Knightmare Chat

Announcements regarding the Knightmare community and website.
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Fright Knight
Fright Knight
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Joined: 17 Nov 2002, 22:55
Location: London

Knightmare Chat

Post by Pooka »

Thought I'd make a new post to clarify all the facts about Knightmare Chat. The thread that preceded this one has been archived, and can still be read here, but there is lots of information that is out of date on it. So here goes:

Knightmare Chat happens on Sundays at 8:00pm (although "unofficial" chats happen on Fridays and Saturdays too, and the room is always open).

The server address is at port 6667, and the room is #knightmare. If you use a program for IRC chat, those details should work. If you would like to use one, the best one around is mIRC. If you would like to access Knightmare Chat via a web browser, you can do that using one of the online chat clients. IKM's Clients Page has all the clients on it.

Knightmare Chat has a few 'members of staff' (more commonly known as operators or OPs), to make sure things run smoothly. They will have a symbol next to their name, such as ~, & or @. OPs are not there to bully anyone, but are around 'just in case' anything happens that needs attention.
The owner of the room is Pooka; Darren is co-owner. If you have an issue with anything in Knightmare Chat, then please contact either of them. The other OPs are Billy, Kieran, and Forester, who also owns IKM, and the server on which Knightmare Chat is hosted, named Mythology.

There are no fixed 'rules' concerning Knightmare Chat, although being civil, not offending other members and other things that are common sense should be a given. Although the chat room is named after Knightmare, conversation is in no way limited to Knightmare, so please do not get offended if we are not discussing your favourite character the moment you enter!

For more information on Knightmare Chat, IKM has a general chat information page, which should answer any further questions you have. Come and talk to us, we'd like to see you there!
Pooka - teacher, writer, comedian, musician, geek, and full-time Knightmarian.

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