Newbie (or Re-bie, possibly - can't remember)

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Newbie (or Re-bie, possibly - can't remember)


Hey folks

I'm Davey. I'm 35 and live in Ramsgate on the fat lip of Kent. I watched Knightmare from Series 1 and was an insane fan right up until Series 5 or 6, I think. I'm now rewatching them with my oldest (Sebastian, aged 4) who absolutely loves the series.

I did notice this time around that I really, REALLY enjoyed Series 1, 2, 3 and 4 (3 particularly was fantastic) but that the 'atmosphere' suffered terribly the more the actors were encouraged to take a larger part and the more the plots were developed. The older 'dungeon' feel seemed to wane after 3 and was completely gone by 5. Oddly, it felt on rewatching that they almost got it back too late during series 8.

Oh, well - either way Knightmare was breathtakingly brilliant. I LOVED the books (especially the first four) by Dave Morris and even the games (the C64 one more than the later Amiga version).

A big hello to anyone who - like me - is now rewatching the series...whether for themselves or their little ones! I find myself UBER curious as to what all the actors and adventurers are doing now??? Sidriss was LOVELY. :-)
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Re: Newbie (or Re-bie, possibly - can't remember)

Post by Canadanne »

I love the fact there are still young kids being introduced to and loving Knightmare!

Yes, the early series are definitely the best for that spooky, claustrophobic atmosphere, but then I also love the later series for completely different reasons. :)
GRIMSTONEYOUTUBE wrote:I find myself UBER curious as to what all the actors and adventurers are doing now???
David Verrey (McGrew) and Cliff Barry (Lissard) still turn up on TV quite frequently - both have appeared in Game Of Thrones, in fact Cliff Barry's episode should be coming up quite soon I think. Edmund Dehn (Gumboil) and Jackie Sawiris (Majida) have been in films recently. Hugo Myatt (Treguard) and Alec Westwood (Folly) are also in upcoming films. Joanne Heywood (Stiletta) is still acting in theatre, as is Lawrence Werber (Cedric) who's also a dentist. Mark Knight (Lord Fear) does theatre and voiceover work in America. Some of the cast run their own businesses. Adrian Neil (Ridolfo) is a drama teacher. Clifford Norgate (Hordriss) is a professional storyteller in schools. And I believe Paul Valentine (Motley) is a Zumba instructor! Have you seen the 25th Anniversary Documentary on YouTube?
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Re: Newbie (or Re-bie, possibly - can't remember)


Thanks for the all that: appreciated. I've just seen the documentary - it's brilliant! I hardly recognized Mace at all!
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Re: Newbie (or Re-bie, possibly - can't remember)

Post by Drassil »

Welcome back, Davey. I saw one of your books in Waterstone's the other day! I started watching Knightmare from Series 2, so I didn't watch Series 1 on TV; but as it turns out, it's never too late. :)

I have younger relatives that I've managed to introduce to Knightmare. Upon showing one of them Series 3 when he was aged 4, he asked, "Is this a video game?" A couple of years later, we watched some of Series 7 and he asked, "Is this a play?" I thought it nicely summed up the ascendancy of the dramatic element in the later series. Series 3, though, is generally considered the best of the best among fans.

If you haven't read it, you'll learn a lot from Tim Child's History of Knightmare about how the series developed over the years.
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Re: Newbie (or Re-bie, possibly - can't remember)


Thanks, Drassil. We're just on the end of Season 3 for a third time, at the moment. I still feel Leo was VERY unlucky - the Avebury circle question was quite tough for a group of that age. Otherwise, I think they might have won through!
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