Legal Knightmare DVDs

For all discussion and ideas for bringing back classic Knightmare.
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by nightgoblin »

Any more news on the plans to release Knightmare on to dvd ?
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by Greystagg »

Dark Comet wrote:We seem to have had a resurgence of interest in the recent days. Awesome. Where did you find out about this, chaps?
Don't know about everyone else, but I've been watching the complete set of Knightmare episodes on YouTube recently [1] and decided to browse the site/forums after that!

I hope you (general) don't mind me pointing out that the "Knightmare on DVD?" link on the homepage isn't that easy to spot - at first glance it's just one more news item in a list. Would it be possible to increase the font size, or colour or something, to make it the main focus of that page? To get as many casual viewers' attention as possible it really should be the first thing your eye falls on..

[1] The existence of which, by the way, doesn't affect my willingness to buy high-quality complete episodes on legal DVD.
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by DJFairborne77 »

Instead of going for a DVD release, why not bypass that & go straight to Blu-Ray? There is far more room on a single Blu-Ray disc, so it wouldn't be as many discs for the full 8 series plus extras. Also, I would love a commentary or 2 from Tim Child & Hugo Myatt or any of the actors involved, or from any of the teams too. Or from the fans like what they do on the ''Red Dwarf'' fansite ''Ganymede & Titan''. Also, a nice few featurettes would be great too, with interviews from all the main people involved. Also archive footage, CITV appearances & trailers etc, behind-the-scenes footage & any other interesting stuff would be great to see too. So, I think Blu-Ray would be a good way to go for a retail release, and with the players coming down in price now rapidly (£100 in Asda now!), I think Blu-Ray will take off in the next year or 2. Also, it's great picture & sound quality too. Normal DVD is still good, but I just think it would be better to go down this route, if only for the size/storage capabilities that Blu-Ray has over 'normal' DVD's.

Also, this might be more appealing to people now as Blu-Ray is starting to become more popular & also an incentive to buy it from fans who may already own bootleg copies on DVD or VHS.
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by Mystara »

Blu-ray is expensive to mass produce. I don't see it decreasing on a per GB basis for some time to come.
DVD duplication (if and when we ever get to the stage of DVDs) is also cheap, so we'd be adding significant cost to something that currently isn't costing us the bulk of our money.
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by DarkComet »

The Dunshelm Players
Audios plays and commentaries with a Knightmare flavour

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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by PKB »

Bluray would not be a good option anyway. First, the footage would need to be scaled up as it would currently be at standard television resolution, so there would be cost involved there. Second, bluray is coming along, but it needs you have to Hi-Def tv to see it at its best and not everyone has one of them. DVD is fine, you can do a straight port of the footage and 99.9999999999999999% of the population can buy it and view it.
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by Mystara »

Yes, except we'd obviously create new ones.
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by Terrahawk »

Dark Comet wrote:We seem to have had a resurgence of interest in the recent days. Awesome. Where did you find out about this, chaps?
I've known about this site for about about 6 years or so but never really made an account to join in with the forum. Basically joined to voice my opinion that yep, i'm definately interested in the Knightmare DvD release. Although i have them all on tape thanks to challenge the quality doesn't do it justice on VHS. Plus my girlfriend's sister made a few errors when taping some episodes for me the week we went on holiday.

I just hope it makes it to DvD very soon.

Knightmare and Terrahawks were a massive part of my childhood. I've got the Terrahawks complete set on DvD and now i'm after Knightmare. RAWR !!!
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by Ironlord »

Ye gods, I am late on this one, aren't I? 99% of the reason I visit this forum these days is when there's a new Eye Shield out, and I must have forgotten for the last two.

All-new fan commentaries, you say? I'd miss my own funeral to be on that.

And even if I wasn't, I'd buy the lot in an second.
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by LexLuthor »

This post can be considered a sign of my support for an official DVD release. I would definitely make the purchase.
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by Mystara »

Off-topic posts have been moved to the relevant thread.
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by JoeGrocottJames »

Just thought I'd add my support to this - would love to be able to buy Knightmare on DVD.
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by Naitch »

I am 100% behind a DVD release of Knightmare.

I have wished for Knightmare on DVD since I bought my first DVD around 8 years ago.

Nearly every classic Children s TV program is available to buy on DVD, and Knightmare is LONG overdue a release onto DVD.

I've always thought it shameful that it hasn't been released.

Having the episodes on a digital format, and the extras could be superb!

I am all for this!

Fingers crossed, and I'm sure that a Knightmare DVD release has the support of the whole KM community!
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by tiggy »

Hey Mystara - it's been around six months since the initial post regarding legit copies of Knightmare. I was just wondering if there was any update on your original post - so is there enough interest? When would there be a yes/no decision made?

Cheers (and still supportive of both downloads and DVD/Blu Ray copies),
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by DJFairborne77 »

I'd like to pledge my support to any 'official' DVD release of ''Knightmare'', but I think it's probably too much hard work & far too expensive for the fan community to do on their own. We need Tim Child or a DVD company (such as Eureka or similar) to get involved & help along the way with all the minor details etc. Now I admit that I don't really know the in's/out's of what goes into making & releasing a series on DVD for retail, but I'm sure there's lot of legal bits/pieces & also copyright stuff to sort out, which could take-up a bit of time & also prove costly. I'd love to see a proper 'official' DVD of ''Knightmare'' to get released one-day, but don't forget we are talking about 8 series/112 episodes, which will be a fair few discs & also I'd love to have some extras, such as behind-the-scenes & commentaries etc. All this would take time & money, so unless some serious backing is put behind the project then sadly I don't ever see it happening, which is a really sad thing. I wonder what Tim thinks of this idea though? Surely if he were to get involved, then perhaps he could persuade a big company or 2 to get invloved etc. I'd love GrantNaylor Productions (who make ''Red Dwarf'') to venture into doing DVD's for other series, as the ''Red Dwarf'' DVD's so far have been fantastic, really well put-together & crammed to the fore with extra material, so to get that kind-of treatment for ''Knightmare'' would be amazing! So, to sum-up I do hope one-day we finally get to see ''Knightmare'' on proper 'official' DVD or even Blu-Ray & I'd like that day to be sooner rather than later, but unless Tim & others get involved then I don't think it will happen for a while at least, or unless someone in the fan community wins the National Lottery jackpot soon! Lol I do hope it does happen though, as it would be great for all of us fans to have the show we have loved for so many years on proper 'official' shiny discs!

Alternatively, maybe it would be worth contacting Challenge, to see if they've got any plans to repeat the show again at any point in the future? The worst they could say would be no & it would be fabulous if they could repeat it again, as they've been showing ''The Crystal Maze'' now on/off for more than 10 years or so!...

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