Retro Gamer magazine

Other shows or games that remind you of Knightmare but aren't official derivatives.
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Retro Gamer magazine

Post by Naitch »

A recent issue of Retro Gamer magazine had a feature on Atic Atac.

The heading is Atic Atac: A Knightmare Of A Game.

However, the article doesn't mention Knightmare once, even though it was one of the main inspirations (along with Knight Lore) for Knightmare. :o

Also, the WWE have a charater called Festus.
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Re: Knightmare references in magazines

Post by Pooka »

I casually read through Retro Gamer magazine today while standing in WH Smith, and chanced across a feature on a game named Knightmare - only not one of the ones based on our Knightmare. It's a scrolling shoot-'em-up in a mediaeval setting, and there's some information about it here - it even features a "Nightmare Castle"!

While doing a bit of research, I stumbled across another strange connection: Miki Higashino, the composer for the game, also composed the music for another game... called Life Force!


(*Yes, it's a coincidence.)
Pooka - teacher, writer, comedian, musician, geek, and full-time Knightmarian.
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