thoughts and ideas please

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thoughts and ideas please

Post by endboss »

Hi, I a manage a band called The Lost Levels. They have an ep coming out in June. It is a concept ep about games. You can hear 2 of of the 5 tracks at
We are about to plan the video which we have decided to try and make it look like an episode of Knightmare.
We have approached Tim Childs who has agreed to help us get hold of some of the original props. We have also got hold of the set designer Rosamund Inglis who has agreed to give us any source material she still has.
The next bit is to try and sort out the tech side of it ( ie. blue screen stuff - talk to televirtual etc) and the logistics.
What do people think. Any ideas.
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Re:thoughts and ideas please

Post by Snowcat »

Welcome to the realms boys! Pull up a chair by the fire and let's see what we can see... :o

Is the intention to do an entire Knightmare themed video or simply feature a scene of it within a mish mash of other things?

Which track is the video intended for?

If your gonna do Knightmare, I'd suggest some of the more famous and remembered rooms to get the nostalgia flowing grand style. Perhaps the Corridor of Blades ('CoB'), a causeway, "The Hall of Choice" and getting good ol' Smirkenorff off the ground would be a good starting point.

Other things to play with would be the 'spirit' of KM itself. The fact that so few teams actually made it through the dungeon, "Turn right unless told otherwise", Treguard cutting in with a 'WARNING team!' at unexpected moments, "Where am I? Your in a room....".

Give a general enough feel of the program so as not to alienate the majority BUT leave in enough 'Correct' nods for the fans to spot and have a quiet smile at. ;)
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Re:thoughts and ideas please

Post by endboss »

The idea is to have the whole video as one compacted episode. We are going to try and hunt down Hugo Myatt as a special guest. we are thinking of approaching the dudes at belfast university who are planning some sort of re-creation. we may also talk to the people at televirtual.
the song is called early sheets. any thoughts and ideas would be most welcome. we are doing this with genuine affection for the show (and our childhood).
Perhaps we should hunt down an old team as guest stars.
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Re:thoughts and ideas please

Post by Snowcat »

*After listening to the MySpace upload of 'Early Sheets'*

Ok... Howzabout a full quest highlights type of thing?

Start off in a randoms kids home, telly blaring in the background with a football match or similar (Specifically NOT KM). 11 yr old comes barging in the front door at speed with schoolbag flailing dangerously. He crashes onto the sofa, flicks the channel to KM and gets dogs abuse from whoever was watching the TV as he came in. We then settle onto the screen itself as Treguard (There's yer cameo ;) ) calls enter stranger and the team/band walk in. (The fact that the photo shows 4 people means a perfect team!)

As this is happening, the music begins with that nice 8-bit synth and continues during the dungeoneer 'suit and boot'.

The team enter the 'hall of choice',

[Dungeoneer at the top of his voice] "Where am I?"
[Advisor] "Your in a room..."

, the lead guitar hits you and obliterates the rest of the room description.

Follow this up with a few random bits and pieces from level 1 thru the 1st verse. simple things like a clue table, talking to a random character running like hell from a harmless enemy, perhaps some eye-shield. That kinda thing... Never more than a few seconds for each snippet.

When the 1st chorus comes in (All 60's and dreamy to my ears), switch to Smirkenorff in flight. As graceful as you like swooping over the tree-tops. He lands and the team are into level 2 (Quite quickly, that chorus seems very short). Verse 2 kicks in and off we go again...

This time around things are a bit more dangerous. Perhaps shots of the dungeoneer skipping across a causeway or dodging fireballs. Basically show the team doing well and possibly getting a bit cocky with some of the more dangerous hazards. (PLEASE for the CoB to be in there somewhere!)

2nd chorus but before the fade. I'd suggest putting them into the Minecart to level 3. They arrive but are only going to survive a single room (The song has reached approx the 'waterfalls' line in the 2nd chorus). For the death I'd suggest something VERY arbitrary considering how far they had got. Perhaps the notorius 'Sidestep left' incident ;). The team step on/off something and wipe out.

[Treguard] ooooh Naaasty...

The team are dismissed and we now see them on the early KM 'Sunset' handing each other the scrolls, waving to camera and walking off into the sunset as the Synth fades away. They got so near but were left so far...

That sound viable? Sorry for going into geek mode for a few minutes :-[ . Listened to the track a couple times 'round while I've been typing this post and have been enjoying it quite a bit.

Anyone else out there got ideas to share?
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