The new KM episode is up!

Discussion about Knightmare in youtube's Geek Week.
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Re: The new KM episode is up!

Post by Kieran »

beveryafraid wrote:For those already asking, a full edit of and including all the material shot and played in Norwich on July 24/25 will be completed by september and will be made available via an Internet link in due course. This includes the Fountain of energy - described by Theodora Snitch (but deleted), allowing leaks from the Fountain in Level One to fall into Levels two and three, providing emergency energy renewal.

Can't wait for that :) Thanks!
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Re: The new KM episode is up!

Post by wombstar »

If you keep a look at comments on twitter, youtube and facebook the majority of negativity is directed at the team, other that their core fan base they certainly didn't win anybody over.

It was only the Dungenner and the girl who showed any real interest and didn't 'joke' around. Probably the teams oldest and youngest members.. which I this says a lot!! .
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Re: The new KM episode is up!

Post by pjmlfc05 »

I've finally had the chance to see the Knightmare episode (yes I know I'm behind but have just got back from a mini break!) I have been reading all the comments on here and I want to give my opinions.

First and foremost Tim Child and the team did an incredible job and I want to say thank you for making this happen and hopefully will lead to better things (fingers crossed!)

I'm happy they used the series 6-8 theme music as it's my fav. Just a shame the dragon noise got left out.

The first 5 minutes or so for the introduction didn't work for me. At what point in all of the 8 series did Treguard ask if someone had any special skills?! Veruca/Daisy did go on a little bit. Also the scene when spellcasting refresh didn't work for me too. I was hoping for an opening scene with Lord Fear and Lissard.

For the team itself, I did like Emma and Stuart but Phil and Dan did irritate me a bit, especially when Stuart fell to his death. Emma and Stuart seemed to take it a bit more seriously as well as having fun at the same time. I'm sure Dan and Phil nice guys but they did go over the top at times. What I think would have been amazing if people from the forum had a chance to participate in this.

Loved all the new characters but my fav jester is still Motley. Also preferred the real spider than the animated one in this episode. The goblin horn is poor and the goblin itself looked more like an updated version of Olaf! For me Lord Fear, Lissard and Treguard still steal the show and even after almost 20 years after the last episode, they are professional as always.

Although I like the rooms in the later series more it was great to see David Rowe's work in this again and a couple of the rooms looked familiar to the first series. For a moment I feel like I'm watching an updated version of Series 1!

Was great to see the Slice me, Dice me room from KMVR (the only good thing to come out of this) being used. Shame there was no BONG when Stuart fell to his death, plus there was a long pause before Treguard's Ohhhhhhh Nasty!

Overall I loved the episode and for me, the show would still best work with kids and young teenagers. I still believe Knightmare can be a success today and there will always be an audience.
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Re: The new KM episode is up!

Post by Helvellyn »

I've only just discovered this new episode (and wow, did it come as a surprise to me!) I can't really do more than echo many of the previous comments. The appearance was slightly disappointing but considering the rush that's entirely forgivable. Once I accepted that I could look past the ropey CGI antechamber and so on. I'm really glad it used the early series look, there was a strange, creepy atmosphere with the paintings that's still there in the computerised versions of them.

One problem with adults was that it just looks so odd having a tall dungeoneer who stands above all the cast. There must be a spell somewhere that can sort that out...

Most amazingly of all, after all this time it's still the same Treguard. I was amazed and delighted.

It's certainly demonstrated to me that Knightmare still has what it takes and given time to have a bit of polish would be just as good as ever.
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Re: The new KM episode is up!

Post by HarveyTowers »

It was Friday night, it was getting dark and that meant it was time to watch a brand new episode of Knightmare! It's almost like the last twenty years never happened. Having watched it through again today here are a few thoughts...

I was surprised at how nostalgic the Series 8 theme made me feel (I suppose I had expected to see the cartoon version from the earlier series and from the current Challenge repeats.) I certainly felt it was more like a later series episode (sans Eyeshield) with the clue objects going in the knapsack; no riddles; spyglasses and scrolls; Lord Fear and Lissard obviously. Having said that I liked the use of the rooms from the earlier series.

I agree that a bit too much time was wasted at the start. I did like the internship quip though and thought it was pretty relevant to some of us original viewers! One thing I missed was Treguard's "physical" chamber - it must have been a bit surreal for the advisors and for Hugo in a blue room.

I felt that Isy Suttie generally seemed too constrained, perhaps reined in by the script and not as free to chip in as she might have been? Of course, she didn't have much time to develop the character and may have felt it wasn't really her place to be the centre of attention. Should there be a series I think she could well prove to be an inspired choice as Treguard's assistant. (Incidentally, I've never really watched Peep Show or Harry Potter but I found myself willing her to say "Hello, I'm Dobby the Elf" when she first appeared)

Of the other new characters neither were really 'stand out' based on their first appearances but again I thought that they had a lot of potential (should there be a series..) I was surprised to see a character called Sylvester the Jester pop up - I thought it was just a name thrown in to pay homage to Paul Valentine's characters!

I didn't quite understand the bomb at first - I had expected it to start running
With regards to the descender at the end of level one I suspect that both the key and the potion would have worked?

Things seemed a bit ragged production wise with people talking over each other and things happening out of sequence (talking about what was on the level 2 clue table and using the spyglass for instance.)

A nice mention for Garstang although he was actually very articulate in KMVR. I wonder if this is Tim poking fun at himself - isn't he on record as not rating his one and only vocal contribution to KM? (being rather harsh on himself I think.)

I can't quite decide if the final puzzle was impossible or not. It looked to me as if the dungeoneer actually landed a bit short with his first jump onto the letter, hence the quick cutaway, but wasn't let off a second time when the jump was far too small.

I really enjoyed the end section, very atmospheric and felt just like proper 'old' Knightmare. When I initially heard about Knightmare during "Geek Week" I actually thought it might be a series of short episodes over the course of the week and I wonder if this might have worked better?

I wasn't hugely keen on the team - a bit too hipsterish but maybe that's my age starting to show... Having said that the dungeoneer and the girl were both very good in fairness. I wasn't impressed with the 'ironic' "safe to assume something horrific will happen" remark. I know it's only a game but I think it has to be taken seriously to an extent. I didn't really like them having to say the name of the spell either - smacks too much of dumbing down to me. I had previously thought that a new version of Knightmare might work well with 20 and 30 somethings as contestants but having seen this episode I'm much more of the feeling that children as contestants would work better. My other observation is that if Knightmare is to come back then any CGI effects would have to be absolutely top drawer.

I don't want to come across as negative because I really did enjoy the episode but I think rather than being the finished article it showed how much potential is there is for the show to make a return. Should this be the start of something big I'd be delighted. If it's just a footnote in Knightmare history, it's a perfectly respectable one.
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Re: The new KM episode is up!

Post by Darren »

It's been a while since I made a forum post, but I wanted to give my thoughts on the new episode as part of YouTube's Geek Week.

I'll be completely honest, after many years of being enthusiastic about a revival of Knightmare, I accepted that it was probably never going to happen. I gave up hope and felt that the best we would get would be repeats on Challenge, fan projects and trying our hardest to stop that flame from extinguishing completely. So a brand new episode of Knightmare took me by surprise, I never imagined we would ever see its return.

At first I didn't think the original formula would work, especially with the audience and technologies of today. So I was quite surprised to learn that the episode would return to its origins. Having members of the original cast was incredibly important, for me it wouldn't have been the same without Hugo and Mark reprising their roles. I also loved how, after twenty years, Lissard (Clifford Barry) was still loyal to Lord Fear and how both actors still work so well with one another. In fact, it's as if neither of them, or Hugo, left their roles at all!

I always wondered how the dungeon would look if the show was revived. I felt the combination of authentic environments with updated textures and effects worked brilliantly. I think if it had changed too drastically, it would have moved away from what made it so special in the first place. I loved Ariadne and how it chased the dungeoneer through various rooms. It actually had me on the edge of my seat and left me feeling a little stressed. This is something that the original show was able to do and i'm glad that after all this time, Knightmare is still able to achieve that. I also want to give special mention to the final room with swinging blades. I'm pleased to see the room was recycled from Knightmare VR. I wish I got the opportunity to see more of it...I hope the next lot can jump a bit better! ;)

The only negatives I have is with the team and the editing. I feel that it didn't work as effectively with an adult team rather than it would with a group of teenagers. Anything I have to say about editing will already have been brought up or identified, and I completely understand and respect that there was a short amount of editing time and a revised version of the episode will be shown in September.

Overall I am incredibly impressed. I never thought I would see the day that a new episode would be shown. Knightmare VR was an opportunity to take the show in a direction more suited to the audience of today, and while I appreciate the effort, this episode has proven to me that the authentic style, in my own opinion, still works very well.

I want to extend my congratulations to Tim Child and the cast for a fantastic episode and a trip back to my childhood once again. I hope that as a community, we can continue to keep that fire burning and ensure that this great franchise will always be remembered and appreciated.
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Re: The new KM episode is up!

Post by AriadnesLayer »

I used to post on this forum about 5 years ago (and before that, under a long forgotten username, back in the year 2000 when I first had internet access and was delighted to discover for the first time I wasn't the only one who remembered and loved Knightmare! This was long before YouTube and Challenge TV and this website was virtually the only place on the web to celebrate Knightmare).

It's been a while between posts (For some reason I couldn't sign into the forum and never bothered contacting admin so I just lurked) but having seen the new episode on YouTube I couldn't put it off any longer.

I am also heading to Edinburgh in a couple of weeks to see Knightmare Live. 8)

Anyway, here are my thoughts on the new Knightmare "Geek Week" Episode:

Loved the opening theme (I actually prefer this version to the one with the sound effects) and I'm glad they used this one rather than the series 1-5 cartoon.

I felt the introduction segment went on too long but it was great seeing Treguard aleep and covered in dust!

I didn't have a problem with the computer generated anti-chamber. This was a one-off special after all and didn't have an unlimited budget to spend on sets.

Didn't especially like the contestents and their "Oh aren't I interesting? I love to hear myself talk" personalities but we'll gloss over that as not a lot could be done about it, being part of "geek week" and all, and they are a small price to pay for actually having Knightmare back.

As you could guess from my user name... I LOOOOOOVE that Ariadne not only made a comeback but was such a prominent feature in the new Knightmare. Great to see that my favourite Knightmare monster seems to be fondly remembered by the show's creator as well that he wanted to bring her back. I have no problem with her being CGI whatsoever. Much easier to control and move a CGI spider wherever needed, depending on where the dungeoneer goes, than a recording of a real spider whose video could only be paused or even rewound (rewinded?) depending on how long a dungeoneer took to get out. Plus, the new Ariadne is kick-ass scary looking.

Loved the increased attention on giving out names and calling names, something from the original Knightmare that I always thought could be focussed on more.

Treguard, Lord Fear and Lissard all got back into their old characters so well. Lord Fear's lair from Series 6 is my favourite so it was nice to see it back again. Treaguard's new assistant Daisy was likeable enough but I ultimately didn't see the point in her :( I don't say that just for the sake of being critical, I genuinely didn't feel she offered anything. The new characters within the game play of the dungeon rooms were most satisfactory, typical Knightmare creations and I'm glad it wasn't just a nostalgia fest of old characters.

Yes the show lacked some of the original details like the original goblin horn sound effect or the death knell but again this is a one-off youtube special not a fully comissioned TV series so it's not really fair to critisize such things.

The final floor puzzle (which I gather is called Slice Me Dice Me from Knightmare VR, which I wouldn't know as I've never been able to bring myself to watch more than 3 minutes of it) looked awesome, a great challenge. A very good death scene too. Just a shame the show ended there as I would have loved to have seen more.

I think if this special showed anything it's that there is still an interest in,and a possibl reality of, Knightmare coming back, and that it works best in its original format (no need to change things just because today's technology says we can - i.e. avatars). As for the contestent ages, I think Knightmare could work well with a mix of ages, kids really use their imagination and get totally immersed in the dungeon, but they can sometimes be frustratingly slow or make "stupid" decisions. But I think more mature contestents who love the gameplay and are more interested in the game than showing off, would work equally as well.

I have to agree that a half-hour format in this day and age just isn't enough. The show would need to be an hour long.

Ultimately, a very enjoyable episode, and a brilliant resurrection of Knightmare. Congratulations Tim Child on bringing back the show so successfully with a limited time and budget (just imagine what it would look like if done properly?). You showed that not only is there life in the old dog yet, but that the dog itself is far from old. Knightmare works as well today as it ever did, and despite niggly complaints from myself and others, you did us all proud.
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Re: The new KM episode is up!

Post by UnclePob »

I just got to see the new Knightmare episode, and I have to say it exceeded my expectations by a huge margin, and I'd like to share my thoughts and feelings on this one-off special.

Obviously, the first thing I saw was the opening titles - plucked straight from the later series of the original run. To be honest I thought nothing of this... until it dawned on me that the original theme was included. I don't know all the specifics, but I believe the rights to the theme prevented it's use in KMVR, and was (for me) one of the points of contention I have with that experiment. In the Geek Week Special it's back in it's rightful place. I'm not sure what Tim did to achieve that (have the rights issues been solved, or somehow not apply to specials like this?) but having the original theme ensured from the get-go that the special felt exactly how it should do, a legitimate continuation of the classic series. The last 20 years just melted away and it almost feels like the series had never left us. The choice of the title sequence from the later period of the original run did seem a bit peculiar, especially given other elements of the special itself - I was never a fan of the live-action one, preferring the animated earlier title sequence and versions of the theme, though I guess the choice was made because it might have been difficult or impossible to have the original animation looking reasonably decent in HD resolutions. Considering the one-shot nature of this special, expecting a brand new title sequence is probably being unreasonable, I believe the best was done in the time and budget available.

After the titles came our first glimpse of the new assistant and the CGI version of Treguard's antechamber. I don't really know what to say about Isy Suttie's character since we don't really get to know her (something that's also the case with two new dungeon dwellers), but I found her to be pleasant enough to be enjoyable in the long term (if she's ever brought back in the future) and simply oozes the same kind of appeal that Pickle the Elf had. It's perhaps unfair to compare Daisy and Pickle as we knew Pickle for quite some time, but when Pickle first appeared he altered the series dynamic quite a bit. In the first few series we simply had Treguard all by himself. A new face in the antechamber was a strange and bizarre prospect that felt weird at first - until it became apparent it was a change for the better. I'm feeling the same vibes from Daisy, and if her purpose was to remind me of how I felt all those years ago, she certainly succeeded in buckets.

Regarding the antechamber... I've seen quite a number of varying comments on this. I am aware the CGI antechamber came about as they had far too little time to construct an actual physical set, but I actually believe this idea is the way forward. The CGI set itself was bizarrely low quality compared to the actual dungeon rooms, but on closer inspection it's actually a really good copy of the Series 1 antechamber, which was originally a constructed set. The only major difference lay in the use of a wall-mounted magic mirror, where the Series 1 antechamber had television sets concealed within what appeared to be a treasure chest.

While I did say that the room was low-quality, that (again) is probably a harsh judgement. Short development time and lack of funds were perhaps the biggest hurdles in the creation of the special, and this needs to be kept in mind at all times. In addition, the aim was to be purposefully nostalgic - to recreate Knightmare how it was, not how it would be if made today. The low-quality CGI antechamber made me smile as I recalled how low-quality the original antechamber looks in hindsight. While it's never looked exactly terrible, it's always had a sort of false quality about it which is replicated perfectly here. The walls never really looked like they were made from stone. Perhaps this was originally done to help blur the lines between reality and the virtual dungeon itself, nonetheless it serves the same purpose here in bridging the gap between our real world and the stylized rooms in which the dungeoneer found himself. Some might not like CGI antechambers, but this one was (again) the best that could have been achieved, and as a best-case scenario that was realised deserves high praise. Of course a new series (if one is ever made) could take this a stage further - using the capabilities of modern computer graphics to fully realise a photo-realistic set with proper lighting and shadows. Being CGI isn't a limitation, it's freedom itself - and one which I'm pleased Knightmare is prepared to fully embrace.

Onto Treguard... I was fully aware the man himself would be returning, and I thought this was handled exceptionally well. For good or ill a long time has passed since we last saw the Dungeon Master. Treguard (when we initially see him) is in advanced age, asleep in his chair and a little senile. One little gripe I have about this bit is that the 20-year gap is specifically mentioned. The Treguard in that chair looks far more than 20 years older than when we last saw him, and considering that we are meant to be gazing across time it's only significant that a lot of time has passed, not 20 years specifically. I'd have accepted 40 or 50 years have passed for Treguard since we last saw him perfectly easily. Time in the Knightmare realm doesn't quite flow the same as it does for us (hence "temporal disruption"), so pinning down the number of years since the last quest seems quite a bizarre thing to be doing.

The infamous Goblin Horn moment made me beam! It's little opportunities like this, which Tim Child and his team seized upon that really show the effort that went into this production. While the original horn sound effect wasn't used (not that I actually noticed or realised when I watched) it was a very famous element of the original series, particularly during the early years, which I'd all but forgotten about. New viewers probably wouldn't get the joke, but it was an incredibly brief but powerful bit of nostalgia despite it's inaccuracies.

When Daisy cast the spell to REFRESH Treguard, I found it quite bizarre that she chose to actually say the word "refresh" at the end. This strange magic-calling method was also used by Treguard later in the episode to DISMISS the team, and struck me as even stranger on that occasion. While I'll agree this was probably done because of the lack of on-screen lettering, I don't recall on-screen lettering ever appearing when Treguard cast DISMISS, UNITE or HEROES. Back then, even though I was only nine I still knew what Treguard was spelling out so I can't really see the need for him (or Daisy) to actually say the name of the spell at the end. A silly niggle I know, incredibly minor. Something I feel guilty for hating, yet I can't deny the feeling that the casting process feels more childish for it.

The transformation effect itself wasn't perfect, but got the job done. A nice CGI fade transition (similar to how Doctor Who regenerates, minus the glow) would have been better perhaps, the spinning chair being incredibly cheesy, however this doesn't annoy me at all. Knightmare isn't a serious show, even though it can appear to be quite dark it's always had it's tongue-in-cheek moments and the spinning chair scene wasn't out of place. If anything I was reminded of early episodes where Treguard was overpowered by dungeon denizens and bound against his chair, moments from the early series that simply never happened after the great Series 3-4 changes had occurred. It was great to be reminded of those, especially since Treguard was wearing clothes somewhat reminiscent of his Series 1-2 attire.

Post transformation, Tregard was - well - Treguard. Exactly how he was, which is amazing considering that 20 years have passed for Hugo Myatt just as they've passed for all of us. Treguard does look a little older than he did in Series 8, but it's only marginal, certainly not 20 years! For me he already appeared to visibly age far more each time his outfit changed in the original run, Treguard of Series 1-2 looking a good deal younger (and shabbier) than the more eloquent gent he became after that point. Hugo's characterization of Treguard is also faultless, as if the character had never left our screens. Seeing Hugo back in the role, and performing so effectively and flawlessly does cause me to ponder the silly decision of why Treguard had been reduced to a CGI avatar merely voiced by Hugo in KMVR. As the face of Knightmare, as long as he is able and willing to reprise the role of Treguard physically, he should be. This special proved beyond all doubt that Myatt not only still "has it", but still loves the role after all these years - that's the main thing, and it certainly shows in his performance. Something that could equally be said about the other lead, Mark Knight AKA Lord Fear.

Pretty much everything I have already said about Treguard above could also be applied to Lord Fear as well. Perhaps even Lissard. While we visibly see more of Treguard (since he's in the antechamber throughout), the couple of brief glimpses we got of Lord Fear gave Mark Knight a chance to really bring back his classic character in style. His performance was top-notch, and (just like Hugo Myatt) he still knows how to perform that role with flair... but was ever so slightly marred by the costume he wore in those scenes. While Fear's helmet did change a couple of times in the original series, the decision to outfit Knight in (what I can only describe as) as long silver Marge Simpson hairdo shaped helmet caused those scenes to appear far more cartoony and ridiculous than they ever were in the past and were a great distraction for me. Helmet aside, the gag concerning his mobile phone seemed a little off to me. Lord Fear has always been somewhat ironically up-to-date with his new techno-sorcery devices, and we've been carrying mobile phones for years. Maybe Fear should have had a tablet PC or something like that instead? Nonetheless he did manage to sneak in an "internet" reference - by luring Ariadne into Level 1 and "webbing" the place up.

I was delighted to see Fear again, but it felt strange. It wasn't until after the episode ended and I sat and thought about it that I figured out why - there are two reasons:

1: Lord Fear was seen in an episode that featured dungeon chambers only ever seen during the period of time before Fear, when Mogdred was the opposition. Apart from Series 8, Lord Fear (to me) was part of the package introduced when the David Rowe artwork dungeon was replaced with live-action Eye-Shield footage and it's oddly strange to see the two together.

2: Absolutely no explanation was given as to what Fear had been doing for these past 20 years. While Treguard had (initially) visibly aged quite a bit and required a REFRESH spell to restore his youth and sanity, Fear seemed remarkably unaffected. In addition, despite the fact that he's been unopposed these past 20 years, and despite the fact that he's not averse to cheating... why hasn't Fear totally claimed or destroyed the whole dungeon by now, or at least done something incredibly sneaky and evil while Treguard slept? Seeing him achieve pretty much zero after 20 years of him having pretty free reign over the dungeon does diminish the threat of the character.

Well, I've talked enough about characters for now. Any more and this post will require a forum-page all to itself, so I'll move briskly forwards.

The dungeon rooms themselves were beautiful. To begin with I thought they had simply re-used the existing David Rowe artwork, that is until I checked out David Rowe's Knightmare gallery on his website. To my amazement, the rooms are actually recreated from scratch. I can't understand why the decision was made to do this, since I'm fairly confident that the original prints produced by Rowe are high-quality enough to look good on a HD TV set (check out the wallpapers he's recently released). For a single one-shot episode they could have easily used those - but they didn't. The more I think about this, the more I convince myself that what we saw was just a small portion of high-fidelity rooms that have been lovingly re-created, yet why do that when only three or four will be seen in the special? I found the rooms to be oddly accurate without actually being accurate at all - why reinvent the wheel when the original material is still fit for purpose? I hear these rooms are now fully CGI, and the puzzle deepens.

The dungeon itself harked back to Series 1-3, my favorite. I much preferred the old manner of seeing the entire room on-screen at once, and the dungeoneer being guided around by directions rather than by Eye Shield. While Tim Child has a fair point when he's said many times how slow-paced those original series were (and I'm inclined to agree), removing those early familiar rooms, completely restyling the entire dungeon (with real footage that looked too ordinary and certainly didn't look as impressive as the paintings produced by David Rowe) and replacing the method used to maneuver the dungeoneer around was always too high a price to pay for expedience. The special proved to me how crucial that original feel and style was to the show, and were Knightmare to return I believe the episode-length should be increased to fit more rooms and puzzles into each episode, rather than finding ways to cut corners and move things along more than is absolutely required. To be honest I had absolutely no problem with the pacing in the special. When you're glued to Knightmare it doesn't matter if the team have spent 5, 10 or 20 minutes in a room - if something is actually happening (a dungeon dweller has a scene, or there's a wall monster or some sort of puzzle) the viewers are so gripped that the time simply flies! The only thing I'm concerned about as a viewer is seeing more than two or three rooms an episode - but a longer running time would sort that out.

Which brings me to my biggest gripe about the special - the editing. This shouldn't be a gripe, and it annoys me that I'm annoyed by this. Back in the old days the vast majority of adventures weren't paced in any way. They simply didn't need to be. The idea of "temporal disruption" could be used to pause and resume any adventure at any point once the show needed to go off-air. Obviously, a half-hour episode can only run for half an hour, and cuts had to be made to keep to time. There were rooms we never got to see, dialogue we never got to see, all to keep to the running time. This is a problem unique to the special because of it's nature, so I can't really pass any firm judgement on this and I won't. That means I can't really criticize anything that actually happened in the dungeon.

In the same respect I can't criticize the team either. I've seen opinions on both sides of the fence, some people think Knightmare should go for older teams, others think the younger teams are more suitable. On the basis of this one singular team I simply cannot draw any reasonable conclusion. They're just four reasonably ordinary young adults, and how they performed or behaved is merely an indicator of themselves as individuals rather than that of older teams versus younger teams, or of the program itself. I recall the original series had a variety of young teams ranging all the way from brilliantly entertaining to downright annoying. People are people, and there will always be variety no matter which age group tackles the dungeon. I happened to like this particular team since they were clearly enjoying themselves and got into the spirit, after all - it wasn't as if they'd have had enough time to actually win.

Anyway that's my 2 cents (well, glancing over, more like half-million dollars!) on this special. An absolutely amazing one-off that succeeded in all respects in what it set out to do, far more than I could have possibly imagined. No it's not perfect, and there are a few little niggles, but these were either the product of the special being produced very quickly as a one-off or simply aren't significant enough to impact the quality of the episode as a whole.

And despite not being produced as an example of what new Knightmare should be, I find it's an incredibly enlightening insight into where the seeds of a new series should begin. If the ideas and methods used in this special were used to produce a full series, and plenty of time was allocated to ensure everything is spot-on and as good as it can be, there's no reason why a new series couldn't completely eclipse the original run. Knightmare was ahead of it's time back in 1987... 26 years ahead of it's time to be exact. It's time is now.
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Re: The new KM episode is up!

Post by HStorm »

Just so we can settle this "Did-Isy-drop-the-F-bomb?" argument, please go to this link. I've extracted the sound from the Slice-Me-Dice-Me scene where people think she swore, and I've boosted the volume and treble on the 'offending' word. It is quite clear that she says, "Heck".
Knightmare Audio Plays from The Dunshelm Players.
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Re: The new KM episode is up!

Post by UnclePob »

HStorm wrote:Just so we can settle this "Did-Isy-drop-the-F-bomb?" argument, please go to this link. I've extracted the sound from the Slice-Me-Dice-Me scene where people think she swore, and I've boosted the volume and treble on the 'offending' word. It is quite clear that she says, "Heck".
I can't make out how that word starts, but you're right - the first audible sound I can hear is an "e", definitely not an "u". It is more likely to be "heck" than the other popular suggestion, though there's no doubt going to be one or two who might still insist she's swearing in a "Father Jack" way ;D
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Re: The new KM episode is up!

Post by Debz_g »

Damn my ears it's so hard to make out lol. Bad hearing and a filthy mind are a dreadful combination you know! :D
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Re: The new KM episode is up!

Post by wombstar »

I'm more disappointed that we not going to see any more of the dungeon anytime soon, they must have re-created enough rooms for a possible winning quest? and there would have been at least another Spy glass to scene filmed.

On the other hand... be a bit of an odd quest if only there are two characters in the dungeon. So I wonder of they would have killed the team off anyway if they hadn't killed themselves?
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Re: The new KM episode is up!

Post by DarkComet »

Be interesting to know if there was more after this room planned/filmed, and if any videos/pics will be released at a later date?
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Re: The new KM episode is up!

Post by Mystara »

More was planned.
More was filmed. Not sure why.
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Re: The new KM episode is up!

Post by pjmlfc05 »

Mystara wrote:More was planned.
More was filmed. Not sure why.
Interesting. I don't think more would have been filmed for no reason, it wouldn't make sense.
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