5 characters you'd like to see return

How might you change Knightmare if a new series were to be made?
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Re: 5 characters you'd like to see return

Post by AriadnesLayer »

Oh there are many and I'm going to cheat a little including some actors who played more than one charater and counting both of those characters as one entry :D

1) Brother Mace: great at improvising and an all-round enjoyable character who could work in a lot of different situations. I think hs character was limited by always sitting behind a table. Would be fun to see him help a dungeoneer along a floor puzzle or face some other challenge together. Basically I think the actor was great and I would throw him into as many different situations as possible!

2) Pickle - but IN the dungeon. I think he'd work well as a character in the actual game play, plus he could wind Treguard up by cheating (much like he sometimes did in the antichamber by saying too much or sneaking food into the napsack).

3) Greystagg/Sidress - both great characters particularly the former. Characters who were "potential allies but ultimately unaligned" were almost a clichรฉ in KM but this one pulled it off perfectly. You knew she'd help a dungeoneer but you also knew they'd have to tread VERY carefully with her. You could tell she really detested dungeoneers but only helped them because she detested Lord Fear that little bit more. As for Sidress, she wouldn't be my top choice for characters to bring back, but I did find her funny and since we're bringing the actress back we might as well have both characters.

4) Gundrada/Malice - in this instance I very much like both characters and would choose them both even if I was forced to put them in seperate entries. I think Samantha Perkins as Gundrada was one of the best in the series at improvising. She quickly built up a comfortable rapport with the dungeoneers and provided humour and a great deal of help to the team, while ultimately keeping her selfishness in the end ("I'm a bit bored of this now, I'm off!")
As for Malice, despite having a kick-ass name for a villain, she was deliciously malevolent. I loved that in some quests she was the Big Bad of level 3, and in others she could be found in level 1 handing out the eye shield. You never quite knew just what her motive was, but you were always sure she couldn't be trusted one bit. She was scary when she appeared all giant-faced and lightning-eyes, but she was even more unsettling when she was suspiciously trying to befriend them.

5) I would say Ariadne, but I guess she's more of a monster than a character, so my 5th choice would have to be Skarkill. I think he's an underrated character. I love lissard and also Sylvester 'Ands (who doesn't?) but they both had comedy elements to their characters and while Skarkill did as well, he was much more serious. He really wanted to kill those dungeoneers. And since my other entries inluded a lot of comedy characters I had throw in someone who was a genuine threat and there are few scenes in Knightmare more menacing than the Dwarf Tunnel scene where you can hear Skarkill's voice hunting and taunting the dungeoneer... chilling!!

There are other characters who I LOVED in the original series but plumped not to include - for example Hordriss. Everyone loves Hordriss, he's awesome. But I think by the time we reached Series 8, he'd done all he could do. He'd been in every situation, and he'd gone from untrustworthy mage to pompus but kindly old grandfatherly type figure. He was great but I'm not sure what he'd contribute to new episodes that were original. I'd rather see someone new offer something... new! :) And I say that with no disrespect to Hordirss as a character or Clifford Norgate who played him.
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Re: 5 characters you'd like to see return

Post by Canadanne »

Yep, there are so many great characters it'd be easy to list dozens of them - the limit of only 5 is so that we're forced to really evaluate which ones play an important role or would have something new to offer. I suppose the same-actor cheating is acceptable though. ;)

I find it quite hard to pick just 5. I'd have Cedric and Snapper-Jack because they're both personal favourites who weren't in it for very long, and I'd want to see some riddles in a new series. Brother Mace for exactly the reasons given in the post above - a very versatile character and Mike Cule can always be relied upon to come out with something clever and amusing off the top of his head. Aesandre, because I thought she was funny and very under-used, and I would love to see more communication between her and Fear. Not sure about the last spot... I too thought about Pickle as an in-dungeon character just because I'd really like to see him again.

I'm enjoying the variety of answers in this thread, btw!
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Re: 5 characters you'd like to see return

Post by Skarkill »

Hmmmmm here's an interesting thread. I'm going to discount Hordriss, Sidriss & Smirkenoff from my list not because I don't want them back but because I think I'd just be repeating what others have already said so I'm going to offer up some other choices. I'm also not including Brother Strange as I imagine if Clifford Barry came back as Lissard in a full series revival we would probably see our friendly but mysterious wandering Monk with a passion for proverbs again also.

So my top 5 would have to be...

1. Motley/Sly Hands:

Motley to me was the best Jester in the Original series character wise. He was always a reassuring and welcome sight when ever he would appear on screen and also he wasn't afraid to stand up to The Opposition when the need arouse such as standing up to Olaf and scarring off Ariadne (Save of course for that incident with Bhal-Sheba in Series 8 but then that team deserved no help anyway *Evil snigger*)

And ol' Sylvester "Sly" Hands was a staple of Lord Fear's version of The Opposition from it's introduction in Series 5 right up till the bitter end of Series 8. He could be both comical and threatening/scary (see his capture of January in Series 6, I've never seen a Dungoneer react so scared of a character who's about to 'kill' them as she did when Hands came at her with that magic rope of his)

2. Stiletta:

The Cunning, daring, resourceful, dangerous and undeniably sexy Warrior-Thief, about whom the only thing sharper then her green bladed throwing knives was her cut glass accent and who was played with great gusto and enthusiasm by the talented and delectable Joanne Heywood deserved more then one series (and a truncated one at that)

Stiletta was probably (along with a later choice on this list) the best bit of Series 8 she was a character with a lot of story line/character development potential that sadly never got realized on screen.

3. Elita:

This choice should come as no surprise to people who have known me for a while in the KM Online community as I have never made any secret of the fact that I used to crush big time on this loud mouthed (and in my opinion very sexy) cavern elf. ;D

But that personal reason aside for wanting to see Elita back in the Dungeon, I feel she was a great character who still had plenty of potential for use in the Quest. Plus she was a far better 'keeper/bargain maker' for Smirkenoff then Rohmana the Airwan ever was.

Plus it's always great to have an unpredictable element in the dungeon like Elita who you can never really 100% know which way she's going to go at any given time.

4. Honesty Bartram/Aecandra:

Yes, yes I know I'm technically cheating here by picking two characters for one spot...

But then again I'm part of The Opposition when have we ever played by the rules? ;D >:D

Honesty Bartram, like Stiletta, suffered from being in a truncated Series (Series 8)and as such never got to be used to the full potential the character seemed (to me at least) to have going for him.

Yes he was a replacement of sorts for Julius Scaramounger however I think he had one interesting character difference to Julius that I would have really liked to seen explored more then it was. That being that while Bartram was shifty and a bit of a rouge I don't think he was as...Opposition/criminal/evilly minded as Julius was.

I offer as evidence of this the fact that Bartram seemed a lot less keen to do business with Lord Fear the Julius ever was as even in Series 5 although he politely turned down Lord F's offer to join the Opposition Julius never had to be bullied or coerced into doing business with Lord Fear as Bartram had to be in Series 8. Also Bartram was a lot easier to convince to do the right thing (for a reward of coarse) then Julius was, even right at the end when he desperately needed money Julius was quite prepared to do Lord Fear's bidding and sell Elita in to slavery rather then take Dungeoneer Chris's gold and had to be forced into doing so. I also can't imagine Bartram being a willing participant in the Red Death plot of Series 6 like Julius was even going so far as to personally sneak the dragon caller into Wolfenden.

(on a side note: I also wouldn't mind seeing Bill Cashmore reprise Snapper-Jack as well if he did come back as Honesty Bartram, Snapper-Jack was a brilliant and creepy addition to the Dungeon as a deranged free agent type villain/threat)

Aecandra, The evil Sorceress/Queen of Winteria again like a lot of character's she is one who suffers from unrealized potential due to only having limited appearances in one season. She was a great allie/foil for Lord Fear as his equal/partner in crime.

Imagine not only more of her conspiring with Lord Fear against Dungeoneers who are 'invading' her kingdom and bringing in "Unhealthy warmth' with them but also scenes between her and Greystagg or Hordriss. I could imagine even a three way rivalry between her Lord Fear & Greystagg defiantly she would make a great additional threat to Greystagg and her Grey Sisters.

5. Skarkill:

No Surprise here is there really ;D

Skarkill was, is and remains in my mind the most effective In-Dungeon Villain there ever was in the later series. He was intimidating, frightening and a very legitimate threat to any quest that he and his Goblin Horde of Grippa, Rhark and Tiny happened to cross paths with.

And unlike his successor Raptor was actually able to bag himself a victim when he clapped the Irons on Richard in Series 5 and given the right circumstances there is little doubt that he could have done it again had the situation arouse.

I think there is still plenty that could be done with Skarkill if he was to return and resume his reign of Terror in the Dungeon.

Well those are my top 5 characters I would like to see Return if Knightmare was revived due to the Geek Week special. Just missing out on my top 5 where
Wall-Monster Branwagan-Shee, Mellisandra, & Brother Mace/Fatilla The Hun

I would also like to say though that I would also like the 3 new characters who appeared in the Special

Dasiy, Sylvester The Jester & Theodora Snitch to make a return as they all (to me) seemed to have potential and promise

Daisy: to me seemed like a better rendition of the idea behind Majida in that she wasn't to annoying and intrusive into the running of the quest but also neither was she a carbon copy of Pickle and to subservient to Treguard while at the same time she didn't diminish his standing as Dungeon Master.

Sylvester The Jester: I do like the idea of a Jester character who is not necessarily trust worthy at all times and I could imagine some very good plot ideas and character scenes with him especially if Motley is brought back it would be interesting to see the 'good' Jester feuding with the 'not so good' jester

Theodora Snitch: Of all 3 new Dungeon Denizens little Theodora was the most interesting with her character being a cross between Stiletta and Elita she would make a great foil/rival for Sly Hands and would be great as the level 1/2 pact maker with the Dungeoneers trading information and help in return
for the Dungeoneers doing or retrieving something for her.
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Re: 5 characters you'd like to see return

Post by Fidjit »

Although I do think Daisy was somewhat weak as a Knightmare character IMO. I know Majida was not everybody's cup of tea but she grew on me as a character only after a few episodes into series seven. Daisy on the other hand might as well be sweeping her acting. She really didn't say or do much. Majida was kind of annoying at times but she actually said things which were genuinely amusing, where as Daisy kind of came across as a bit of a "stick in the mud"

Personally, Motley, Hordriss, Sidriss, Sylvester Hands, Skarkill should make the return. Maybe re-introduce a new dungeon maid. Maybe keep in continuity and be the offspring of Mellisandre.

Morghanna (or a close counterpart) could be an interesting feature. As much as Greystagg was a popular and well made character I do believe we should go back to the "black and white" kind of styled alignments.

I know just about all of those characters I listed are all the same but consistency is all I ask for folks :)
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Re: 5 characters you'd like to see return

Post by Picklemyfav »

Hi i'm new here and am new to Knightmare as a whole. Just saw it for first time while on holiday just before christmas last year.

From what i've seen so far I would choose Pickle as he would wind up Treguard big time by helping dungeoneers while helping out Treguard. I would make him a bit braver and stick up for himself a bit more cos i think he's braver then he thinks. I think he left to find a girl and you can fill in the rest of what happened next by yourself. ;D Maybe have two helpers called Fish and Chips that are Pickle's kids.

I think Snapper Jack was good for the riddles but i'd like a jester as well.

Lord Fear has got to be in. No doubt about it.

I choose Merlin as well and his key

I think some goblins as well. I just made one up that i named Simon in honour of a Dungeoneer who fell down a big hole. He could be good and help them if they find his toy or have a todder strop and give wrong advice if they don't.

The witch that lost her comb that the team didn't help her and she made the floor fall down under them for her magic spells. Think her name starts with l.

Also that guard who Pickle fooled with his [that boy Simon has a army following him] talk and who eats gold. He's funny.

Lastly Treguard himself to train his son up to take his place if he feels too old.

That's the ones i would bring back at this point in time. ;D
[Rundown top 5] 5 Merlin 4 Lord Fear 3 Snapper Jack 2 Pickle 1 Treguard [He's the boss. that's why]
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Re: 5 characters you'd like to see return

Post by Canadanne »

Picklemyfav wrote:The witch that lost her comb that the team didn't help her and she made the floor fall down under them for her magic spells. Think her name starts with l.
Yes, that was Lillith!
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Re: 5 characters you'd like to see return

Post by theconfused »

One of my favourite characters is Sidriss (it may be obvious from my URL). I'd want her to come back a little bit wiser and stronger as a sorceress, almost on Hordriss' level. I would love for Hordriss to appear also.

Other characters I really like include Stiletta and Motley. I think I probably would like Stiletta and Motley to be a couple, but I also like the dynamic of Sidriss and Motley. However, I could see Sidriss and Motley just being friends and allies.

I would be interested in seeing Morghanna return, perhaps to be an enemy to the powerful Sidriss.

Also, Pickle. Pickle is fab.
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Re: 5 characters you'd like to see return

Post by theconfused »

I mean my username, not URL. All these websites, gets confusing. ;D
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Re: 5 characters you'd like to see return

Post by Fidjit »

Picklemyfav wrote:[Rundown top 5] 5 Merlin 4 Lord Fear 3 Snapper Jack 2 Pickle 1 Treguard [He's the boss. that's why]
I agree with that list, eeeeeeeeeeexcept Snapper Jack. He was a very weak character to be honest, although I admit he didn't really have much time to gain much in the way of character development (since he only appeared in the final series) but the thing is he didn't really do anything. All he did was come on screen with his grating and irritating voice and threaten (and I use that term loosely) to "naps" the dungeoneer if they fail to answer his riddles correctly. If anyone can call him intimidating then Gibbet (Series 1) must be Satan's right hand man! "Ooooh he has a net and a hand puppet" veeeery scary(!) As far as I'm concerned he was nothing more than a glorified filler character. Why couldn't they have given more screen time to those who deserved it more, Raptor, Smirkenoff, Sidriss or for that matter (groan) Maldame! All of these characters had much better character development and didn't have a personality that resembled a wet fart in a bag full of fish! So to conclude my rant, if this is all we saw in terms of his character, then I'm glad I saw no more of him beyond his brief and somewhat soggy life :D I'm done hehe
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Re: 5 characters you'd like to see return

Post by Picklemyfav »

mmmmmmmmmmmmmm you may have a point there. He didn't do much to naps anyone. Did he?

Snapper Jack is a cool name and i hadn't seen many dungeon characters at the time of my first posting.

I think Cedric would be better in terms of doing stuff. I also feel Snapper Jack could have been funny and helpful as well as taking the dungeoneer prisoner without doing a riddle forcing them to escape or die. They could have done more with him. :exclaim: Maybe they planned to make him a turncoat [or Lord Fear was going to get a new right hand man] and didn't get the chance. :idea:

I think more could and should have been done by him. :idea: That's why i put him on my first list.

The Guard who eats gold and gets fooled by Pickle would be good too. [ He's in S4 this guard. and is greedy] What's he called again?

Also just found out that Pickle can't handle brandy or hard stuff. Wonder if that's why the chair left the scene? When did Treguard lose his chair anyway?
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Re: 5 characters you'd like to see return

Post by JamesA »

Picklemyfav wrote:The Guard who eats gold and gets fooled by Pickle would be good too. [ He's in S4 this guard. and is greedy] What's he called again?

He was played by Michael Cule, who was also the actor for Brother Mace (Series 4 & 5) as well as The Gatemaster (Series 5 only).
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Re: 5 characters you'd like to see return

Post by Fidjit »

Yes Fatilla the Hun.

See even Fatilla had a character even if it was a very simple one (As simple as Fatilla is haha) He was a lingering threat even though at times he didn't look like he was. He was kind of a successor to Olaf the Viking (Series 2 and 3) a lot of brawn, mouth, not overly bright and easy to bribe for safe passage (Ha! Passage! XD)

Snapper Jack didn't have any form of predecessor, so he was kind of a new format of character at that point. He was a bit two dimensional as a character and his personality and traits couldn't really adjust any more than what the actor was given. But for what it's worth he'll always be remembered as a character that didn't have any.
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Re: 5 characters you'd like to see return

Post by Canadanne »

Snapper-Jack is brilliant, dammit! >:D
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Re: 5 characters you'd like to see return

Post by Fidjit »

Uh oh ;D I'm in trouble haha

Don't get me wrong he's not the worst character in my opinion. There are definitely worse ones :) I'm just saying he wasn't that all interesting

What I really want to know is:

1) What on earth gave him the idea of a "fool taker" as a career?? and...

2) He had no definitive ties to Lord Fear so where does he take the dungeoneers after he "naps" them when they lose??
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Re: 5 characters you'd like to see return

Post by DuxBellorum »

I have just finished re-watching the Geek Week episode not more than a few minutes ago.

The frustrating thing about this question and indeed any question about a new series of Knightmare is that it could work.

It could work fantastically well!

It wouldn't be a Children's show if it was brought back, but a new series with adults could be sensational.

The Geek Week episode proved that - Even thought the team were annoying and didn't seem to 'get it'.

The new series of Crystal Maze has proved it after just one episode!

But on to the question.

Of course there would have to be new characters, but I like the idea of keeping a handful of the Old Guard to give a little continuity between then and now.

Hordriss - I think The Confuser would be essential for any new hypothetical series. I think I would have him go back to how he was during his early tenure in the Dungeon. I would still have him as part of the Powers That Be, but with a definite dark side bubbling under the surface which could give a great "Is he, isn't he" aspect to the series.

Honestry Bartram - I really loved this character in series 8 - I always look forward to seeing his encounters with Nathan whenever I watch through the series - and I always thought it such a shame that he never got a series 9 or 10 to develop further as a character.

Motley - People have said that they would rather have Folly, but I preferred Folly of the books over Folly of the screen. Plus, I think Motley stood out more as a character, and I loved the way Paul Valentine played him.

Sylvester Hands - Like Motley (And like Feet!) Paul Valentine gave a superb performance as Hands. Totally stupid, yet still capable of being very dangerous. For a new series I would keep all the funny aspects of his character, but I would also make him a little more menacing.

Skarkill - I always loved the Goblin Master! Again, not the brightest, but very dangerous. Imagine how menacing he could be if Knightmare were made for older contestants! *Click Click* Lovely!

It's been hard to pick just 5 and I realise there are no female characters on my list, but I would hope that either Maldame, Lillith or Elita would be a part of the classic cast in any new series.
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