The KM Top 10 of Everything

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Re: The KM Top 10 of Everything

Post by MoanaLiza »

GG - you don't like Olaf? I found his exagerated accent quite amusing... even if just for mockery value. :)
On the subject of him, I don't know why I'm sure I recognise his name somewhere else though! Does anyone know what elso Tom Karol has acted/starred in. I looked on the IMDB but it just says the characters he played in KM though!
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Re: The KM Top 10 of Everything

Post by GrimaldineGrimwold »

Top 15 Dungeoneer Deaths - Y'all know what I'm putting at #1, but hey. 15 seems to work better than 10 for this one. Reasons for these are varied.

15. Series 3 Team 6 - So close to escaping the haunting axe, but just took one step too many after a slow start in making their escape. They'd got so far that it's effective when they fall off, unlike the teams who just step off a ledge earlier on.  
14. Series 8 Team 5 - No-one ever seems to mention this. This one's why the Miremen are slightly creepy after all.
13. Series 2 Team 12 - The whole life force fading idea was an interesting thing to see.
12. Series 1 Team 1 - It set the standard, really, and is pretty creepy in its own right. I suppose it plays on every child's fear of the dark.
11. Series 5 Team 7 - Just for the surreal value, really! Getting eaten by a Blocker while transformed into a goblin complete with odd voice has to get the originality vote.
10. Series 2 Team 2 - Again a childhood fear type one, really. A ghost comes to get you and you've nothing to stop it.
9. Series 4 Team 3 - Ariadne is just the creepiest thing in Knightmare, I think. It's evident that a lot of teams though so too from their reactions to Treguard mentioning her and to her appearances in screen. The sound effects here are pretty scary too.
8. Series 5 Team 2 - I liked the team, and in a way thought it was sad Skarkill didn't accept the magic horn ploy. However, Rayner Bourton plays it really well, and it manages to be creepy too.
7. Series 6 Team 4 - It's the speed with which Sly moves, partly. Plus the skull. Oh, and the bit about it in Illusion's "Teams" commentary, which always makes me laugh when I happen to read it.
6. Series 4 Team 2 - For it being the first Corridor of Blades death.
5. Series 4 Team 1 - You know almost as soon as they start trying to spellcast TRANSFORMATION that they won't have time before the magic sword gets to them.
4. Series 2 Team 11 - The whole POISON/POTION mix-up, and Lillith at her bitchy best. I always laugh.
3. Series 2 Team 8 - I do love this one, and I'm glad to see Cull had it in his list too. Treguard is really quite sadistic during their little ordeal.
2. Series 2 Team 5 - Mogdred is just fantastic here. The "Play a while... play Forever!" line is one of his very best. I find it really creepy.
1. Series 3 Team 10 - It's funny and slightly disturbing at the same time. The fact it's so good is almost highlighted by Treguard himself. His "Ooh, that is nasty" makes it sound like this is worse than any death he's seen before in his career of sending innocent children to the slaughter.    
Last edited by GrimaldineGrimwold on 06 Nov 2003, 03:16, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The KM Top 10 of Everything

Post by Cull »

Cull! Exactly how long did it take you to write all of that...
Not that long really... probably best part of an hour overall. First had to read through all the deaths, recall them in my head as best I could, sift through them for "nominees", and then sort them into an order. Then hop online, post the list, give a "brief" description for each and get it posted.

Hope he's on Broadband 'cause I'd HATE to see the phone bil otherwise!!

Sadly not (though hopefully before long I can sort out Cable). :( I'm on NTL's "£10 a month for unlimited use" thingy, so time isn't really an issue - dealing with slow Dial-Up connections is though!

GG - I do like that list. A couple there I'd forgotten about! :) I don't remember the Mirmen too well, so can't say about that death, but some of those were certainly worhty of the "Ooh... nasty!" in their own rights! (And was that really the case with Lilith? Probably explains why she disappears after S2...)
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Re: The KM Top 10 of Everything

Post by GrimaldineGrimwold »

GG - I do like that list. A couple there I'd forgotten about! :) I don't remember the Mirmen too well, so can't say about that death, but some of those were certainly worhty of the "Ooh... nasty!" in their own rights! (And was that really the case with Lilith? Probably explains why she disappears after S2...)
Oops. Thankyou for the compliment, even though I am 2 months late in responding to it. *hangs head in shame*
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Re: The KM Top 10 of Everything

Post by GrimaldineGrimwold »

Okay, I haven't mentioned her much lately, so here's my:

Top 10 Reasons Why I Dislike Velda:

10. She's a hypocrite. She's apparently "strong on courtesy" and then attacks people on sight. The fact one of them is my hubbie has nothing to do with me including this reason.
9. That silly catlike crouch she does. It looks so silly. Just look at the picture of her under the Characters section in the S3 Guide on Illusion's site if you don't know what I mean.
8. That tepid scene with Team 1 of Series 3. She's so hot on courtesy, but relents completely when they just say "Can I get past please?". If I was so strong on courtesy, which I'm not, I'd want a bit more than that, even from 12 year-olds.
7. The wig. I assume it's a wig, since it looks terrible in close-ups.
6. The general overacting. As opposed to-
5. The fact she's obviously on Prozac and been drinking coffee non-stop for the last 10 hours. She's just so hyperactive, it makes you wonder how anyone could ever aim to hold anything approaching a conversation with her.
4. The word I can't make out that she keeps using. Please someone, tell me what a "doolie" (sp?) is. At least it sounds like that, anyway. Actually, I couldn't care less, but now I've asked I'll nod politely when smeone explains it.  
3. "EEEELVEN DEATH!!!!" and all those other silly things she shouts far too loudly.
2. More of a general rant, but the fact that the Elves in Knightmare are nothing like each other. Yes, some differences are cool, but Pickle's meek and dull as Dunswater (my opinion!), Elita's a SuperBitch while Velda's this Prozac-filled coffee-overdosing hormonal maniac who should never have been allowed anywhere near a crossbow, let alone allowed to wield one.
1. The crossbow, or more specifically the bolts fired from it, which are enormous and completely unrealistic. They also move slowly enough so that it'd probably be possible to dodge them if it weren't in the script for her target to stand there lamely waiting for it to get near them.
Last edited by GrimaldineGrimwold on 13 Jan 2004, 21:36, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The KM Top 10 of Everything

Post by Skarkill »

Here's Everybodys favirote Goblain Master's Top 10 Dungeon Monsters.

10. Mire-Trogs S8: I know they only made 2 apperences BUT the scene were one is bareing down on a dungoneer is a image that still sticks in my mind.

9. Snap Dragons S8: The sheer speed at which they came out of the holes. Never got a kill but by god they out the Fear of Fear into some teams.

8. Trolls S6-S8: With two deaths to there name one of the most intimadating of all of Lord Fear's Dungon Monsters. Nicola's death at the hands (Or should I say Feet) of a troll in S7 is one of the spookest deaths in KM history.

7. Tiny The Hobgoblain S5-S6: A Few apperences but used to scare the liveing daylights out of me as a kid. Not as frightning now though.

6. Miremen S8: Agine the death puts these beasties up here. I also liked the scene were there advancing on a dungeoneer in The Seweres Of Goth.

5. Cavenwrights S2-S3: Just A Blanket over an extra I know BUT the fact theses horror's were once human Urggh, the thoughts too hidious to contimplate.

4. Maduser S1-S2: BOY OH BOY. What a neat death sequence even the advisors are affected.

3. The Dreadnought S6: The best Macanical Monster ever in Knightmare.


Send shivers down my spine even now.

2. The Floating Terrors S2-S6: Ghosts, White Skulls, Pooka's & Stormghiests. The floating Terrors were part of KM for a long time.

1. Goblains S3-S8: Longerst serveing Monsters and most nortorias. The sound of there hunting horn is legendary in KM History and is one of the most Identifable sounds besides the theme tune itself
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Re: The KM Top 10 of Everything

Post by GrimaldineGrimwold »

Nice job, Skarkill. I think I'll do the Top Creatures thing sometime too. :)
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Re: The KM Top 10 of Everything

Post by Lord_Bob »

I will 'ave a think and post a top ten sometime tomorrow.
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Re: The KM Top 10 of Everything

Post by Drassil »

(Gah! Double post! Bad Cull! X_x )
I think that this attitude is fair enough. I always feel guilty about making two posts in a row, and try to avoid it by editing/modifying the first post to include new information.
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Re: The KM Top 10 of Everything

Post by Lord_Bob »

Yeah, double posts are my biggest bugbear at the moment. Other than the 7ft one that has taken over my kitchen.
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Re: The KM Top 10 of Everything

Post by GrimaldineGrimwold »

3. The Dreadnought S6: The best Macanical Monster ever in Knightmare.


Sorry Skarkill, I don't usually comment on typos, but that one made me laugh. All meant in a good-natured way, you understand.

I still need to do the monsters list.
"Sometimes of the Grey, but always of the Green, dearie. Shurrup Brollachan! Have you seen Festus, my dear? I need to take him back to Cornwall. " [cackle]

Re: The KM Top 10 of Everything

Post by Lord_Bob »

My Favourite Series Order (Top 8 really but ssh);
8) S5 (good characters but some weren't as good, poor teams and too many eye-sheild sequences)
7) S4 (too purple, too much eye shield and some characters get old fast, beats s5 on good dungeoneers and having B&T)
6) S1 (good series but some characters still getting used to it and dungeon in test mode really)
5) S8 (Too short, short cuts which are really unfair imo and reach wand which I thought was annoying.)
4) S6 (newer characters getting more into their role, new life force and the swing of it gets back)
3) S2 (early series generated the first winners and the second, great quests including Medusa deaths. Some good characters and neutral style Treguard.)
2) S7 (Great series, very good plot developments introduction of Majida to take over Pickle who had played out his course imo. Barry and Julie in this series and good End Of Season)
1) S3 (Great quests, remains undefeated has wonderful looking rooms and great ideas, best use of life force out of all series. Some truely great T.V moments.

So there it is, my top 8 of KM series. Opinions anyone?
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Re: The KM Top 10 of Everything

Post by HStorm »

Yeah, I think that's sustainable. Personally I think S7's overrated, but I seem to be in the minority so perhaps I should just keep my head down and be quiet about it...

*Goes and hides behind the sofa before anyone notices that he said anything.*
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Re: The KM Top 10 of Everything

Post by GrimaldineGrimwold »

So there it is, my top 8 of KM series. Opinions anyone?
Yes, I rather like that list. It was a good idea, too. I'll have to think on my version, and agonise over where to place Series 7. Darn you, wonderful but underachieving Series 7.
"Sometimes of the Grey, but always of the Green, dearie. Shurrup Brollachan! Have you seen Festus, my dear? I need to take him back to Cornwall. " [cackle]

Re: The KM Top 10 of Everything

Post by Lord_Bob »

Nice to see my list is being appreciated, I like S7 and I was unsure where to place it but in the end I though 2nd was a good position.
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