The Knightmare RPG was run by Adam Battersby, most recently in 2001. A brief summary of the project and how it worked.
The RPG was held in the Knightmare Chat Room, using a Magic Mirror to display images in 2000 and video clips in 2001.
Three series were completed. Several more series were planned and filmed but not produced.
Knightmare RPG rules
Chat Room:
- Watchers are welcome but must not interfere with the RPG.
- Contestants and watchers should be in chat by 7:15pm. The RPG runs for approximately 60 minutes.
- The Magic Mirror is necessary for the game. Please use Internet Explorer 5.0 or above and RealPlayer, and have your screen size set to 800x600.
- RPG teams can be 2 or 3 members.
- Players write what actions they want to take.
- Players must discuss with team members in the normal chat window, not by IMs.
- Teams must not seek help from other chat room users.
Advance game play information:
- Do not take weapons of your enemies unless utterly necessary.
- You can hold up to two items at any time, but you may be gifted with magical objects which do not count as an item.
- You can possess as many spells as you like but you only have enough manna to cast three spells maximum.
- Dictionaries, calculators and other related equipment should not be used.
- If you reach the end of a level and still have any items, you should abandon them.
- The object of your quest is determined at the start.
- Often, different paths will be available to you. These will affect the outcome of your quest.
- If your quest ends, please do not be abusive. Otherwise, you will be warned, then kicked, then banned for repeat offences.