2012: Knightmare's 25th Anniversary

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2012: Knightmare's 25th Anniversary

Post by JamesA »

Hi everyone,

Ok so you're all probably aware of this already but now I've finally got the opportunity to give this the push it rightly deserves.

This of course is the year of Knightmare's Silver Jubilee (25 years since the first episode was broadcast, the actual date being EXACTLY seven months from now), and it's unbelievable to think of the legend that has evolved throughout all these years.

As this is quite a milestone (and I don't think such an opportunity like this will reoccur for some time) I would like to put forward my desired intentions to mark this occasion. This falls into two categories, so I'll provide all the relevant detail into each category. Here we go then:

1.Knightmare Social/Convention

Social Idea
Most of the core Knightmare members on this forum will have undoubtedly attended a group social over the past years, and obviously this year would be a much fitting time to have another one. The previous excursions to Blackpool, York and Nottingham spring to mind, perhaps we could revisit one of those locations or even attempt for somewhere medieval (i.e. steeped with castles and an amount of familiar history that would be reminiscent to a place such as that what was used in Knightmare).

Convention Idea
This, needless to say would expand to anyone who had a passion for Knightmare (10,000 likes on Knightmare's Facebook page says it all really). This would take place over a weekend where there would be potential happenings such as Knightmare-themed games and roleplaying, actor talks and signings (if they would be interested) and maybe even watching some classic episodes of Knightmare too, I'm sure we could fit a few of those in! My preferred choice of location here would be Norwich (a.k.a the spiritual home of Knightmare and Anglia Television) but I accept that this would be quite difficult for a lot of people to get to, so thoughts here are especially welcome.

However, as you'll know there is the slight issue of the London Olympics/Paralympics taking place this year (hence why I don't think London would be a good place to host either of the above two ideas). Also, the Paralympics in particular run up all the way to September 9th (two days after Knightmare's actual landmark day). My recommended weekend is the 17th-20th August if anything does go ahead, as neither the Olympics or Paralympics will be in action and it would also give any teachers and suchlike the best chance to attend (I know of a few within the Knightmare community). But of course, we still have time to mull over such details.

Knightmare 25th Anniversary Documentary
As someone who's only recently got into filming (see this post for some examples of my work) I just love the potential of perhaps making a short documentary to mark this occasion. Now, if it were to happen it would be undoubtedly be uploaded to somewhere like Youtube, but the thought of including content a brief history of Knightmare spanning over 25 years alongside interviews with the show's past actors, crew and contestants just seems very appealing, if I can of course get the people in question to support it and be willing to take part. Again, reactions to this are much appreciated as I can finetune any additional content and further suggestions should this go ahead.


Just as a final note, I would like to point out once again that at this stage these are only my own thoughts and suggestions, others are of course greatly received. I was going to put this straight out on to Facebook and Twitter, but I've (sensibly?) decided to advance with caution and initially pool this here only first to gain some initial responses.

But again this just seems like too good an opportunity to pass by and I would really like to do something for Knightmare's 25th anniversary, no matter how big or small it may be.

Thanks for taking the time to read all of this, and for any potential comments/thoughts.
James Aukett
Creator of the Knightmare: 25th Anniversary Documentary
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Re: 2012: Knightmare's 25th Anniversary

Post by Mystara »

I'd be interested in being involved in any/all of that.

Running a convention would be fantastic. However, I wonder if there's enough support/interest...
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Re: 2012: Knightmare's 25th Anniversary

Post by HStorm »

Well, I did have a plot in mind for a third audio play in the FFR continuity, which I would have wanted to release for the anniversary. But it would take some time to write it, and even longer to record and mix it, so I doubt there's any chance of completing it this year, even if enough people wanted to get involved.

From your suggestions, the documentary certainly sounds like an interesting idea.
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Re: 2012: Knightmare's 25th Anniversary

Post by Kieran »

I like the ideas given here James.

I have imagined how a KM convention would work for many years, and a few of us got to early planning stages some years ago in regards to making one happen.

Like Mystara, I am interested in being involved.

Convention would highly depend on interest.
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Re: 2012: Knightmare's 25th Anniversary

Post by Canadanne »

I agree it would be brilliant if you managed to contact some cast / crew / contestants and put together a documentary. It's been years since Debz did her interviews, and I loved those. Quite a few Knightmare people have their own websites and social networking accounts so it shouldn't be hard to find out if they'd be interested.
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Re: 2012: Knightmare's 25th Anniversary

Post by Redthir »

I'd love to meet up but as I can't drive I can't get anywhere. That is unless there's someone on here near Newbury who's willing to give me a lift.

If nothing else, I'll simply watch loads of Knightmare episodes.
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Re: 2012: Knightmare's 25th Anniversary

Post by shadow6162 »

I like this idea of a documentary. If you make it then I'd definitely be interested!
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Re: 2012: Knightmare's 25th Anniversary

Post by Myatt »

James, I've been wondering about this for some time now. This is exactly how I would like to see a KM anniversary convention.

I would very much like to provide my video skills in documenting the event. Norwich would be my first choice followed by Midlands.

Any fans from Newbury, I maybe able to offer lifts to! Providing I get to know you first!! ;)
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Re: 2012: Knightmare's 25th Anniversary

Post by Pooka »

I will, of course, get involved in any way possible.

I have long held a dream of being a compére at a Knightmareconvention - introducing acts and welcoming people. But that's only if we have talks or guests. Hey, I can dream, right?
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Re: 2012: Knightmare's 25th Anniversary

Post by Drassil »

Thanks for kickstarting this discussion, James.

With the best will in the realm, conventions take a lot of organising, can be beset with problems from the first minute to the last, and can ultimately be loss-making. What's more, for every person that attends a convention and has a great time, there are at least two lamenting that it was too far/expensive/at the wrong time for them to come. The best venue for a convention of sorts might be the Knightmare Chatroom: it's equidistant from every fan and it doesn't matter if no one turns up. ;)

While I'm not sure I'd rank it as a serious suggestion, it could be fun to have a Knightmob: a flashmob of KM fans with some in blindfolds being guided around by others.

My favourite idea here is the documentary, and there may be a way to combine it with the other suggestions. James, as a veteran of LEJOG, what if you were to plan an itinerary up the country that took in some of the KM filming locations (as previously identified by The Quest, TES and Annie)? Fans living nearby could join you for the day and be filmed/interviewed, as could any available KM cast/crew/contestants. And naturally, people would sponsor you. :) I'd like to see charity involved somehow.

Regardless of whether anything special comes together, the most important thing to do is what we should do on Knightmare's unbirthdays too: carry on. Carry on posting, carry on creating, carry on chatting, carry on extending welcomes to old and new fans, carry on remembering. Knightmare is for life, not just for anniversaries. :)
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Re: 2012: Knightmare's 25th Anniversary

Post by Canadanne »

Drassil wrote:The best venue for a convention of sorts might be the Knightmare Chatroom: it's equidistant from every fan and it doesn't matter if no one turns up. ;)
That's a good point - I wonder if we could think of something to entice a big crowd of fans into the chat room for the anniversary weekend. Maybe a cast member or two could be persuaded to pop in for a Q&A session? It could then be promoted on Twitter, Facebook, the KM.com homepage etc. Easier to organise and less risky than a convention, but just as cool if it worked out!
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Re: 2012: Knightmare's 25th Anniversary

Post by JamesA »

Thanks everyone for the comments and replies so far. Here's my thoughts to some of the further ideas and suggestions that have been posted:
Drassil wrote:My favourite idea here is the documentary, and there may be a way to combine it with the other suggestions. James, as a veteran of LEJOG, what if you were to plan an itinerary up the country that took in some of the KM filming locations (as previously identified by The Quest, TES and Annie)? Fans living nearby could join you for the day and be filmed/interviewed, as could any available KM cast/crew/contestants. And naturally, people would sponsor you. :) I'd like to see charity involved somehow.
A lot of people do seem very interested in the potential of a documentary, and the filming locations suggestion is an excellent idea, one I hadn't even thought of. Annie's map and the addition information provided by TES/The Quest would most certainly come in useful here, and hopefully at the first available opportunity I can look at these to identify a potential route that takes in as many of these as possible. And even better, to follow up the theme of charity, it could even be a real-life Wall Aid. Incorporation of KM's filming locations into the documentary would also of course, prove to be beneficial.
Canadanne wrote:
Drassil wrote:The best venue for a convention of sorts might be the Knightmare Chatroom: it's equidistant from every fan and it doesn't matter if no one turns up. ;)
That's a good point - I wonder if we could think of something to entice a big crowd of fans into the chat room for the anniversary weekend. Maybe a cast member or two could be persuaded to pop in for a Q&A session? It could then be promoted on Twitter, Facebook, the KM.com homepage etc. Easier to organise and less risky than a convention, but just as cool if it worked out!
If nothing else did happen on the weekend of the 7th/8th/9th September, then it would most definitely be a excellent back-up plan. I for one would be in attendance for all three of those nights, and as has been indicated would be a lot more cost-effective compared to actually putting a proper convention together.

But the one thing that hasn't been touched on yet is the possibility of at least a social within the core KM community this year, given that the last one was almost two years ago I personally think it would be good idea - although as previously stated, the issue of the Olympics/Paralympics may present a problem.


Unless anyone objects I definitely think this is worth taking on to Facebook and Twitter this weekend, in the hope that we can get an even wider scale of responses to what has already been discussed - and so much positive impact in such short time already, I must say.
James Aukett
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Re: 2012: Knightmare's 25th Anniversary

Post by Mystara »

I'm very keen on a social event. The problem is that the last couple of events that were run had a poor attendance.

It's been suggested that the events weren't advertised widely or early enough. Certainly that's a possibility. What we should really do is decide on a date/event as quickly as possible and constantly push it until the event takes place :)

But it comes down to the age old...what and when?

Personally, I like the theme park trips. I know that all the UK ones have been pretty much done by now. However, they remain fun, many people are happy to go along to them and I think they have a wider degree of acceptance than other activities.
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Re: 2012: Knightmare's 25th Anniversary

Post by Canadanne »

JamesA wrote:A lot of people do seem very interested in the potential of a documentary, and the filming locations suggestion is an excellent idea, one I hadn't even thought of. Annie's map and the addition information provided by TES/The Quest would most certainly come in useful here, and hopefully at the first available opportunity I can look at these to identify a potential route that takes in as many of these as possible. And even better, to follow up the theme of charity, it could even be a real-life Wall Aid. Incorporation of KM's filming locations into the documentary would also of course, prove to be beneficial.
If you haven't seen it already, each of the known filming locations has a Lexicon entry with relevant screencaps that could be helpful.
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Re: 2012: Knightmare's 25th Anniversary

Post by LiamABC »

I must admit, I like the thought of some sort of get-together. I'm not great with crowds normally, but with something like this we've all got the same common ground so it shouldn't matter! If something is organised, I'd love to be part of it if I can.
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