Series 3 - Episode 10


Series 3 - Episode 10

Post by 9inchsword »

Did anyone fall to sleep when Scotts team guided him along the pathway, with their preccision guided direction?
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Re: Team 9 - Scott Pathway Walk zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Post by Purgatory »

:D god they where terrible, feel sorry for them.
someone need to learn the left and right
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Re: Team 9 - Scott Pathway Walk zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Post by WhiteDevil »

could agree more  ;)

Team > Scott, sidestep to your right
Scott > Ok
Team > Stop
Scott > (Nah thats ok i think ill keep going)
Team > Sidestep to your left
Scott > (But i prefer going to the right so ill keep going thanks)
Team > To your left!!
Scott > That is my left, whooops, no its not

[Extra comments added for comedial purposes]

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Re: Team 9 - Scott Pathway Walk zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Post by Werewolf »

We should feel sorry for them; maybe they hadn't done angles at school, so they couldn't say "Turn 45 degrees to your, thats 44, keep going..."

Then again, maybe they were just a bit....dim  ::) I'll take advantage of the fast forward option when I watch the episode again on video.
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Re: Team 9 - Scott Pathway Walk zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Post by Selphie85 »

there was that poor girl Kelly. the team didn't learn to side step for about 10 mintues. then she got told to go left and right at the same time. also being told "kelly could you try and walk a bit faster please!" won't have helped
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Re: Team 9 - Scott Pathway Walk zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Post by MoanaLiza »

Sorry shortterm memory, but wasn't she the one who got told to walk backwards also?
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Re: Team 9 - Scott Pathway Walk zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Post by Selphie85 »

yes. yes i think she was, when thay were trying to get her through a door. poor love
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Series 3 - Episode 10

Post by HarveyTowers »

Another glimpse of the dark side of Treguard as he stood guard over his door.

Opened in the dwarf tunnels and into the maggot room where Mellisandre was feeding her pet "Rodney" Do you suppose she lets him play with Festus? We heard Melly's full name here, did anyone catch it?

The first step is the windmill.

Into the Great Corridor of the Catacombs - the version with the moving wall - before entering the Brangwen's chamber and getting a rather dismal 1 out of 3 on riddles on a "knight" theme.

Went for the gold and key leaving the glove but they didn't have much to go on, they couldn't even rule out one item as it was a weapon.

Into the snakes tongue room where Melly appeared and disappeared. Not sure they should have went through the mouth, but this prompted the stomach tunnel sequence last scene on level 3.

Found everbody's favourite room (the pool room) where it was Motley's bath night. They didn't warn him about the snake, was wasn't very nice. They lost some sort of clue there I'm sure.

Another lock-in. They didn't have the gauntlet to get through the mined chamber.
"Ohh, what a terrible mess"

New team in the dice room, choose the chalice door.

Straight outside to begin the quest where Melly was running about. Quite slow on the path but stayed on it reasonably well. Flipping the screen around is quite tough on the advisors, they just got used to guiding him then had to invert there directions.

The sword hung over the food in the next room and they made it through the bomb room.

Our second wall monster encounter of the evening, this time Golgarach's room. "Lord of the Rings" question here which would be quite tough for the time (no big films etc)

Timed out in the middle of question 3.
Last edited by HarveyTowers on 22 Jul 2004, 20:04, edited 1 time in total.
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Re:Series 3 - Episode 10

Post by Tom41 »

Is it just me, or was the image flipped horizontally (from where the last episode left off) when he was in the dwarf tunnel at the beginning?

Met Mellisandre feeding the 'worms'.
"Why have you got that silly hat on?" "Dunno"
Answered a 'nursery rhyme' question and gained a Step clue for later on. The green apple on the floor was hard to see due to the room being green as well! The advisers didn't notice it, only when the dungeoneer said he could see an apple
Odd that they needed food here, since they got food anyway in the clue room. Only scored 1/3 on Brangwen's riddles, so didn't get any information about what clue items to take. After a lengthy discussion, they took the key and the gold.

In the serpent's tongue room, Mellisandre appeared briefly and showed them the way to go. I think they were let off here, because the tongue stayed out for AGES when they started walking across it. However, they exited through the serpent's mouth instead, went down the 'stomach' corridor, but arrived in the pool room anyway.

This time, the pool was empty, and a giant snake appeared! Didn't tell Motley that there was a snake behind him, and eventually Motley noticed himself "Well, thanks for telling me!". They might have got some information from Motley if they'd told him about the snake sooner.

Died in the next room because they didn't have the gauntlet to stop the fuse from burning. No life-force death sequence this time, just a white screen!

Challenge cut off Treguard saying 'Enter Stranger' when they came back from the ad break. The new team's dungeoneer seemed quite young - the helmet looks so big on him! When he was taking the equipment from Treguard, you could see a wire coming out of his back pocket - something to do with his microphone I assume.

In the first room, the dungeoneer was so short that you could barely see his body! Rolled the dice, causing the advisers to say "We've got a dice on our screen now, and it's opened up". This time, they made the dungeoneer take the door with the cup symbol above it.

Went straight from here into the green valley (usually saved for later on in the game!). Mellisandre waved at them from the other end of the valley. The advisers seemed pretty insistent on him staying on the path, even if it did mean lots of small adjustments to his position! He definitely stepped off the path though, though not into the quicksand pit.
If you look carefully, you can see an area of slightly lighter green. I think this is the quicksand pit, hence why one dungeoneer died here - but this one didn't. Guess it's to stop people taking a short cut missing out the bend of the path!

Got some food in the next room, guarded by a magic sword which was moving up and down. Just managed to take it without the sword harming them. Then exited through the right hand door like the previous team!

Then into a bomb room, which they just managed to escape.

Timed out in front of Golgarach in the clue room. Got the first question about the Hobbit right, but got the second one (goblins called Orcs) wrong. We'll have to wait till tomorrow to see how they do on the 'maid who follows night' question.
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Re:Series 3 - Episode 10

Post by Billy »

My brother, a big LOtR fan, insists that Golgarach should have set Falsehood for question 1- it was Deegol, not Bilbo, who first recieved the ring.
As for Douglas's team, well, that was a disaster. They only scored 1 against the Brangwen-She (I wonder if we'll ever see her husband, the Brangwen-He? ;D), they ignored Mellisandre Makepeace Perhappenstance's waving, they missed all information from Motley after not warning him about the snake...there's no way they would have survived Level 1. And then they forgot the Gauntlet!
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Re:Series 3 - Episode 10

Post by MoanaLiza »

Oh dear, what can I say? I would say it's one of those blink and you miss it quests but anyway. End of timeout and in the dwarf tunnels where timeout previously occured. Onto a ledge next to a pit of maggots, with Melisandre feeding one. Get asked a question, which they get right (I knew the answer as The Owl and the Pussy Cat is my favourite poem/song). As Douglas exits he finds food. Into the corridor with the moving wall, which they took a while exiting. The wall seemed to stay where it was after it had moved twice and didn't move until Douglas was guided out. Into Branwen's clue room, where they only get one riddle correct and didn't get much information. Douglas was told to take the key and the gold and then he was guided out. On the ledge to the serpent's tongue with Melisandre appearing on another ledge briefly. They Douglas walk onto the tongue a short way, then tell him to stop, move to the right and then forward, which meanwhile the tongue started moving again and Douglas wasn't told to stop. Into the serpent's mouth and along a short stomach type dwarf tunnel. In the pool room, minus the water but with Motley in it instead. Motley tells Douglas about wanting a bath and someone had pulled the plug out. A snake appears behind Motley and so Douglas is directed along the ledge to go towards the exit. Motley eventually notices the snake a sarcastically thanks them for not warning him about it and quickly leaves. Douglas is then guided out of the room. In the bomb room they take a while describing the room, to which Treguard prompts thenm to exit quickly. By the time Douglas guided it's too late and BOOOOOM.

Next Scott in the dice room, roll the dice, the three doors appear and a challice appears above the middle door. Take that middle door and onto the long green path. On the path we see Melisandre appear and wave briefly. When Scott is guided a short way along the path, we see behind him where there are (frozen) goblins on the beginning of the path. The goblins appear to take a long while to move, whilst it seems to take an even longer amount of time for the advisors to direct Scott from one end of the path to the other. At one point when the camera cut to the advisors and then back to Scott, we see scott about one or two widish steps away from the path and being directed back onto the path. At the end of the path there is food with a sword gurding it. Scott is guided carefully and quickly to get the food and then guided out of the right hand exit. In the bomb room takes a little while to be guided out, but manage to get out on time. Into a dwarf tunnel and Golgarach's clue room. Timeout occured during the questions.

End credits sees the Ogre in the dwarf tunnel and the announcer making a comment about Treguard's faketan.
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Re:Series 3 - Episode 10

Post by Willowherb »

Not warning Motley about the snake was just daft - did they not have the tiniest inkling that if you see a dangerous creature behind someone it might be a good idea to let them know? And there's also the fact that helping someone in the dungeon (usually) leads them to helping you. I'm not surprised this team didn't last too well.

As for Golgarach's Tolkien question to the next team - it was no more difficult than a lot of the Greek mythology-related questions that often turn up in the clue rooms. The books have always been very popular.
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Re:Series 3 - Episode 10

Post by DazzaS »

I like BillyH's point about the ring, but i am not sure if it was ever properly confirmed in the books that Smeagel and Doogel were actually hobbit, only that they were similar.

The Lord of Rings question may not be asked today as everyone will ow know the answer.

But the new team we have seems to be a bit on the slow side here, you could see Treyguard wanting them to hurry through the valley. But their sense of direction seemed a bit off to me, they were lucky i believe not to sink in quicksand when the dingeoneer came off the path

At least he was quick when he had to be with the food and sword.
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Re:Series 3 - Episode 10

Post by Dan »

Harvey Towers wrote:We heard Melly's full name here, did anyone catch it?
If I recall correctly, it's "Mellisandre Makepeace Perhappenstance".
BillyH wrote:My brother, a big LOtR fan, insists that Golgarach should have set Falsehood for question 1- it was Deegol, not Bilbo, who first recieved the ring.
DazzaS wrote:i am not sure if it was ever properly confirmed in the books that Smeagel and Doogel were actually hobbit, only that they were similar.
Sméagol and Déagol were both Stoors, the southernmost of the three strains of Hobbits, so the answer should indeed have been Deagol, yes. That makes the question much, much harder, of course, but that's Series 3 for you. Shame on the researchers! :)

(excuse the incorrect time-of-post on the quotations; it was the only way I could find to get the board software to display the name of who I was quoting...)
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Re:Series 3 - Episode 10

Post by darkDescender »

Curses! Missed it! I fell asleep and missed the entire episode! Still, thanks to this forum I can easily find out what I missed, so...yeah.
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