Funniest moments

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Funniest moments

Post by Velda »

OK everyone, what are your favourite funny moments in the whole of Knightmare?  These include banter between characters (maybe including dungeoneer), hilarious deaths etc...

Some of the funniest moments for me are:

1)  Series 4 - Simon from Wales being told to 'side step to the left' in the Block & Tackle and falling down the hole!

2)  Series 5 - The dungeoneer turned goblin saying the wrong password to the blocker and more than that, saying the causeway combination in the wrong order!  Lol!

3)  Series 6 (I think!) - Sly Hands fishing in the barrel on his 'Day Orf'

4)  Series 7 - Sly Hands (again!) jumping out of the mural on Julie's quest and then proceeding to get drunk, then singing 'Ten Dead Goblins Sittin' On The Wall'!

5)  Series 7 - Lots in Barry's quest (my fave ever quest and team!).  Including Barry & his team's banter, Barry bumping into the wall in the dark room, Lord Fear turning Lissard into Marta then asking him out, Barry making a mistake with the jar of humbugs and thinking it said 'a jar of humus' in the dwarf tunnel and then putting the boot down on Raptor and his goblins!

6)  Series 8 - The fireball room in Daniel's quest: the way Gideon was acting was hilarious!
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Re: Funniest moments

Post by Velda »

Oh I remembered another fave moment of mine!  :)

Series 5 - Kelly's quest (the last team of the series).  When she walked onto Smirky's back and before he'd taken off, one of her advisors said "You're still flying now towards a castle"!  Also when Smirky had landed in the castle ruins, another advisor described the portal that Kelly was walking towards as "a hole in the wall"!  Maybe it's just me, but I found that very funny!

The reason I remember that clearly is that I've still got the last bit of that quest on a video tape somewhere!
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Re: Funniest moments

Post by GrimaldineGrimwold »

My favourite funny moments are usually when the teams do or say something silly. So Simon side-stepping to his left in the Block And Tackle is one of my favourites too. I'd also mention (and yes, I know I've mentioned 2 of these plenty of times before):

- Series 2 Team 11 who misread "POTION" as "POISON" and therefore had to desperately offer Lilith an empty jar of humbugs.

- Series 3 Team 10- while dungeoneer Julie is being killed by goblins, the advisor who suggests offering them "a present". When the goblins had appeared in the corridor, they'd also made the poor dungeoneer shout "Who's there?".

- Series 5 Team 2 and their valiant attempt to convince Skarkill to accept a "magic horn".

I also liked one of the Treguard/Majida set pieces in Series 8, which ran something like the following:
Majida: "Well if everything stops for time out, why don't I stop for time out?"
Treguard: "I'm working on it, madam. Believe me, I'm working on it."
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Re: Funniest moments

Post by Debz_g »

Erm...there are many, but the one that comes to mind right now is the moment when Barry (everyone's favourite dungeoneer who needs no surname! ;D ) was  entering the dwarf tunnels for the first time being really assertive and guiding himself, when Brother Strange appears, banging his staff. Barry proceeds to...ahem... ''something" a brick and almost runs in the other direction!! Even Cliff Barry found it funny as he sort of tittered when he said summat like "No need to worry, I mean you no harm!"
There was another moment in the dwarf tunnels when Barry thought there was summat behind actually it was a camera!
Good old Barry, bring him back in either Time Gate or KM Live as one of the characters, tv at its best!! :D

I also liked the banter between Majida and Treguard, it was so different from the Treguard/Pickle banter because basically Majida was on the same level as he was. One of my favourite lines, beside Majida's Ha! Like Camel I spit on you line:
Majida: Can't you give anyone a straight answer?
Treguard: Hmm...Maybe!
Typical bloke  ;)
Last edited by Debz_g on 05 Dec 2002, 02:51, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Funniest moments

Post by DerbyGem »

My favourites (using the clips on this site as a basis because I haven't seen Knightmare in ages  :() are the end of season ones involving Lord Fear.  Especially "GOBLIN FODDER!" and "What, me, surrender? You must be absolutly out of your tiny MIINNNDDDAAAA!!"  8)
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Re: Funniest moments

Post by Emii »

The whole of Barry's quest made me piss - I could watch that over and over! Has anyone managed to get hold of Barry? We should drag him in here!

Also...I forget which quest it was (probably Barry's) where Brother Strange goes " path lies this way..." then looks over both shoulders as if to say "er...and which way's that?"

Pickle: "Now, if you ask me - you didn't ask me." *sulks*

Pickle: "Welcome watchers...blah blah blah" *Treguard walks in* "Ah-ha-HA!" *stamps foot*

Lord Fear: "Watch my mouth, Hands - and just for clarity, that is this orephis here...beneath my nose."

I'll think of some more later... ;D
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Re: Funniest moments

Post by Zell2002 »

The funniest part ever was when they always got the card problem wrong and fell down.
Soz thats just me but that was just the funniest! ;D
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Re: Funniest moments

Post by Malefact »

I like the bit on Barry's quest when they get to the Play Your Cards Right puzzle and a goblin chasing him falls off. Knice scream  8)
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Re: Funniest moments

Post by JamesA »

Series 3 Team 2 - Motley's first ever appearance:

"Here Cliff - mind you don't fall off the CLIFF...."  ;D
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Re: Funniest moments

Post by rachelesque »

we love barry  :-*


there was a fantastically dodgy line that i can't remember at the moment.  ill think on it.
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Re: Funniest moments

Post by JamesA »

3)  Series 6 (I think!) - Sly Hands fishing in the barrel on his 'Day Orf'
It was actually Series 7 Team 5, and just to confirm it:


There we go  ;D
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Re: Funniest moments

Post by Thanatos »

The scene from the last episode of Series 7 with Barry, Romahna, Hands, the goblins, the stocks and the potion...
Majida: Can't you give anyone a straight answer?
Treguard: Hmm...Maybe!
Reminds me of Paddy Ashdown who, when asked to describe himself in one word, said, "Er, perhaps 'decisive'?"
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Re: Funniest moments

Post by Velda »

Thanks James!  Hehe, I wasn't absolutely certain which series that scene was in - I kept changing my mind!  

Here's another funny moment from - you guessed it - Barry's quest!  Once he's met Brother Strange in the dwarf tunnel, he looks through the spyglass.  It's the bit where Lord Fear is admiring his new 'Shellphone' and Lissard is informing him of the spell he cast on Grimaldine and the green staff being broken up into little pieces and scattered throughout the first level.  During this conversation, Lord Fear's collar seems to lose a fastening or something, because it falls back a bit and there's a popping noise!  Who else has noticed this - I think it's hilarious! ;D
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Re: Funniest moments

Post by JamesA »

No prob Velda - I quite liked the "Ciao!" at the end of the shellphone conversation  ;D
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Re: Funniest moments

Post by Steve »

I Liked It when the team in series 3 guided their invisible dungeoneer off the cliff.

I actually watched this again very closely and couldnt believe that they actually GUIDED HIM OFF

Dungeoneer is seen to face the exit (left)just before he picks the talisman back up.
Advisors:Turn around to your right (Now facing the cliff) and walk FOWARD!

Duh! LOL ;D ;D ;D

Also good was when Lord Fear ended up in his own Communicatins pool thanks to a "splash" spell (that'll teach him to be such a smart aleck while wearing tights)

And we mustn't forget the other team in series 3 who tried to leave a chamber through the wall
Treguard: Heheh o_O there's no door there team
Last edited by Steve on 08 May 2003, 12:39, edited 1 time in total.

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