Sketch from the original titles created by Siriol, (with motion film filter applied)

Title Sequences

By Keith McDonald

Knightmare's original opening title sequence, which lasted for five of its eight series, was created by animation company Siriol.

Knightmare Titles, Series 1-5

Lightning strikes over the castle in the original opening title sequences in Knightmare.

The original Knightmare titles were created by Siriol. In the closing titles, they are credited as by Tom Bailey and David Edwards. The Knightmare logos were designed by Robert Harris.

The character behind bars in the original opening title sequences in Knightmare.

The titles for Series 4 and 5 were adjusted to fit in with new theme music. The animation of the figure trapped behind bars was removed for shorter opening titles.

Knightmare Titles, Series 6-8

Dungeoneer evades a snapdragon during the new opening titles in Knightmare (Series 6-8).

The new title sequence was designed by The Travelling Matte Company - Tim Varlow and Robert Harris - and animated by Gabriel Edwards.

Dungeoneer is caught by an emerging hand during the new opening titles in Knightmare (Series 6-8).

Original sketches

Bill Allison, a former Siriol employee, sent us some original sketches from the 1980s along with some animated clips.

The knight, from sketches for the original opening titles for Knightmare.

The knight and his horse, from sketches for the original opening titles on Knightmare.

A series of sketches for animation, showing the knight leaping on his horse.
A composite of the horse and rider leaping over the chasm

DownloadFirst animated clip (173.12kB)

DownloadSecond animated clip (55.34kB)

About Siriol

Siriol began in Wales in the early 1980s specialising in children's animation, and had many successful ventures, including SuperTed.

Around the time Knightmare went international, in 1989, Siriol did too. It collaborated with animation studios in France, Germany and Belgium to form EVA Entertainment. This new group set up co-productions with major European broadcasters.

The company and its assets have passed ownership several times since an initial takeover in 1998. In 2010, Calon TV, the company that absorbed Siriol, entered liquidation. Robin Lyons, one of Siriol's original founders, formed Mount Stuart Media, which remains an active company.

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