My Knightmare poem

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My Knightmare poem

Post by PookasRule »

I hope you all enjoy it:

My favourite TV show was and is Knightmare
Come and brave the dungeon if you dare
Treguard waits to welcome you
Will you be one of the lucky few
To escape the dungeon's dangers and tricks
Watch where you step or you'll get your licks
Will you fall in terror under Lord Fear's hand
Or be ensnared by Mogdred, the most feared sorcerer in the land

You better be prepared to test your wits
Against some of the wall monsters' greatest hits
Collect items to use on your quest
But be doubly sure you choose only the best
Try not to take weapons, they usually don't work
Or else your dungeoneer will likely be damned to hell
You will most likely need some of Merlin's magic
Or else the result of your quest will be only tragic

Remember to take a breath when you meet Folly
The jester's humour can only be described as jolly
He will do his best to help you along your way
If you pay attention you'll come through at the end of the day
Beware the Automatum's mechanical arm
And many other creatures who seek to do you harm
But above all be careful about Lord Fear
If you are ignorant you will only say "Oh dear"

Smirkenoff the dragon is powerful, wise and brave
He is vastly different from Motley the knave
Hop on his back for a ride, but remember the fare
Or else you'll be hearing from Skarkill who's lurking everywhere
His goblins loyally following close behind
But who are thankfully more than likely blind
But beware those cuffs, ever-present and new
Or the game is most definitely over for you

You seek the cup, the sword or the shield
Once you set off, the adventures never yield
In and out of crypts and throne rooms, metting fair maids
Only to end up in the fearsome Corridor of Blades
Dodge and dive, the danger's always near
But there's no time to tremble in fear
Before (if) you reach the final showdown
You'll be hailed as a hero in your part of town

But then the question still stands
Do you have what it takes to master these lands?
There is only one way to find out, you have to take a chance
Or you'll find yourself on the business end of a painful lance
Have your three advisors and some courage at hand
These things come heavily in demand
And prepare for a danger frought with peril and danger
All to the command of "Enter stranger!"
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Re: My Knightmare poem

Post by Naitch »

I rather liked that... :)
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Re: My Knightmare poem

Post by frakilk »

I enjoyed that also, great work!
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Re: My Knightmare poem

Post by Pooka »

Some of the lines don't scan that well - unless your verse is EXTREMELY free, extra syllables exactly lend themselves to favour, especially as you're rhyming it. Nevertheless, it's a fun poem and a great tribute - and you evidently spent a lot of time writing it, so I can't fault you for that!
Pooka - teacher, writer, comedian, musician, geek, and full-time Knightmarian.
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