Well that taught me a lesson!

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Well that taught me a lesson!

Post by Mashibinbin »

Knightmare was and remains responsible for a lot of positive things in my life and one of those is a love of language. Without it phrases like 'being out of the words' would not have entered my vocabulary until much later on. Likewise wonderful words like sanctimonious or prerequisites wouldn't have been known and understood either. Which phrases or words from the Knightmare universe impacted you and have left a lasting impression?
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Re: Well that taught me a lesson!

Post by PookasRule »

Great topic Mashibinbin. I suffer from long-term depression and at times it can be really difficult. Sometimes I just want to give up and stay in bed all day, but then I hear Treguard's voice in my head saying: "The only way is onward. There is no turning back." In the end, I always end up going forward, never backward and I like to think Knightmare gives me some of the impetus I need to do that.
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Re: Well that taught me a lesson!

Post by Mashibinbin »

That's really heartening, you could hopefully say similar for the likes of 'stepping boldly forward' and 'choosing wisely'. :) Interestingly, depression was used in a somewhat skewed sense of humour in the series with first a little more success for the gargoyle and later to excess with the weeping doors trilogy of Doorkis, Dooris & Dooreen and I don't just mean with the instruction to "Open up and let us through!" B-|
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