Knightmare Commentary Tracks

Knightmare inspired creations from the community.
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Re: Knightmare Commentary Tracks

Post by GranitasIsCute »

I've just had a look through and make a list of all the commentaries that have been done, and have noticed that four are missing:

Series 2 Episode 5 - Rosey
Series 7 Episode 8 - Rosey & Ross
Le Chevalier du Labyrinthe - Jake & Ross
El Rescate del Talisman - Jake & Ross
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Re: Knightmare Commentary Tracks

Post by Canadanne »

I've been listening to these and finding them almost as addictive as the episodes themselves - many thanks for recording them! I haven't always agreed with what's been said, but they're very interesting and entertaining nonetheless, sometimes pointing out things I hadn't noticed before, and totally hilarious at times. (I particularly enjoyed Jake & Rosey's ranting about Anthony Donovan, haha - glad it's not just me who thought his improvisation skills were terrible! Their impression of Christopher's Blocker death really cracked me up as well.) Great work guys. It's a shame none of the ex-contestants are still around on the forum - wouldn't it be cool to hear some of them record a commentary track!

Any chance of re-uploading the missing Rosey commentary (S2 E5)? The link in this thread has expired.

Btw, the Spanish castles were actually filmed by the Knightmare team, rather than swapped with El Rescate Del Talisman as speculated on the Series 7 commentaries. It's mentioned in the Summer 1993 issue of The Quest, and Mark Wells told me that he went over there twice - "once for a recce, and then again a few weeks later with the crew to do the actual shooting." I don't know if they used the footage in the Spanish version as well.

Speaking of which, I must listen to the commentaries for the French & Spanish episodes now!
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Re: Knightmare Commentary Tracks

Post by Eyeshield »

It's always great for me to read how much you're enjoying the little treats that I and some of my closest chums have poured our melodious voices into, Canadanne, and for this I thank you with all the thanks I have.

Sadly, we don't have a copy of that particular commentary of Rosey's as it was on an old computer that broke, so the only hope for a re-upload is that Martin and/or Andy still has it. Perhaps, someday, all the dodgy commentaries will be fixed and re-uploaded where necessary - I hope so.

I've always tried to express a lot of opinions when commentating, as it is easy to get bogged down in too much description if you don't, and I think the good thing about hearing another fan's opinion or take about something is that it sometimes allows you to see and/or understand it in a different light, even if you don't specifically agree with what's been said. I have found this to be particularly true with the commentaries of my good chum Ross "Granitas Is Cute" Thompson, whose infinitely astute observations have opened new possibilities to even a wizened old Knightmare fan like me.

I now wish I could go back and quote those issues of TQ when talking about the Spanish locations, but fortunately my observations were in the right country - I'm happy about that, at least.
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Re: Knightmare Commentary Tracks

Post by Canadanne »

I didn't have any trouble listening to the commentaries on the website, so I think the problems you mentioned a few months ago have either been fixed or were just temporary glitches. Shame about that one being lost, I hope someone has a copy of it.

It is certainly interesting to hear the different viewpoints on everything - it's good how a number of fans have contributed to these tracks, and I would love to hear what others have to say!
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Re: Knightmare Commentary Tracks

Post by HStorm »

Afraid I hardly have any of the commentaries left. The hard disk on my laptop went ka-bluey! a few months ago and most of my KM files were stored on it. I lost literally gigabytes of material, and some of it, like the source recordings for the commentaries and some pre-mix Audio Play material, was amongst it. :-( That's also why I haven't been able to work on re-mixing last Christmas' aborted Sidriss sketch. (It will be released some time, but it's out of my hands.)

I also lost some barely-replaceable sound effects and music recordings, which makes recording future APs potentially expensive. Still, hardly anyone ever listens to the TDP plays, and Ross' team have that corner of the fandom covered for the time being anyway, so no big loss.
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Re: Knightmare Commentary Tracks

Post by Eyeshield »

KMVR (2004) with Jake Collins & Ross Thompson [26/7/2011]
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Re: Knightmare Commentary Tracks

Post by shadow6162 »

I'll just say here that I absolutely LOVE these commentaries! They're so much fun to listen to and a certain one of them has inspired me to do something. It's currently a WIP but I'll be finished in due time ;)
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Re: Knightmare Commentary Tracks

Post by HStorm »

Right, this is certainly not the most positive news imaginable on the eve of KM's 25th anniversary, but today I've received notification from 4Shared, the File-server we use for sharing the Audio Plays, that our service has been suspended with immediate effect. The reason given is that a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) injunction has been slapped on our material. A company called LeakID is claiming to have copyright on The Dunshelm Players' recordings.

Specifically, and very bizarrely, this DMCA has been placed on the Commentary Tracks recorded by Jake Collins, Rosey Collins, Andy Marshall, Ross Thompson, Ricky Temple and myself. Therefore, for the next few days it will not be possible to download any of TDP's material while I and the other members of the team decide how we should respond.

How LeakID have managed to conclude that the Commentaries have anything to do with themselves is quite beyond comprehension, as the Commentaries are in fact the material on the website that is furthest from breaching copyright; to the best of my knowledge, we have never breached copyright with any of our work, but the Commentaries don't even include sound effects or music in the mix, they're just recordings of a few KM fans talking about a TV show. LeakID is a company with a notorious history of filing triggerhappy false DMCA claims with numerous file-sharing websites.

As far as I can see, therefore, LeakID hath not a feather to fly with, and I expect to file a counter-claim with 4Shared to get the MP3's restored. However, I will not do so without firstly getting the approval of others involved, in case anyone has any objections in advance against getting dragged into any potential legal wranglings. Such concerns are entirely reasonable ones.

For now, the team must delay the launch of the next episode of The Techno-Colour Tales while we discuss our options. Any advice from others on this will be welcome and taken on board. We will keep the forum posted on developments.
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Re: Knightmare Commentary Tracks

Post by Mystara »

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Re: Knightmare Commentary Tracks

Post by Modeski »

I'm about to email you to this effect, but it's clear you have grounds to file a counter-notification per 4shared's policy (see

There's nothing I hate more than copyright trolls, and while I'm not featured on the commentary tracks, as a Dunshelm Player I would urge you to go ahead. Hopefully 4squared follows their policy and sides with us.

In the worst case scenario, the files would need to be hosted elsewhere. There's free services like Tindeck and Soundcloud, or proper web hosting - I used to use Feralhost, for example.
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Re: Knightmare Commentary Tracks

Post by HStorm »

Forester has suggested that the whole business is a result of some kind of automated process; an algorithm that detected a similarity between our files and those of LeakID. Either way, it definitely counts as trolling.

Even if the soundtracks of the episodes were included in the Commentary tracks, we'd still be okay, as the Fair Use clause allows material to be used for purposes of parody or critique. By definition, the Commentaries are critiques. (But then the episode soundtracks are pretty much inaudible on the Commentaries anyway.) So even if it turns out that LeakID has links to ITN or Granada Media - which I'm sure they don't - they really haven't got a case.
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Re: Knightmare Commentary Tracks

Post by Mystara »

Even if the soundtracks of the episodes were included in the Commentary tracks, we'd still be okay, as the Fair Use clause allows material to be used for purposes of parody or critique.
Actually, UK law does not recognise parody as an exception for using copyrighted material.
It does recognise fair use for the purposes of commentary or review.

However, I think the bigger argument is that you don't (as far as I am aware) actually use anyone else's material. You (as a group) are the sole origin of any material.
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Re: Knightmare Commentary Tracks

Post by HStorm »

LeakID appears to be a French company, while 4Shared is based in California, and the DMCA law is American in origin, so I'm not sure how much sway English or Scots Law would hold.
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Re: Knightmare Commentary Tracks

Post by GranitasIsCute »

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Re: Knightmare Commentary Tracks

Post by HStorm »

I'll convert this to MP3, clean it up, and upload it to the TDP site for you.
Knightmare Audio Plays from The Dunshelm Players.
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