ireland I think

Michael ok

Treguard Truth Accepted

Treguard "Very well, you may pass. Your quest is a long one, be careful along the way. But may I advise you that along the path, you take the path of United Kingdom primary colours (not the US ones), for if you don't, then you will take a fatal fall into the chasm of eternal pain!

Michael go to exit

Treguard You go through the exit and appear in a large room with rows of hexagons. The rows increase and decrease in size as they go along. You walk up to the first row

Treguard Green, Red

Michael red

Treguard Blue, Purple, Orange

Michael blue

Treguard Orange, Purple, Red, Green

Michael red

Treguard Yellow, Orange, Green,

Forester Micheal: Er I'm stuck

Michael mee too

Forester Treguard could you repeat last selection

Michael its not orange

Treguard Yellow, Orange, Green,

Forester Why not orange?

Treguard Orange is not a primary colour

Forester I got it

Treguard Remember the primary colours are colours which cannot be made with any other colours

Treguard Can Yellow be made with any colours?

Forester I think its green

Forester Agree?

Michael yeah me too

Michael actually yellow

Forester Hmm Blue Yellow make green

Treguard Green, Blue

Forester phew

Treguard (yellow was correct)

Treguard Green, Blue

Forester Blue

Treguard "You exit at the other side of the room. You emerge in another room with four exits in it. One on the right, two in front of you, and one on the left. To the right is a man with his head in his hands. He talks to you."

Treguard "Oh hello there young person. I am in need of help. I have this infernal headache you see, and I can't get rid of it. If you have anything for it I would be most grateful."

Michael give man aspirin

Treguard "Why thank you young person. They will do nicely." The man quickly uncaps the bottle and swallows all of the pills at once, nearly choking in the process.

Treguard "Yes, that will do quite nicely. Don't worry, I'm as strong as an Ox, taking the lot shouldn't have any side effects on me, although. Well, in return for your help, I will tell you which exit to take, for the rule "Take the right hand path" does not actually apply here. You will see two exits ahead of you and one on the left and right, yes? Well ignore that and… Forget that; take the door marked "This Way". Tarrah.

Michael take that path

Treguard "You take the exit marked "this way"

Treguard "You take that exit, and appear in a room with a lever next to you and a cylinder in front of you. At present, the cylinder is turning round revealing different rooms to you. It appears that you must pull the lever when you see the room that you want to take. But choose wisely. The choices are as follows. Cliff ledge, Bomb Room, Dark Stone room, Troll Pen.

Treguard Be careful here team. Think, but use caution. Perhaps the best path is indeed the safest...

Treguard but it's up to you team

Michael dark stone sounds the safest but it could be a trick

Forester I think Dark Stone sounds safest as well

Michael shall we take that?

Forester k

Michael pull lever when dark stone room is there

Forester Stop the lever on Dark Stone room

Treguard You pull the lever

Treguard "You walk into a room with nothing in it except for a man. The man walks over to you."

Treguard "I have been looking for someone intelligent enough to earn the right to enter Level 2. If you answer this question, then I will give you this Firestone. You will need to use to it to get passage to Level 2. Ready?"

Michael yes

Treguard "A man traveling to Wolfenden meets three ladies. The ladies have five dogs which were bought from two different pounds. Of those pounds, the eight workers had two husbands each. But how many people were traveling to Wolfenden?"

Michael one the man

Treguard Truth Accepted

Treguard There is the firestone

Treguard Do you have any information about this level that is useful to me?

Forester Michael: What about the info on which path to take?

Michael take the path marked this way

Treguard Oh thanks. "Well, the exit is over there anyway. Use it."

Michael go to exit

Treguard "You exit and walk on to the back of a dragon."

Treguard There is a seat

Michael sit on seat

Treguard Well, the cheek of it. I suppose one has to accept that these days

Forester Sit down on the seat and request passage to level 2

Treguard Level 2 hey?

Treguard What about the fare?

Michael yes

Forester Firestone

Michael give dragon firestone

Treguard Oooh. Lovely. Well sit in the saddle and put the firestone in the saddle pouch provided

Treguard Off we go

Treguard The dragon takes a leap of faith and drops making enough speed to soar to level 2.


Treguard "You land on a patch of grass in front of some ruins and see some objects in front of you.

Michael describe objects

Treguard There are a scroll, Bar of Gold, Bow, Hairpin, Comb, knife

Michael read scroll

Treguard The scroll says. "Be a rich Archer. For if you don't, you will be cut up into pieces."

Michael take bow, gold and knife

Treguard Hmmm. You can only take two objects, not including the food of course

Treguard But there isn't any

Forester Michael: Bow and gold ?

Michael yeah

Forester Take Bow and gold

Treguard You now have the bow and gold

Michael go to exit

Treguard You exit through the exit and emerge in a room with a stand. On the stand is an arrow, but next to it is a space where something must be placed. Suddenly a man comes into the room and looks at you. He says"

Treguard "You there. You look like you have the object that fits the hole here. Someone stole a few months ago and didn't return it. If you do have it, then put it in. I will give you some information and will let you pass if you do so correctly. But if you don't, then to make myself happier, I will kill you."

Treguard warning team

Michael what shape is the space

Treguard you can't see, but the shape appears to be long, from top to bottom, about 6 foot

Forester Ask the man what the object was

Treguard Well, if I told you that, then it would be easy. COME ON. YOU'VE GO TO WORK FOR YOUR PAY!

Treguard Look. At what was next to it

Treguard An arrow

Michael put bow in space?

Forester I think its our only option

Michael ok

Forester Sounds reasonable anyway

Treguard hurry team!

Forester put bow in space

Treguard "Nice one son. I'm glad you put the right object in. I didn't think you were going to for a second. But anyway here's some advice. In the next room, the exit is actually alive. It will only let you through it with some kind of bartery, possibly with gold or silver. Okay, you go off then."

Treguard before i change my mind

Michael go to exit

Treguard Ripper Rark!

Treguard You enter a room with an exit in it.

Michael go to exit

Treguard Hey you.

Treguard you can't exit through here!

Michael why?

Treguard This is MY exit. Why should I let you through?

Michael I will give you some gold

Treguard Now what would I do with Gold, hey? Us exits shouldn't have to put up with people walking through us all of the time

Michael thats what you're there for

Treguard But, you're missing the point, us exits, we're superior to you humans!

Forester its the meaning of life to let people walk through you

Treguard WOW. Well what are you going to give me?

Treguard Oil? Some new hinges? A file to scrape off the rust?

Michael Forester: what shall we do?

Forester I think we need to convince it that it will be taken care of

Michael what do you want us to do?

Treguard I tell you what. You give me something and I'll let you through. I'm that kind

Michael what do you want?

Treguard what do you have?

Michael gold

Treguard Hmmmm. What could I do with gold?

Michael make a new hinge

Treguard "Very Well." The exit opens leaving you a path into the next section of this level.

Michael go to exit

Treguard "You walk across the bridge to the other side. On the way you see a scroll."

Michael read scroll

Treguard "You read the scroll. It says:

Treguard "LIFT"

Treguard this looks like a spell scroll team

*Forester scribbles down the spell

Treguard "You discard the scroll, and continue walking over the bridge towards the exit."

Treguard "You emerge in a room. The room doesn't have any exits whatsoever and there is a hooded man asleep on the other side of the room."

Michael go to man

Treguard "You go over to the man & he starts talking to you."

Treguard "Oh dear me, I forgot! It's just as well you woke me up? I'm going to be late!"

Michael for what?

Treguard "I was supposed to buy Olivia (that's my sister by the way) a present for her birthday. She wants a potion to charm her warts away. Unfortunately, I don't have enough money to buy my sister the potion.

Treguard But, I do know whom you could buy one off. If you go to the Witches' house, found behind this castle, then they might give you the potion, but you'll need something of interest to them in order to get it. What that object is, I don't know. I can't go, as I'm too weak and tired. Will you please help?"

Treguard what are you going to do team?

Michael help him if he will show us the way out

Treguard Well OK. "Good. To get out of this courtyard, you could either go out the way you came in, or find some other means. By the Way, in return for your help and generosity, I will help you find the means to get off this level. The exit off this level and into level 3 is usually accomplished by using the well, but it has recently disappeared. The reason for this is unknown to me. But in any case I can tell you how to get across the causeway.

Forester Say yes

Treguard But in any case I can tell you how to get across the causeway. Don't be EVEN, be ODD. Thank you.

Treguard The man lies back down on the floor and falls asleep.

Forester What visible exits are there?

Treguard There are no exits. You must find some way of getting out of this courtyard. Be it through a wall or what

Forester I think we need to use the lift spell what do you think?

Michael yeah

Forester Spell casting L-I-F-T

Treguard "You use the spell and are immediately lifted into the air. You then move up and over the wall in front of you and set down in a room. The room itself has an exit, several arched windows and a large table in front of you with some objects on it"

Michael go to table

Treguard You look on the table and see objects, there are:

Treguard Scroll, Apple, Potion, Valuable necklace, Brass Key, Soap, Bar of Gold, Bag of Silver

Michael read scroll

Treguard "The scroll says:

Treguard Make a clean getaway whilst wearing luxury goods"

Forester Take the Apple

Michael take soap and necklace as well

Treguard You take the apple. Just as well, as on your life force clock, you were down to the eyes

Treguard You take those objects

Forester Michael: Soap and Necklace agree?

Michael yes

Michael go to exit

Treguard "You exit the room. You enter another hexagonal puzzle room. In the room are five rows of hexagons, increasing and decreasing in number as you go along. From your position you can see number on the hexagons. You walk up to the first row.

Treguard Now remember team, what info you have been given, be careful!

Treguard 3 and 2

Michael 3

Treguard 2, 5 and 4"

Michael 5

Treguard 1, 2, 4 and 8"

Michael 1

Treguard 0, 2, and 9"

Michael 9

Treguard 6 and 7

Michael 7

Treguard "You get to the other side of the room and exit just with enough time to see the last hexagon plummet down behind you

Treguard "You emerge in a clearing and see the castle behind you. In the clearing are a few trees and some shrubbery. Suddenly, a man with rags on comes towards you."

Treguard "Uh,Uh, It's a dungeoneeva. Oooh, his master will be pleased. What are you up to then, and what's your name?"

Treguard both of ya

*Forester sticks a nose peg on

Treguard I don't smell that bad do I?

Treguard please help!

Forester Forester

Treguard or i'll set Gripper and Rark on ya

Michael Michael

Treguard Well, my name, is Sylvester 'ands. You know like feet but at the other end of your body. Now, I know that we've just met, but I'm afraid the goblins are hungry and there aint any food left, so I gotta go and bring somethin' back. I'm going to give you a chance though, cause I'm such a lovely person. Ya see, I have a problem with bein clean. Do you 'ave anything which might be able to help me out?"

Forester Offer him the soap

Michael give Sylvester soap

Treguard "Oh, that's great that is. Thanks. I think I'll let you go for helping me so much."

Treguard He walks off.

Michael go to exit

Treguard "You go to the far side of the clearing and come to a river side. On the right is a river, wild in flow, and on your left is a hut."

Michael go to hut

Treguard "You enter the hut and see a person sat down by a fire. She notices you and…"

Treguard "What is your purpose here human?"

Michael can you help me cross the river?

Treguard At this time of year the river is not crossable. What is it that a witch like myself can do for you?

Michael we need to get to the other side

Treguard Well, the exit over there should get you across

Treguard But, I sense you want more?

Treguard I could be mistaken

Forester Michael: This is the witch we needed to see to help out the man I think

Michael right

Treguard No? Well bye

Michael wait!

Forester Ask the witch if she has a potion to cure warts

Michael do you have a potion which cures warts?

Treguard I do

Treguard "And what will you give me in return for this potion? Do you have any witch amber?"

Forester No but we do have a delightful necklace

Michael no but i have a valuable necklace

Treguard Let me see. Ah yes, I do believe, yes. That is witch amber

Michael give witch necklace

Treguard "Very well. Here is your potion. Good day to you, human."

Treguard On the right side of the hut is an exit

Michael go to exit

Treguard "You exit the hut and walk down a path. At the end of the path you enter a small stone room which is mostly boarded up apart from the door. You enter. You enter a room with damp grey stone walls and a woman standing with her back to you in the far corner of the room."

Michael go to woman

Treguard "Oh hello, How are you? What can I do for you on this fine day. It's my birthday you know!"

Michael really?

Treguard yes

Treguard I've been expecting my brother, but he hasn't turned up yet

Michael we have a present from your brother

Treguard Oh do you. let's see, come on, don't be shy

Michael give her potion

Treguard "Why Thank you. How can I ever repay you? Would you like information or would you like a spell?"

Michael Forester: which?

Forester I don't think it will matter

Michael ok

Michael spell

Treguard "Okay, well, I have a spell called WELL, that might be useful to you. Or I have the spell FREEZE. But you must be quick though, because when you're at the end of Level 2, especially in this room, it's not always a good idea to stand around!"

Forester Michael: I think the Well spell is the one we need

Michael take WELL spell

Treguard "There's your spell. Now I must be going now, as I should go and meet up with my brother. Farewell."

Treguard "The woman exits the room, leaving you. The room doesn't have any other exits, and is the last room of this level."

Michael are there any objects?

Treguard No. Just an empty room with no exits

Michael nothing in it?

Treguard[Time Out!]

Treguard Well. Time turns in the MOST annoying times

Michael you're telling me!

Treguard To see whether brave young Michael and Forester battle their way through the rest of the dungeon

Treguard Next WEEK

Treguard For when Time turns...

Treguard THE Knightmare RETURNS............

Treguard[Theme Tune]

Session 4 - 06.11.99

Treguard is the host

Michael and Forester are the dungeoneers (team game).


Treguard Welcome watchers. I, Treguard am your host. I will take you deep into the dungeon dimensions. Here's a look at what happened last time:

Treguard Michael and Forester proceeded through level one where they earned a fire stone which gave them flight. In Level 2 they met Samuel, agreeing to the task of getting a potion for his sister, which they gladly did. They found Olivia and gave her the potion and so earned a spell. What will they do now? We will see, for the game is now upon us.

Treguard "There's your spell. Now I must be going now, as I should go and meet up with my brother. Farewell."

Treguard "The woman exits the room, leaving you. The room doesn't have any other exits, and is the last room of this level."

Forester Spellcasting W-E-L-L

Treguard "You use the spell, and after some flashing lights, a well appears."

Treguard Well done team

Michael go to well

Treguard "You climb into the well and fall down leaving Level 2, and entering the bowels of Level 3".

Treguard "You fall through cobwebs and decayed vegetation. Looking down, you see some light, but the light quickly fades away. Eventually you hit a grate on the floor. Looking up, you see the hole in the ceiling, which was the passage you travelled down. You appear to be in a dungeon, but the gate is unlocked. There is a man next to you. He helps you up and starts talking."

Treguard "Oh, don't worry, we won't be in here for long, I was just waiting for the right moment to escape. I tell you what; how's about we trade. I'll give you some information if you pledge to me.

Michael Pledge what?

Treguard To my allegiance. You will serve me and my brotherhood. Without us, you are defenceless

Forester Michael: I think we have little choice

Michael ok

Treguard It's up to you team

Michael we'll pledge

Treguard "Splendid. Okay here is some information that will be useful to you in this dismal level.

Treguard 'Right can be right when it is correct, but left can also be right. Be left and your way is right. Go right and your right is not so right. Go ahead, or on the other ahead and you'll lose your head in the way.'

Treguard Have you got that? Also, on the great causeway, take the path of aggression. It is your only way of crossing. Go on then off with ya.

Treguard The man waits at the door and then quickly runs out.

Michael go to exit

Treguard "You enter a room with four exits. One on the left, two in front of you and one to the right. There is also a wall which is moving towards you. You have thirty seconds until you'll be crushed by the wall."

Michael left or right?

Forester left

Michael left

Treguard "You go through the left door. You progress through a long narrow hallway and enter a stone room shaped like a circle. In the middle of the room, is a table with some objects on it."

Michael go to table

Treguard There are some objects on the table:

Treguard Bread Roll, Scroll, Potion with the label 'Up', Potion with the label 'Down', Spell Scroll with the label 'Freeze', Potion with the label 'Hot'

Michael take roll

Michael read scroll

Treguard 'Stand Still Thief! Lower is much more preferable than higher.'

Michael take 'down' potion

Treguard you pick it up

Treguard Suddenly you see an Automatum behind you

Forester Is the spell scroll classed as an item?

Treguard you have about fifteen seconds

Treguard You can look at the spell scroll

Forester Look at it

Forester Michael: How about Hot bottle

Michael yes

Treguard The spell is called Freeze

Treguard you have 10 seconds

Forester Take Hot bottle

Treguard OK

Forester take exit

Treguard "You emerge in a room with no exits. At the other end of the room, you can see a patch on the floor which has been filled up with sand. Perhaps there was once something there. Around the room are objects such as guillotines and nooses. It appears that you have entered some kind of stock room."

Treguard 1 minute

Michael go to sand patch

Treguard You walk over to the sand patch

Treguard It holds your weight

Treguard 30 seconds

Forester Michael: Down potion?

Treguard Life force is degrading team

Michael yeah

Treguard whatever you're going to do, do it fast

Forester Drink down potion

Treguard "You use the down potion. After a short while, you see the sand that once filled in a hole, fly up and disappear. A set of stairs have been made available for you."

Michael go down stairs

Treguard "You walk down the stairs, and into the lower sections of level 3. Who knows what you'll meet there.


Treguard You emerge on a small block of stone. In front of you are various rows of squares and circles. Looking further ahead, you see that the puzzle extends quite far. It appears that you have reached the Great Causeway. You walk up to the first row of squares.

Treguard You must use your knowledge to get across to the other end of the room."

Treguard You step on the first square and some more squares appear in front of you.

Treguard The square that you are on says:

Treguard VI + I

Treguard You have 2 options: VII IV

Michael VII

Treguard A fright knight appears above

Treguard it counts the seconds that are left

Treguard Hurry team!

Forester We said VII

Treguard Correct

Treguard You are now on a VII

Treguard Another block appears next to you saying:

Treguard - V

Treguard You have 3 options:

Treguard I X II

Michael II

Treguard You are now on a II

Treguard Another block appears next to you saying:

Treguard + X - I

Treguard You have 3 options:

Treguard X XI IX

Michael XI

Forester XI

Treguard You are now on a XI

Treguard Another block appears next to you saying:

Treguard + II - VII - III

Treguard You have 2 options.

Treguard IV III

Michael III

Treguard "You get to the other platform and are confronted with Hexagons all next to each other. They read from left to right as:

Treguard S Q T E U

Forester Michael: No idea

Michael S

Treguard You step on the S and nothing happens.

Forester Q

Treguard You step on the Q, it lights up

Michael how did you know that?

Treguard You are safe for now

Treguard but time is dropping again

Michael U

Forester I guessed

Treguard You step on the U, it lights up

Michael E

Treguard Because of the mistake before, your life force is at red

Michael ok

Treguard It lights up when you step on it

Michael S

Treguard It lights up

Michael T

Treguard It lights up "You step on the hexagons in the correct sequence, and are greeted with a final puzzle. It is composed of 5 rows of hexagons. You walk up to the first row and notice that the hexagons have pictures of different objects on."

Treguard A shield

Treguard A sword

Treguard which one?

Michael sword

Treguard A Crossbow

Treguard A helmet

Treguard A suit of armour

Michael crossbow

Treguard A shield

Treguard A helmet

Treguard A Knife

Treguard A suit of armour

Michael knife

Treguard A crossbow

Treguard A shield

Treguard A helmet

Michael crossbow

Treguard A sword

Treguard A helmet

Michael sword

Treguard "You make it to the other end of the room and see a scroll. You pick it up and read it, it says:

Treguard "Backfire"

Treguard "You then exit through the door."

Treguard This is another spell

Treguard It could prove useful

Treguard "You emerge in a large room. On the left is the Crown and on the right is a man, who talks to you."

Treguard "Stand there, little human. You have got this far, but you will proceed no further. I have killed many people in my time, and taken their belongings, so you'll make no difference either way. Die!"

Treguard "You have only precious seconds left before he will kill you, what will you do?"

Treguard Spell Casting!

Michael F-R-E-E-Z-E

Treguard "You use the freeze spell. The man suddenly looks blue and he shivers. After a short while, he turns into an ice cube and keels over. You pick up the Crown and win the game."

Treguard "Well done, you have completed the dungeon. Not many people have done that I can tell you. This is an achievement that will live with you forever. Thank you for completing it and taking part."

Treguard You have achieved what nobody else has in this dungeon

Treguard Congratulations

Michael thanks

Treguard I bow to both of you

Treguard [Fan Fare Sounds]

Treguard Hmmmm, now where did I put those trophies? Well, anyway, your names will be listed on a scroll of honour

Treguard they're the only names so far

Michael great

Treguard MERLIN!!! Trophy time

Treguard Ahhh. Treguard..... And Michael and Forester

Treguard and the Crownnn?????!!!!!!

Treguard Well here are your trophies

Treguard I'll send you certificates by dragon mail

Michael yeah

Treguard Well I've got to go back now and do some cooking

Treguard No, no that's not right

Treguard Spell Casting?

Treguard Ah yes. Spell casting R-E-T-U-R-N

Treguard Well team. Now I Treguard will use some magic. Well Done. Spell Casting H-E-R-O-E-S.

Treguard [Michael & Forester disappear]


(Next quest)

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