The Level 1 trapdoor room from Series 8 of Knightmare.

Trapdoor Rooms

By Keith McDonald

Often guarded, these rooms contained the trapdoor that allowed teams to descend to the next level in Series 8.

In the final series, the passage to the next level was by trapdoor. It was a return to the simplicity of Knightmare's wellways from the early series.

The trapdoor was a simple mechanism in the centre of the room. Teams had to discover a way to open this and then to soften their fall.

The Level 1 Trapdoor Room, as seen in Series 8 of Knightmare (1994).
The Trapdoor Room in Level 1

Trapdoor rooms were often guarded by a red dragon or skeletrons. Dungeoneers could bypass these threats with magic, such as a ring or spell that dismantles skeletrons.

In one case, Lord Fear has disguised a skeletron to look like Sidriss. The team must compel Hordriss to recognise the danger and then dispatch it.

Once past the guards, dungeoneers needed magic to survive the landing, such as a FLOAT spell or a 'feather of falling'.

One team is told by Rothberry the Apothecary that opening the trapdoor needs two people, which is not the case in other quests. Rothberry assists the team by using a flying potion.

The Level 2 Trapdoor Room, as seen in Series 8 of Knightmare (1994).
The Trapdoor Room in Level 2

When a dungeoneer attempts to take a doorway instead of a trapdoor, it triggers a fireball which consumes him.

The only way to descend without using a trapdoor was to take the short-cut, which passed directly from Level 1 to Linghorm in Level 3.

Here we are, the great trapdoor room. This is the entrance to Level 2.


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