My Knightmare Dream

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Re: My Knightmare Dream

Post by shadow6162 »

I had an odd dream last night where me and my boyfriend went to this amusement park place (kind of like Disney World if you get what I mean) and after a while we got seperated so I walked around on my own. Then I found this sort of shop but I thought it was a sort of exhibit and not an actual shop so I peered into it through the window and there was a robotic man sitting behind a counter just moving his arms and body in a fixed pattern. I couldn't see his face because he had a brown cloak on but I saw that he was wearing Treguard's outfit from seasons 3-6. And then I heard the robot quoting lines from Treguard's voice...and EVENTUALLY I realised that this was actually a robot Treguard and I said to myself, " this what he does in his spare time? ;D " So I decided to take a picture to show everyone on the forums and I took forever to get a good one because I was taking it through the window, when this other family suddenly just opened the door of the shop and walked in! I just went inside too feeling a little embarrased ;D
Many years ago I wrote fanfictions. Now I attempt to write sanely.
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Re: My Knightmare Dream

Post by Picklemyfav »

I've had a few dreams about Knightmare for the past few weeks. I remember one where Pickle shaved off Treguards beard! I have to admit, that was a cool dream. You should of seen Treguards face, it was...well...rather strange seeing him without a beard.
roaring with laughter at that one. did treguard ask him to? or was he cross? ;D
Cedric kneed down close to my helmet so i could see him and told me.
"You're not witless. You're just nice. Too nice really for your own good. That's your main problem."
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Re: My Knightmare Dream

Post by Picklemyfav »

Dungeoneer2k3 » Thu Jul 24, 2003 6:31 pm
I've had a few dreams about Knightmare for the past few weeks. I remember one where Pickle shaved off Treguard's beard! I have to admit, that was a cool dream. You should of seen Treguard's face, it was...well...rather strange seeing him without a beard.
I dreamt [a few days ago after seeing the whole of series 1 of Knightmare for first time.] That i went on a quest in the dungeon to help Treguard get his castle deeds and dungeon master deeds back from Lord Fear as Lord Fear had stolen them. Treguard and Pickle were in it helping me.
We got the deeds back thanks to a level 2 guard called Cedric the mad monk who i befriended by dueling him with niceness and he had a long staff on him and he told me when deciding to help me. "You're not witless. You're just nice. Too nice really for your own good. That's your main problem. You'd never survive here on your own. So i'll help you. I'll help you to level three and i'll teach you my insult song for use on horrid guards and annoying cheekly elves and a few spells to use if you need to. Tell them i taught you and they'll let you past."
I wish someone had filmed that dream. The face of Lord Fear as i sang that song to him was so funny. [The insult song had the same tune to sounds of the underground.] Cedric also helped me tie up Lord Fear after i bet him. Then we met a friendly frightknight called Shadow who took charge of Lord Fear and helped us get back to the castle by scaring the Goblins away.
In my dream Lilith was Cedric's wife and he told me. "Don't tell the missis that you bet me in a duel. She might not give you a chance to tell you fully."
Met Lilith a few rooms later.
Lilith was nice to me and helped me in this quest with clue objects and spells. But then Treguard told her to be nice as time was not on our side at that point. She gave us some food at that point.
I so wiped the floor with Lord Fear at the end. laughing loudly. ;D
Cedric kneed down close to my helmet so i could see him and told me.
"You're not witless. You're just nice. Too nice really for your own good. That's your main problem."
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Re: My Knightmare Dream

Post by Canadanne »

Canadanne wrote:ARGH, I had a Knightmare dream that seemed incredibly real, and now I'm gutted it wasn't. I dreamt that a brand new one-off episode of Knightmare had been made available for download, with surprisingly little fanfare - I think it was advertised as being an Easter special or something, or perhaps it was supposed to be marking the 25th anniversary? Not entirely sure.
Haha, maybe this was a premonition of the Geek Week episode, although the details weren't very accurate. ;)

There was a Knightmare element to one of my very random dreams last night. I was in a room full of people who were playing some complicated role-playing board game, and even though I wasn't interested in participating (I was in the corner trying to do a jigsaw instead), they insisted upon me taking a turn - specifically, Paul Valentine made me do it! He was there in character (and costume) as Motley, and brought the various bits & pieces over to where I was sitting - I had to roll a pair of dice, use the numbers to select two books from a set of twelve (all to do with the mythology of this fantasy universe), rip a page out of each book, and blindly point at a word on each page. Both of the words turned out to be names - "Eleanor" and something weird beginning with J, like "Jagnor"? - and it was Paul's job to interpret their significance to my character in the game. He said something about them finally discovering the name of my secret daughter, "Eleanor of Jagnor". I can't really make sense of it all now, but I was entertained by how perfectly in character he was in the dream! No idea what prompted his appearance in it. My alarm went off before anything else could happen.

I also had quite a funny dream a few weeks ago, in which Lord Fear was in my house, trying to find me and my best friend from first school. We tried hiding in the bathroom but the door had gone missing, so I attacked him instead, pouring a bottle of water over his head when he came out of the nearest bedroom. He was so flustered he didn't see who had done it, and did the same thing to my friend, thinking she was the culprit!
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Re: My Knightmare Dream

Post by Picklemyfav »

I dreamt i saw Pickle on top of the pops. He was dressed like Boy George with dark green glittery eyeshadow on his eyelids and wearing a father ted waistcoat [the eurovision one]. The eyeshadow was stretched to a point and made him look more elf like. Pickle in my dream was a brilliant singer. He was singing this song on top of the pops called paradoxes and plotholes. I think that's what it was called as that's what the song was about. I can't remember the tune or the words now but at the time i knew all the words.
It was in my dream the knightmare theme tune. It was brilliant and had gems like paradoxes and plotholes never make no sense to me[chorus] and make sure you don't step in a plothole. it was about plotholes in tv and film and was very funny and a brilliant well written song. Think one line was watch you don't step in a plothole simon.
Later on in the dream i was at knightmare live with my dad and Pickle sung the song with his top of the pops gear on.[which was in the art galley in glasgow the one with the horse and the rider with the traffic cone on his head.] i knew all the words.
I woke up and went hunting that song before falling to find it and remembering it was a dream. ;D
Cedric kneed down close to my helmet so i could see him and told me.
"You're not witless. You're just nice. Too nice really for your own good. That's your main problem."
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Re: My Knightmare Dream

Post by Picklemyfav »


I also had quite a funny dream a few weeks ago, in which Lord Fear was in my house, trying to find me and my best friend from first school. We tried hiding in the bathroom but the door had gone missing, so I attacked him instead, pouring a bottle of water over his head when he came out of the nearest bedroom. He was so flustered he didn't see who had done it, and did the same thing to my friend, thinking she was the culprit![/quote]

i once dreamt that i was in glasgow and met Lord Fear in the works. I didn't know who he was and showed him a triceratops and told him that he looks like a triceratops. [which is true cause he does have you seen his giant frill around his neck] He cracked up and decided to chase me. He chased me into a couple of shops before i found costa coffee and ran into it. I bumped into Pickle and Treguard who decided to protect me from Lord Fear when i told them that had happened as in the words of Pickle [But he does look like a triceratops master. She only spoke truth. She only stated fact.] Pickle swapped my hair, eyebrows and ears with his making me look like an elf and Pickle look like a human. Lord Fear turned up at that point and asked the human looking Pickle if he had seen me. Pickle told him he hadn't. Lord Fear then seen my brown eyes looking at him and realised what had happened. As he was about to attack me Pickle made Lord Fear wet himself with a spell. Lord Fear was so embarrassed about wetting himself he went straight to the gents and stayed there for ages. Lissard had to fetch clean clothes for Lord Fear and he took ages. So long that i had time to have a cake and a hot chocolate before Pickle and Treguard took me to waterstones to get the book how to make friends with an elf. Its about elves and the social lives of elves. Then Treguard and Pickle walked me up to the bus station before Pickle restored my human features to normal and he went back to his old self again. Then the X34 bus pulled in and i got on it. As i sat down i noticed Lord Fear running up wearing baggy tartan trousers. Luckily the bus pulled away before he could get close. My last sight of Lord Fear before turning the corner was of him shaking his fist at me and his trousers falling down.
I woke up laughing like a hyena.
Cedric kneed down close to my helmet so i could see him and told me.
"You're not witless. You're just nice. Too nice really for your own good. That's your main problem."
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Re: My Knightmare Dream

Post by Canadanne »

Picklemyfav wrote:I dreamt i saw Pickle on top of the pops. He was dressed like Boy George with dark green glittery eyeshadow on his eyelids and wearing a father ted waistcoat [the eurovision one]. The eyeshadow was stretched to a point and made him look more elf like. Pickle in my dream was a brilliant singer. He was singing this song on top of the pops called paradoxes and plotholes. I think that's what it was called as that's what the song was about. I can't remember the tune or the words now but at the time i knew all the words.
LOL, what a funny image! And it's so frustrating when you dream of a song in great detail and then forget most of it when you wake up...
Picklemyfav wrote:[But he does look like a triceratops master. She only spoke truth. She only stated fact.]
I can so clearly hear Pickle saying that. Hilarious!
Picklemyfav wrote:As i sat down i noticed Lord Fear running up wearing baggy tartan trousers. Luckily the bus pulled away before he could get close. My last sight of Lord Fear before turning the corner was of him shaking his fist at me and his trousers falling down.
I woke up laughing like a hyena.
Hahahaha, I love it when a dream is so funny that you laugh yourself awake! ;D

You have the best dreams!
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Re: My Knightmare Dream

Post by Picklemyfav »

Re: My Knightmare Dream
Post by Canadanne » Tue Jul 12, 2016 2:14 pm
Hahahaha, I love it when a dream is so funny that you laugh yourself awake! ;D

You have the best dreams!
I know. I have some right crackers sometimes. I once had a funny dream about the wall monster Granitas. He had done the normal three riddles to this team of dafties who managed to get one of the answers right. They cheered when they got the third riddle right.
Then poor Granitas felt unwell. Treguard was alarmed until Granitas told him that "Granitas is pregnant".
Treguard became quite amused and laughed at that telling Granitas i thought you were male and told the team it might not be wise to stay too long as he [Granitas] might not be in the mood to give any tips.
As the team chose their two objects Granitas went into labour and Treguard told the team that he didn't know much about wall monster birth but it might be wiser to go quickly as it could be messy. The team decided to stay and help with the birth using their dungeoneer as a midwife.
Just before the birth a hole opened up where the nose should be and the baby wall monster came out of it looking like a lump of lava. The dungeoneer caught it and the next thing we heard DONG and saw the skull crack and the eyes roll away.
We then heard Treguard remark. "Well that's the first time i've seen a wall monster give birth before. That was very noble of your dungeoneer to help Granitas have his/her baby. Shame that wall monsters start out as a hot molten rock. But then we didn't know that. Did we?"
We then see the new born wall monster who now looks like Igneous [who turns out to be the dad] beside his mum Granitas. Treguard dismissed the team and turned to the camera after it.
"Well that was a strange adventure. Let's hope the next team do a lot better. The dungeon wins and challenges still. Enter stranger." I woke up at this point so i never seen the next team do their quest.
It was so funny that i woke up needing to pee. ;D
I had been wondering about how baby wall monsters were born a couple of nights before i had this dream. I don't know why Granitas had the kid in my dream! I mean he's male right! ;D
Cedric kneed down close to my helmet so i could see him and told me.
"You're not witless. You're just nice. Too nice really for your own good. That's your main problem."
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Re: My Knightmare Dream

Post by Canadanne »

Picklemyfav wrote:Then poor Granitas felt unwell. Treguard was alarmed until Granitas told him that "Granitas is pregnant".
Treguard became quite amused and laughed at that telling Granitas i thought you were male and told the team it might not be wise to stay too long as he [Granitas] might not be in the mood to give any tips.
As the team chose their two objects Granitas went into labour and Treguard told the team that he didn't know much about wall monster birth but it might be wiser to go quickly as it could be messy.
Picklemyfav wrote:Just before the birth a hole opened up where the nose should be and the baby wall monster came out of it looking like a lump of lava. The dungeoneer caught it and the next thing we heard DONG and saw the skull crack and the eyes roll away.
We then heard Treguard remark. "Well that's the first time i've seen a wall monster give birth before. That was very noble of your dungeoneer to help Granitas have his/her baby. Shame that wall monsters start out as a hot molten rock. But then we didn't know that. Did we?"
;D ;D ;D
Picklemyfav wrote:We then see the new born wall monster who now looks like Igneous [who turns out to be the dad]
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

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Re: My Knightmare Dream

Post by Picklemyfav »

Had another dream about Pickle last night. In fact i think it was two dreams mashed together. I dream that Knightmare had a interactive DVD out and on the bonus features it had a learn elvish feature. You could be tested on elvish by talking to an elf. While playing on the bonus features i had pressed the talk to an elf option by mistake. Opps. I tried to guess what Pickle was saying and kept picking the insult option by mistake when i wanted to say a nice thing. This happened three times. He started sobbing and i got a scroll come up that said. That was a bit rude. Be a bit more considerate to elves in future. I then whispered. Sorry there Pickle that i upset you. I'm trying to learn this language. And i don't have a clue what to click or anything. I then played a quest and that's when the dream changed for i was now watching a episode of a new series of Knightmare. I saw this team impress Pickle with the phrase. "We know how to talk elvish." They then told him that his hair smelled like a toilet and that his mother had a head like a camel in elvish. It came up in subtitles. Pickle was very annoyed and offended. "How dare you say that my mother has a camel head. You leave my poor mother out of this. And just so you know it is apple shampoo i use not that other thing you are saying." Treguard asked Pickle "What the other thing they had told him was." "Master they just told me that my hair smells like a toilet and it doesn't." Treguard calmed Pickle down by telling him that i'm sure they didn't mean to call you those things. They are only joking with you. Have a bit of banter back Pickle. The team [that were on level 2] then faced this challenge where they had to cross a bridge Pickle gave them a tip on how to cross but they didn't listen to it and nearly ran out of time before realizing that Pickle had given them a tip and finally listened and made it across just in time before finding food then it froze in the way it does at the end of each episode and Pickle told Treguard that if they were rude to him again he would not give them any more help in their quest. Treguard told Pickle that its in your contract to help the teams. Pickle then decided. "Ok. I'll help them but no more rudeness. Master." We jumped to the next episode and treguard gave his rundown of the quest.
Sadly the dream ended at this point so i don't know if Pickle helped them any more or if they were rude to him again. I felt like i wanted to tell that team say sorry to Pickle at once or he might force you to work on your own and give Pickle a hug.
Cedric kneed down close to my helmet so i could see him and told me.
"You're not witless. You're just nice. Too nice really for your own good. That's your main problem."
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Re: My Knightmare Dream

Post by Picklemyfav »

I rather hope this dream has a part 2...... I feel a good OOH NASTY coming on.
On a lighter note I hope that they say sorry to Pickle after they struggle through a hard challenge after annoying Pickle one too many times. Pickle looked like he was going to abandon them and let them fry at one stage. At the end of the dream i wanted to give Pickle a big hug as he looked so angry. I've never seen Pickle that cross before. Hope Pickle has calmed down for the next episode. Think the fur might fly or make that the advisers in this case. And across the room is where they shall fly. ;D
If the team don't learn their lesson soon then i hope its a funny well deserved stupid death. The kind that they had coming sort. Like sidestep to the left into that massive great big hole on the left hand side kind but better.
On a serious note calling Pickle names like that makes me think the team have some sort of death wish. Hope Skarkill or Cedric turns up in part 2. They won't take any insults off this team. ;D
Sometimes Lillith is in these dream episodes of Knightmare as well. ;D
I keep dreaming up these episodes of Knightmare. Sometimes its old episodes that don't really exist. I check sometimes to find the teams. The teams are never there or the real quest ends before the dream one does. Once the kids were real but in different teams not the same team.
Sometimes i dream its back on tv. Sometimes ant and dec mention the new series of Knightmare on saturday night takeaway in other dreams.
I get entertainment from my Knightmare dreams. They make me laugh sometimes. Hope you like them too.
Cedric kneed down close to my helmet so i could see him and told me.
"You're not witless. You're just nice. Too nice really for your own good. That's your main problem."
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Re: My Knightmare Dream

Post by Picklemyfav »

Lillith is not always in level 1 in my dreams. I've seen her in level 2 a few times. She has been spotted plotting against Lord Fear with any dungeoneer. Sometimes Skarkill and Cedric are in the same episode. Most of the teams that make it to level 3 get zapped by Lord Fear. Like how Nevar zapped the warriors in Raven. I've had two winners so far and i can't remember the teams names now. Pity.
Cedric kneed down close to my helmet so i could see him and told me.
"You're not witless. You're just nice. Too nice really for your own good. That's your main problem."
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Re: My Knightmare Dream

Post by Canadanne »

I love hearing about crazy dreams so these are very entertaining, especially since the Knightmare cast are always so perfectly in character! The team behind the Audio Series could probably get some ideas from your subconscious. ;D
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Re: My Knightmare Dream

Post by Picklemyfav »

Part 2 happened last night and it was awesome if a little bit mad.

Ok. Well this dream started where part one ended with Pickle telling Treguard that if they were rude to him again he would not give them any more help in their quest. Treguard told Pickle that its in your contract to help the teams. Pickle then decided. "Ok. I'll help them but no more rudeness. Master." Treguard gave his rundown of the quest so far.
Here is a team of lads and lass from Leeds
Who won't follow Pickle's leads
If anything they are annoying poor Pickle
Let's hope Pickle's mood is not feeling fickle.
Timeout is gone.
The quest is on.
The quest started just after the team got the girl dungeoneer to pick up the food. Pickle was sitting beside the fire as the team moved their dungeoneer to a clue room.
In the clue room they started arguing over what objects to take. On the table were a candlestick holder, a bar of gold and a man's glove. Pickle didn't feel well and as he walked past the team he told them to take the gold. Tell them to take the gold. Master. Treguard told Pickle. "It is their choice Pickle. Not yours."
The team then faced Cedric and had to give him the candlesticks that had been stolen by a stupid braindead Camelhead before passing safely by with a thanks for that you seem decent sorts. Pickle looked at the team and saw that one of the advisiors was saying. "He looks ill. Think he's contagious.. and diseased." Pickle told them. "You can't catch what i've got. Human men can't catch this.... Well.... Not unless you're Arnold Schwarzenegger playing a part in Junior."
Pickle suddenly dashed off with a hand over his mouth and Treguard was alarmed by this and told the team. "Team i am going to get Majida to help with some of your quest as Pickle doesn't seem very well today. You probably upset his stomach and don't think about annoying Majida as she is annoying enough."
Majida came in and told Treguard. "Pickle is ok now. He has thrown up making a mess of my nice clean bathroom and he is now having a rest and wants me to tell them off for annoying him." She turns to team. "You are very very naughty boys. Now behave."
The team then tried to get past Skarkill and his two goblins Rhark and Gripper using the glove. Skarkill was annoyed but when the dungeoneer said a word to Skarkill that was thankfully beeped out so i don't know what she said to him he really got mad. So mad that he ordered his goblins to.. "get her and bring her to me now so i can take her on a LOVELY journey." The advisers got the dungeoneer to run from the goblins but the goblins followed her to a challenge that had a walkway system of different sizes of plank [Like the cards one only with no cards]. All the dungeoneer and advisers had to do was step their way across calmly. Majida was hopeless at this challenge so they didn't listen to her. All went well until the third plank from the end or the seventh plank down [They had ten planks in the challenge] when one of the advisers made the dungeoneer step into thin air and the dong happened. And the skull was seen. And the rolling eyes rolled away. Pickle turned up as Treguard told the team. "You really shouldn't have annoyed Pickle. He would have helped you keep your timing right. You only had to perch on the end of the beam for two seconds before you could move forward anyway. [looks behind him sees Pickle is there] anyway before i do the honours is there anything you would like to say to Pickle. Like sorry perhaps." The team finally say sorry to Pickle. Then Treguard says D.I.S.M.I.S.S. and the team vanish.
Treguard then asked Pickle if he was feeling alright now. Pickle explained that he was feeling a bit better and that he had done a bit of knitting. Pickle then showed Treguard a yellow coloured baby cardigan and yellow coloured baby mittens that he had knitted.
Treguard's eyes went out wide like the stalk does on a snail [or like how a cartoon boy does at a cartoon girl or even the way they do when he Treguard is affected by powerful magic] as he said in disbelief. "A baby cardigan and mittens." He then raised his eyebrows and said gently. "Well that would explain a lot."
Treguard then asked Pickle if he was feeling a bit hungry. Pickle told Treguard that he was feeling very hungry and wanted three slices of toast and jam. Treguard asked Majida to fetch Pickle some toast and jam and three slices please before he said to Pickle. Well Pickle.. let's get the next team in and the new quest started.
That's where the dream ended. i woke up laughing at Treguard's shocked looking face. I left it open ended cause that's how it ended. We never saw the next team. Maybe that's later. ;D
Surely Pickle isn't....
Cedric kneed down close to my helmet so i could see him and told me.
"You're not witless. You're just nice. Too nice really for your own good. That's your main problem."
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Re: My Knightmare Dream

Post by Picklemyfav »

Canadanne wrote:I love hearing about crazy dreams so these are very entertaining, especially since the Knightmare cast are always so perfectly in character! The team behind the Audio Series could probably get some ideas from your subconscious. ;D
Thanks for that. I have had some right crackers.
I once dreamt that a team were so silly that they forgot they could bribe Cedric with the gold and cast a spell on him.
They had used the red gem by giving it to a lady who had given them two spells. One of them was called was Create and was not to be used on living people. The other was called Destroy and again was not to be used on living people.
They cast the Create spell on poor Cedric and he was shouting at them with his huge cute baby bump asking them what do you think you are doing? They then used the other spell Destroy to take the baby bump away. This made Cedric upset and he shouted at them even more. "How dare you think you have the power to play god? Only god can decide who to give babies to. I was looking forward to being a dad. Was getting my head around the whole of this. Until you..."
The team made their dungeoneer run away from a very angry Cedric and they walked into a brick wall. They could see food on the other side of the wall and realised they still had the gold but it was useless as they had wasted the two spells that they had been given. The dungeoneer ran out of food and DONG the skull appeared and the eyes rolled away.
Treguard told them that the Destroy spell was for the wall and the Create spell was for the well on the other side of the wall. Then he dismissed them with the famous D.I.S.M.I.S.S.
Pickle remarked. "Some people can't handle magic. Master."
I was cheering with joy at the end of that one. That team really had a death wish annoying poor Cedric.
Some dreams are too weird to work through in my head and those ones tend to be forgotten. I remember most of my Knightmare ones. Sometimes i'm in them. Weird. ;D
I have dreamt of being a dungeoneer before. I have even won. ;D
Cedric kneed down close to my helmet so i could see him and told me.
"You're not witless. You're just nice. Too nice really for your own good. That's your main problem."
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