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Post by Malefact »

Smirkenoff was still panting when another dragon landed in front of him. He almost didn't notice, but when he did he was startled - he'd not seen another dragon for a very long time.
"Who are you?" asked Smirkenoff.
"My name's Owen," replied the dragon.

Elsewhere, Folly and Motley had wandered into a system of caves.
"I don't like this at all!" whispered Folly.
"Well, we won't be here for long," muttered Motley. Folly looked around, and then up at the cave ceiling. He saw about fifty poisonous bats clinging to the stalagtites and yelped. Motley looked up.
"Don't make any noises, you berk!" Motley spat.
"I'm sorry!" whimpered Folly. "It's just that I don't happen to like those things."

A goblin horn sounded. The bats, startled, immediately took flight. For a terrifying thirty seconds, the cave was alive with venomous bats. Motley and Folly covered their faces. When the bats had all flown away, they checked themselves over and were relieved to find that they had not been bitten. The goblin horn sounded again.
"Oh, no!" shrieked Folly.
"We have to get moving!" announced Motley.

The two jesters marched through the caves and into a corridor. The horn sounded again, much closer this time.
"The right-hand door, quickly!" ordered Motley. They ran towards it, only to jump back in fright at the sight of three goblins emerging from it.
"The left-hand door!" cried Folly. They spun around only to be faced with more goblins.

In a matter of seconds they were completely surrounded.

"We're done for!" screamed Folly. Motley gulped.
"I wish I'd learnt Goblinese," he muttered. And then something happened that made them quiver with fright. A hobgoblin emerged from the darkness and marched to the front of the army of goblins surrounding the jesters. It looked at them. They looked at it. Then, the hobgoblin did something quite unexpected - it beckoned the jesters to follow. Folly and Motley looked at each other.
"It wants us to follow!" whispered Motley.
"Why can't they just put us out of our misery?!" whimpered Folly.

The jesters followed the hobgoblin, flanked by the thirty goblins who trapped them. They were led through a system of dark caverns until they arrived at a huge cave. It stretched out for hundreds of meters in all directions. Colourful minerals shone with the fluorescent light of algae on the rock next to them.

The jesters were led to the centre of the cave. The goblins formed a circle around them. The hobgoblin turned and faced them.
"We need your help," said the hobgoblin.
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Post by Emii »

The two jesters' mouths fell open in synchrony, making them look rather amusing. They both looked at each other, and turned back to the hobgoblin.
"Wha...?" They both stuttered.
The goblin also appeared rather amused at the sight.

[hehehehee...there's my two pence thrown in!]
"The alarm, Master! The opposition's tracked them! Oh good grief...look - Lord Fear's frozen Christopher!"
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Post by Emii »

Kully, Majida and Pickle crept through the courtyard immediately before them. Something had most definately happened to Linghorn - every few steps they were having to pick their way through rubble or remains of the once proud statues and towers.
"Why ees all broken?" lilted Majida. "There are few places as rueened as dees!"
"And the floors all dirty." Said Kully, gazing between her feet. Pulling her rag out of her pocket, she rubbed at the groud to see what the dust was. A small hole appeared, and grew as she rubbed it away.
"This si no time for clearing up, Kully!" said Pickle in frustration. Kully kept rubbing, and her eyes widened in surprise.
"This floor isn't dirty! This dirt is the floor!"
"What are you talking of, seely elf?" Majida shook her head, but before she could say any more, the hole Kully had rubbed into the ground deepened, cracked open and split apart, sending them tumbling into some place between level one and the depths of level three. A place watched by three cunning females with a task to complete.
"The alarm, Master! The opposition's tracked them! Oh good grief...look - Lord Fear's frozen Christopher!"
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Post by Malefact »

Marta and Romahna had entered a tavern.
"Where is this?" asked Romanha.
"This 'ere is the Mad Cow," replied Marta.
"Hey! Is also the Crazed Heifer!" someone called out in an Italian accent.
"Who are you?" demanded Romanha.
"I am the Famous Ridolfo!" he cried, grabbing his lute and strumming it. The lute was in need of tuning.
"Oooh! Don't you play that thing well!" gushed Marta. Romanha was having none of it.
"Never mind all that!" she snapped. "We're looking for Sidriss' soul."
Ridolfo flinched.
"Hey, I'm not getting mixed up with her!" he said. "I no wanna be a fisherman again!"
"Move it!" barked Romanha. Ridolfa did as he was told. The three left the inn amid stares from the surrounding folk.
"The trouble with them lot," spoke an old man, "is they don't know how to relax," and promptly vanished, along with everyone else.

Meanwhile, Treguard, Lord Fear, Scarkill and Lissard had cornered Sidriss' soul.
"Go on, Treguard!" cried Fear.
"Spellcasting B A G!" boomed Treguard. A large bag appeared and captured the faint, ghost-like image of Sidriss.
"Now summon that pompous old fool, Hordriss," ordered Fear.
"Wait!" cried Scarkill, staring at the wall. "Look, your Fearship!"
Everyone turned and looked at the sewer wall. It was...phasing. The colours were all wrong and seemed to be changing. Before long the entire sewer was pulsing with colour.
"What's going on, Lordness?" breathed Lissard.
"How should I know? You stupid reptile," spat Fear.
"Perhaps we'd better leave," said Treguard quietly. They continued on their way along the sewer. Before long, they came to a large portal.
"What's in here?" asked Treguard.
"It used to be the quest chamber," replied Fear. "It isn't any more, though. I moved them all to Marblehead."
"Let's go in, then," said Scarkill.

They walked through. Suddenly, they were confronted with a rush of air and for several terrifying seconds were thrashing about wildly in the dark, their feet not even touching the ground. When the wind died down, Lord Fear took a deep breath.
"This isn't Goth," he murmered.
"Where is it, then, your Fearship?" asked Scarkill.
"This is Marblehead," replied Fear. He was right, too. And not only was it Marblehead, it was the Marblehead quest chamber.
"How can this be possible?" demanded Fear.
"Well, since the quest objects are a constant in the dungeon, their temporal location must be linked to their physical location," said Treguard. "But since the reality of the dungeon is not a constant, and since the dungeon is going haywire, it must be..."
"Ha!" cried Fear, interrupting Treguard.
"What is it, your Lordness?" asked Lissard. Lord Fear had shot across the room and picked up a ring.
"Phobic design!" he shrieked, putting it on. There was a flash of light.
"I have my powers back!" he cried, overjoyed.
"Terrific," murmered Treguard.
"Excuse me, won't you, old thing?" crooned Fear, and snapped his fingers. Sylvester Hands appeared in the middle of the room.
"Ooh! What was that?" he rasped. He turned and saw Fear.
"Ah! There you are!" he announced, and grabbed his catapult. "No mistakes this time!"
Lord Fear snapped his fingers and Hand's catapult turned into a snake. He screamed and dropped it on the floor, where it slithered away to hide under a barrel.
" got your powers back?" he whispered.
"You bet!" cried Fear.
"Do you mean all this time he was powerless?" whispered Scarkill to Treguard, clearly disgusted.
"I'm afraid so," replied Treguard.
"Rats," hissed Lissard.
"I'm gonna make you sorry you ever drew breath!" screamed Fear. Hands cowered.
"I'm sorry, your Fearshipness!" he whimpered.
"There's no time for this," announced Treguard. "We have to call Hordriss."
"You're right," sighed Fear. "I'll kill you later, Hands. Morghana is top of my list at the moment. That evil cow is gonna regret zapping MY powers!"

"Malefact, Malefact, Malefact!" cried Treguard. Hordriss appeared. Looking around, he realised what had happened, and snapped his fingers to summon Mellisandre and Gibbett, too.
"What's this? A reunion party?" asked Fear sarcastically.
"Silence, Fear!" barked Hordriss. "For your information, Level Two is disintegrating."
"That explains the strange behaviour in Goth," breathed Treguard.
"Goth disintegrated?" asked Hordriss.
"No, but it was phasing," replied Treguard. "As if it was only half-there."
"That makes sense," said Hordriss. "Goth has also been Level Three in the past. Only the Level Two part of it disintegrated."
"I'm confused," murmered Scarkill.
"Shut up, Scarkill!" snapped Fear. "Well, do what you have to do, then!" he ordered.
"Have you the bag?" asked Hordriss.
"I do," replied Treguard.
"Then it is time," replied Hordriss. He reached into his pocket and withdrew the bottle with Sidriss/Morghana.
"Hurry! Before Morghana finds out!" urged Treguard.
Last edited by Malefact on 06 Mar 2003, 17:37, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Malefact »

Little did they know, though, that only a few rooms away, oblivious to it all, were Aesandre, Maldame and Greystagg. They were watching as Pickle, Majida and Kully emerged in a forest.
"Dunkley Wood, I believe," sneered Aesandre. "They have approximately fifteen minutes before Level Two disintegrates completely!"
"Is this entirely necessary?" asked Greystagg wearily.
"Don't be a fool!" hissed Maldame. "You've seen the bones. You know that they are the ones that ensure the survival of Lord Fear. Without them, the Powers that Be will still win."
"Yes, but there are many more casualties other than Lord Fear," said Greystagg. "There must be another way."
"There isn't!" cried Aesandre. "Those three letting Mogdred and Morghana out of the Phase Trap gave us our first proper chance of toppling Fear! We cannnot afford not to take advantage of it!"
"Oh, very well," sighed Greystagg. They watched as Pickle, Majida and Kully scrambled to their feet and realised where they were.

"We have to get out!" screamed Kully.
"This way!" ordered Pickle.
A booming voice enveloped the entire wood.
"My, my! Three tasty tid-bits! Won't someone be pleased?" came the voice, followed by a peal of hideous laughter.
"Oh, no, LOOK!" cried Majida. They looked up and saw a giant cobweb suspended over the branches of the trees. They heard a rustling in the distance.
"Guess who's come to supper!" the voice cackled.
Last edited by Malefact on 05 Mar 2003, 15:56, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Malefact »

Hordriss uncorked the bottle and Sidriss's body emerged from it in a puff of smoke.
"First, we must exorcise Morghana," Hordriss announced. He closed his eyes and began an incantation.
"I hope this works," whispered Treguard.

Suddenly, Sidriss's eyes opened. They burned red. With a wave of her hand, Hordriss was knocked off his feet and sent flying into the far wall. He crumpled, groaning before passing out. Sidriss advanced upon him. Mellisandre screamed and hid behind Gibbett, who promptly hid behind her.
"How long has it been, Hordriss?" Morghana spoke through Sidriss. She sent a bolt of lightning into Hordriss, who shook violently and screamed in agony. Even Lord Fear was taken aback by the ferocity of the attack.
"Stop!" boomed Treguard. Morghana spun around and looked Treguard right in the eye.
"And you!" she hissed. "You have the BAG! Give it to me."
"Never," said Treguard. Morghana looked at him with an expression of pure hate.
"Then you shall die," she said softly.

In another part of Marblehead, Greystagg twitched.
"What's that?" she asked.
"What's what?" replied Maldame.
"Someone is here," spat Aesandre.
"I can feel it now," shivered Greystagg. Aesandre waved her hand along the viewscreen. An image of Sidriss with Lord Fear, Treguard, Scarkill, Lissard, Mellisandre, Gibbett and an unconscious Hordriss blurred into existence.
"It is happening already!" cried Aesandre.

The three sorceresses joined hands and pointed to the high ceiling. A wave of energy rippled through the chamber and seemed to solidify. A force field.
"We can now begin the final phase," announced Aesandre. "Mogdred!" she boomed into the viewscreen.

Mogdred's image appeared. He looked up from the viewer in Treguard's antechamber.
"All is ready," Aesandre boomed. Mogdred cackled.
"Then I shall see you all soon!" he cooed. "For now, though, it's party time!"

Mogdred waved his hand over the viewer to see Sidriss/Morghana, Treguard, Fear, Scarkill, Lissard, Mellisandre, Gibbett and Hordriss. He seemed to distort himself, bending over, contorting. He dived into the viewer, leaving behind a fireball that engulfed Treguard's antechamber. Within seconds, it was a charred wreck.

Meanwhile, back in Marblehead, Sidriss/Morghana was moving in for the kill.
Last edited by Malefact on 06 Mar 2003, 16:33, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Malefact »

Pickle, Majida and Kully had closed their eyes, wincing at the prospect of being bled dry by a giant arachnid. They had already got stuck on a giant cobweb. Suddenly, a dozen goblin horns sounded. They opened their eyes.
"What the..." began Kully.

A hoard of goblins, hobgolins, and....Motley and Folly had emerged from the trees. The goblins began working on the cobweb trying to free its captives.
"Right, madam!" began Motley, boldly standing in front of Ariadne. "You are so ugly that you makes toadstools feel gorgeous!"
Folly helped too.
"Ariande!" he announced, "the haemerrhoid on legs!"
"The eight-legged goblin pat!" cried Motley. A couple of goblins looked at him.
"No offence, mates," gulped Motley. The goblins went back to what they were doing.
"The massive sh..." began Folly.
"That's done it!" cried Motley, as Ariadne skulked off, humiliated and unable to stand any more abuse.
"Well done!" gasped Pickle, freed from the cobweb.
"An alliance weeeth Goblins!" said Majida incredulously.
"Now we must hurry!" urged Motley. "Level Two is, as they say, coming apart at the seams!"
"I never knew goblins read the bones," said Folly, shaking his head.
"Come on, everyone!" boomed Motley. "I know a short cut!"

So, the band of goblins, with Pickle, Majida, Kully, Motley and Folly ran off down a dirt track. Behind them, a deserted clearing began to shimmer in multiple colours.
Last edited by Malefact on 06 Mar 2003, 17:39, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Malefact »

"Well, madam," boomed Fear to Morghana/Sidriss, "it's been fun and I can't say I'm not a little turned on by all this, but you really have to go!"

Fear flexed his hand, instructing his Phobic ring to power-up. He reached back and tried to summon a fireball.
"Take THAT!" he cried. Nothing happened. He gulped.
"Something wrong?" cooed Morghana sweetly. She flicked her wrist and Fear was engulfed in a wave of green energy. He convulsed in agony. The green faded away and he collapsed onto the floor.

"This is unbearable!" cried Greystagg.
"Oh, be quiet!" barked Maldame, who had been blocking Fear's ring with snaps of her fingers.
"We have been through this already!" snapped Aesandre.
"This is not right," said Greystagg softly.
"Who cares about what's right?!" screamed Maldame. "The fact is that Fear is about to become Dungeon Dust!"

Morghana had turned her attention to Treguard.
"And you, warder," she spat, "have always been nothing less than an irritation!"
She threw an energy field at him. He was flung across the room, mortally wounded. She advanced upon him.
"Die, Dungeon Master!" she screamed. Suddenly, she was engulfed by a red glow. She shrieked, thrashing wildly. For a split second, there were two people there - Sidriss and Morghana. Then, there was an explosion of light. Sidriss's body was left lying on the ground, and the echo of a scream was left rattling around the castle. Hordriss, exhausted by that major expenditure of energy, passed out completely.
"Treguard," whispered Fear, struggling for breath. Treguard slowly opened his eyes.
"What is it?" he rasped.
"The spell," Fear replied. "Dispell it! Morghana is gone."
"Dispell; G A B," Treguard gasped, barely making it through the incantation. The whispy image of Sidriss appeared. It hovered for a moment before moving over to her body, and settling inside.

Sidriss's eyes opened. She moaned. Scarkill went over and picked her up. She looked at him and shuddered.
"Don't worry, miss," he said softly. "No goblins today."
"I think we've done it!" whispered Lissard. "We've won!"
"Is it safe now?" whispered Hands, who had been hiding behind some barrels.

"Such fools!" laughed Maldame. "They have no idea!"
"I'm putting an end to this right now!" barked Greystagg. She turned around, and shot power bolts at the forcefield around the viewing chamber. Suddenly, she stopped, a look of horror on her face. She was frozen.
"She was getting quite irritating!" snorted Aesandre.
"Now all we do is sit back and watch!" cried Maldame. "In a few moments, Lord Fear will be just a distant memory!"
Last edited by Malefact on 09 Mar 2003, 02:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by GrimaldineGrimwold »

[Why have you been replying to yourself for several days Malefact? Don't mean to offend- just wondering.]
"Sometimes of the Grey, but always of the Green, dearie. Shurrup Brollachan! Have you seen Festus, my dear? I need to take him back to Cornwall. " [cackle]
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Post by Billy »

He probably likes this thread and wants to keep it at the top. It would take me days to read all this, so I can't add a chapter just yet.
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Post by Emii »

It's because nobody else had posted replies. Sometimes this thread has been left dormant for up to five days and was slipping slowly towards distant page-two-land.
"The alarm, Master! The opposition's tracked them! Oh good grief...look - Lord Fear's frozen Christopher!"
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Post by GrimaldineGrimwold »

[Yes, that makes sense. Oh well, good luck with it.]
"Sometimes of the Grey, but always of the Green, dearie. Shurrup Brollachan! Have you seen Festus, my dear? I need to take him back to Cornwall. " [cackle]
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Post by Velda »

[Hi, it's me - I haven't been posted for a while due to some PC problems, but it's fixed now so I'm back  ;D  Been reading this story - it's brilliant and I don't want it to end!  I've got a contribution for it, something along the lines of Maldame and Aesandre having a catfight, but I can't think how to word it!  Can someone else take my idea and adapt it a bit please?  I know they'll make it better than I would!]
Last edited by Velda on 10 Mar 2003, 23:47, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by GrimaldineGrimwold »

[I say go for it, Velda!]
"Sometimes of the Grey, but always of the Green, dearie. Shurrup Brollachan! Have you seen Festus, my dear? I need to take him back to Cornwall. " [cackle]
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Post by Velda »

[I'll do that then, hehe! I'll be back later to type it up - no-one tell any more of the story until then]
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