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thank you

Post by rachelesque »

ive been here a long time now (years?) and ive watched while the knightmare community has gone through a lot of changes.  and now we seem to have got knightmare back.

i don't think any of this could have happened if you hadn't started in the first place (thats as early as i can remember anyway).  i dont know the exact order of chat room, sites from early on but i think your site got the community together and got us noticed and that is why we have succeeded at bringing knightmare back.

i suck at writing speechy things.

thank you so much.

R~ x
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Re: thank you

Post by Debz_g »

I'll second that!! :D

According to the guestbook I first signed a really daft entry in April 2001, so amazingly I have only been coming to the site for just over a year and a half, but I admit that it has taken over my life. Having said that though, I now don't know what I would do without the site!!
When I first came here I was astounded by the huge-ness of this site, that people did remember KM and that there was a load of regulars in the forum who made me feel welcome when I started posting. I have met/been put in touch with some great people via, and it truly has been a life changing experience!  ::) (Look I told you I had been feeling nostalgic recently!!)
And what with all this news appearing out of nowhere after a period of silence, as Rachel says, it wouldn't have happened without the site. Tim Child told us that the reason there is so much life left in KM is because of the online community keeping it alive, again there would be no online community if it wasnt for your site Nic!!

I too would like to thank you!!

*Offers a round of applause*
Last edited by Illusion on 30 Nov 2002, 00:58, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: thank you

Post by Illusion »

Well its good to hear that all the time spent on the site has been useful ;D Thanks for the comments.

I only created a site though, it just happened to work somehow. Bit suprised that there are not many other Knightmare sites out there, but there you go.
Last edited by Illusion on 30 Nov 2002, 01:13, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: thank you

Post by JamesA »

Well if hadn't been for this site (cheers Nic) I wouldn't have had all these wonderful memories flooding back, been able to see every entire episode all over again (cheers Treg) or run a website for an ex-Knightmare contestant   ;D
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Re: thank you

Post by Malefact »


btw, I reckon the reason there aren't many other Km sites is because all the potential web-site-making-type-people saw this site and were scared off!

Anyway, I still remember the day (just over 13 months now) I found this site. To have all my dim and distant memories of series 1 relived was a real treat.

Oh, btw, if there is a series 9, you'll have your work cut out for you, Nic: no more BBK, an extended series guide, clips, pictures, history etc. Is it worth it?  ;)

Here's to the best goddam site on the web!  ;D
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Re: thank you

Post by Ark »

Yes, more cheers to Nic for the site! You really did manage to capture the spirit of the Dungeon here! :)
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Re: thank you

Post by GrimaldineGrimwold »

I'm so glad someone set up with thread, because it was so long overdue for us to give the fabulous webmaster here the thanks he deserves for keeping this fantastic site going (eek, long sentence). It's not just having set it up and such, but being so meticulous in updating and improving it. People who come here know that it's authoritative and that they can rely on the news and information on its pages. :)

I suppose every television programme of days gone by that wants to return to our screens needs several things. Among them, however, must surely be two things: a comprehensive source of information detailing what it's all about, and a community dedicated to getting it back. This site is the absolute epitome of the former, and provides an ideal basis and home for the latter (where else would we go, peeps?). Every single person who has a television nostalgia attack can search and find this place and relive the memories. And in more than a few cases, they'll stay around, and lend their voice to the campaign to bring an excellent programme back for everyone to enjoy.

An excellent programme needs at least one excellent website dedicated to it. Grats to Nic again for giving us just that. :)
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Re: thank you

Post by Thanatos »

I, too, wish to profess my thanks to Nic.
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Re: thank you

Post by Purgatory »

i think its nice to know that after u have put so much time and effort into makeing this site for what it is and keeping it going.. its nice to know that we do appreciate it
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Re: thank you

Post by JamesA »

Of course!  ;D
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For our benefit, a short history!

Post by Pooka »

And yet it all seemed so simple. ;D

What few people seme to realise is that before (future .com) came along, there were two Knightmare websites - one run by an American kid named Johnny, and one run by a bloke at some uni named Hetein.
Hetein's one didn't work, well it did but he never bothered to update any of his pages, so none of the links worked. Johnny's was not that good, but it was the only Knightmare website on the web. And that was some sort of achievement, anyway.

Enter Paul McIntosh.

He finds Johnny somewhere, who tells him that his (Johnny's) site is 'the only Knightmare web site in the world!'. Paul prints this fact in Issue 9 of The Eye Shield.

Enter Pooka.

Paul points me to Johnny's page, and I contact Johnny. There was a brief glimmering of a friendship - and then Johnny decides that he isn't interested in Knightmare (or he's just a cold-heared git, either way) and vanishes without trace.

Enter Alan Boyd.

Pooka finds Alan Boyd via a web page, and they discuss Knightmare for a while until... UNTIL!...

All hell breaks loose... Enter Nicholas.

And there, suddenly out of nowhere, stands another, better, blacker, raring-to-go Knightmare website. Paul, Pooka and Alan stand aghast. Who is this 'Nicholas'? What is this 'website'? What are its 'contents'?

All hell continues to break loose.

Paul, Pooka and Alan bombard Nicholas with suggestions and ideas for the website. Johnny turns up occasionally and points out spelling mistakes. The seeds of are being sewn.

Nobody knows exactly how the long and hard hours Nicholas spent in his underground lair slaving away at this 'website' of his warped his fragile mind, but he kept at it, stolid little webmaster as he is, and over time the Knightmare project began to evolve.
Little by little, things began to shape. Paul and eventually Alan faded gradually out of the picture (although my sources tell me they are still alive - somewhere...), an influx of 'outside' readers began to flood in (not mentioning any names like Neil, Alex, Rachel and verious Adams!), an evil man named Forester seized control of a certain chat room and invited people to play in it, and momentous explosions of things like THE EYE SHIELD SECTION!, THE NEW BBK CAMPAIGN!, and even THE KNIGHTMARE RPG! made people quake in their boots, even the infamously unflappable Pooka was severely rattled.

Yet still Nicholas kept working like a thing that works a hell of a lot, and now look where we are. has a supplement in the form of NKTP, and in itself it is a complete website with a populated chat room, overflowing mailing list and thriving community, we've even brought a couple together... oh yes, and we've got Knightmare back.

For all the people at the start of this whole sordid affair, it is Nicholas we have to thank - for although he may be a mere Illusion, without him it is safe to say none of us would be here, and these discussions would not have taken place.
So I wasn't in chat for the first couple of years, particularly, but I was always watching what was happening, and one thing that has always amazed me is the stalwart work of Nicholas... *crawls*

I didn't see how much he worked on the website, and for this fact, that is why it all seemed so simple to begin with, but then again, while I look back, this is probably becase memory has a way of knocking off the corners.
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Re: thank you

Post by JamesA »

I couldn't have put that any better myself Pooka!  ;D Alright, so I only found the site a couple of years ago, but it's changed my life so dramatically it's unbelievable, as I'm sure many others here will say exactly the same!  ;)
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Re: thank you

Post by GrimaldineGrimwold »

I forgot to post it before, but it sure is nice to have a full history of the community for people to peruse. Many thanks for spending the time writing that, Pooka. :)
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Re: thank you

Post by JamesA »

Time well spent!  ;D
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Re: thank you

Post by Pooka »

Hell, all my time here is time well spent  ;D
Pooka - teacher, writer, comedian, musician, geek, and full-time Knightmarian.
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