Series 3 - Episode 14

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Series 3 Episode 14

Post by Tom41 »

When Martin went forward towards the flames, notice he took only one step and stopped - then the camera cut back to the advisers. If the animation had continued at its normal speed, Martin would almost certainly have been torched by the flames! Perhaps they were let off?
Today I managed to watch the episode on the big high-res TV downstairs - so got a better look at it. I liked how they had the bones on the floor with a torn knapsack and another Helmet of Justice - the remains of a previous dungeoneer, indeed, complete with his ghost (skull) ;)

In the room which used to be Ariadne's Lair, the top of the screen was blacked out again (i.e. you couldn't see the green valley beyond). Used the key to free Velda, who gave them a step clue.

Next, into the corridor of catacombs. Couldn't escape the moving wall, so used the GHOST spell to turn Martin into a ghost! (a skeleton thing with a helmet of justice). He walked through the wall, then said 'BOO!' in his ghostly form to scare off the armored warrior guarding the well! Then disspelled to turn him back - and he went down the well.

Notice how he left the bottle on the side of the well - apparently there was no use for that object, and you can't use Level 1 objects in Level 2.

There was a pineapple on the Spindizzy, oddly enough! They made Martin bend down to pick it up even though he was facing away from it - and he only noticed it when he was told to do a 180 degree turn!
This time there were no symbols above the doors as to which one to take, so they went for the middle one. Notice how they asked Martin if he could see the edge of the disc - something other teams haven't done!
It looks like Martin actually stepped into the gap between the two doors, but were let off again!

Next room contained the Catacombite, and also a green skull that chased him all the way to the door!

Then got food in the former Level 2 clue room, and listened to an Oracle's message. Seemed to be giving ingredients and directions for a food recipe at the start, but also gave them the 3rd 'step' clue and warned them about "Dreadmog who causes all disruption".

In Merlin's chamber, they thought they could see a crystal in front, but there was no tree or lion... then they figured out that calling the names would invoke the steps! Merlin appeared before the lightning again! And I think he appeared slightly transparent here ;)

Got 2/2 on Merlin's riddles and gained a CURE spell, a universal healing. It can be used either on yourself or on someone else, but can only be used once.

Into a long corridor (Corridor of Catacombs with different lighting), with an armored knight in the distance. Got him out of there quickly ;)

Next, into the tiled 5-door room, with Mellisandre and Motley (who had lost his voice). They already knew Motley's a good guy, since they met him in the kitchen, so they used the CURE spell to get Motley's voice back. As a reward, Motley decided that Martin could call him in his moment of need for assistance.
No clue as to which door to take, so they took the extreme right door.

Then the Corridor of Spears - with food on a table in the middle of the spears! For some reason, the spear clashing sound effect didn't play the first time they clashed together ;) A skull chased them out of the room - I think they got spiked, but not sure.

After that, into the 3-cave system. Instead of the giant toad, there were mountains in the distance and bats flying around the cave. They obviously knew where the exit was, perhaps they had watched a few previous quests?
Next area, they picked up a piece of the chalice (part of their quest), and a horn appeared whenever the goblin horns sounded! Oddly enough, Martin jumped down behind the ledge after getting the quest piece, even though it looks like it's part of the wall! Timed out in the next section as the goblins were chasing.

View of the Corridor of Spears (no table) over the credits.
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Re:Series 3 Episode 14

Post by TheBrollachan »

Oops! I don't think they were supposed to go behind the ledge. The next scene made it look like the wall backed behind the ledge.

Ruddy Challenge annoucers "the dodgy graphics of Knightmare" - forgetting when it was made.
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Re:Series 3 Episode 14

Post by Billy »

Not only did Treguard say "We're celebrating an unbroken record" at the start, but he recounted the 10-0 score with a big grin on his face- who's side is HE on, then?

Martin was certainly let off in the fire room, seeing as he was clearly standing on one of the cracks when the camera cut away. Still, that didn't stop them, as they now seem to be on the road to Level 3. Unfortunately I completely missed the reason why Motley had lost his voice, because some loud noises drowned out the speech- something to do with Hordriss?
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Re:Series 3 Episode 14

Post by FrightKnight »

The Brollachan wrote: Oops! I don't think they were supposed to go behind the ledge. The next scene made it look like the wall backed behind the ledge.

Ruddy Challenge annoucers "the dodgy graphics of Knightmare" - forgetting when it was made.
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If anyone uses the word 'dated', I'll set fire to their head. Everything in the past is dated, obviously. Yesterday is dated, too. So if any Challenge announcer thinks it'll be amusing to mention how Knightmare has 'dated' graphics, well...I'll set fire to their head.
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Re:Series 3 Episode 14

Post by Gizensha »

Not neccisarially everything. Things that were graphics dependent are dated (I'd argue that only seasons 4-6 of Knightmare aged badly, actually, simply because that still photos don't really work with interactive blue screen environments)

I'd like to see someone describe War of the Worlds as being out of date.
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Re: Series 3 - Episode 14

Post by Canadanne »

I hadn't noticed this before, but when Martin turns into a ghost, why is he suddenly walking backwards?! (Or drifting backwards, at any rate.) The Helmet of Justice is facing the camera even though he's moving away from it, and you can also see the mouth of the floating skull that's replaced his head!
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Re: Series 3 - Episode 14

Post by mrtc2003 »

I liked Martin. He seemed quite chatty and seemed to engage with everyone. I particularly liked the way he said "Cheers!" to Merlin after he was given a spell, like he was chatting to someone in the pub. Unlike some dungeoneers he seemed really unfazed by anything.
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Re: Series 3 - Episode 14

Post by rmcintosh1983 »

Martin is my favourite ever dungeoneer. I was so disappointed when Morghanna struck. I still fear her now.
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Re: Series 3 - Episode 14

Post by Drassil »

The pace and variety of Series 3 is well demonstrated in this episode. In just over three minutes we get a ghost, an armoured swordsman, a catacombite, a floating skull (Knightmare's best "hurry-up" scene?) and an oracle.

Martin picks up a pineapple followed by cheese and then bread. He's well on the way to a Hawaiian pizza.

"Is this Martin I see before me?" Well probably not if you're sitting in a different bluescreen void, Merlin.

I've always liked the way Merlin explains CURE as having more than one use. It introduces uncertainty for us and for the team. I also like the circularity we end up with: Motley gave Martin magic earlier; they use magic on Motley now.

The Cure's song Friday I'm in Love was no doubt a thank you for that scene.

Martin's (understandable) impatience with his advisors makes me wonder what the atmosphere was like in the green room between takes.
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Re: Series 3 - Episode 14

Post by Fidjit »

Drassil wrote: 28 May 2018, 16:28 The pace and variety of Series 3 is well demonstrated in this episode. In just over three minutes we get a ghost, an armoured swordsman, a catacombite, a floating skull (Knightmare's best "hurry-up" scene?) and an oracle.

Martin picks up a pineapple followed by cheese and then bread. He's well on the way to a Hawaiian pizza.

"Is this Martin I see before me?" Well probably not if you're sitting in a different bluescreen void, Merlin.

I've always liked the way Merlin explains CURE as having more than one use. It introduces uncertainty for us and for the team. I also like the circularity we end up with: Motley gave Martin magic earlier; they use magic on Motley now.

The Cure's song Friday I'm in Love was no doubt a thank you for that scene.

Martin's (understandable) impatience with his advisors makes me wonder what the atmosphere was like in the green room between takes.
I agree. It's what I loved about the first few seasons and this episode was certainly action packed.

We see the GHOST spell in action, the warrior is send running to his mommy, and a trip down to Level Two. Though it is a shame that we didn't see what the bottle was for. My guess is it was some sort of trick item that acted like a destructor, similar to when Julian, the season before, unfastened the stopper on that particular bottle he seized from a cavern wraith, and nearly levelled half of Level Two in the process. Or maybe it released a ghostly apparation, providing more of an obstacle...

The catacombite makes its one and only appearance, and holy crap, the first time I saw this gave me chills. The oracle makes its final appearance here too (and does everyone notice that this thing appeared in only the chalice quests in this season, coincidence??)

Thanks to the team gaining the CURE spell they were able to gain Motleys' assistance later. Which leads me to the conclusion that they'd have most likely died in similar circumstances as Cliff or Steven before them.

This team were the best this season in my humble opinion. They were fun to have around and although Leo and team did get a fraction further (and downward if anything else) they were rather bland and uninteresting, but they were quick witted, intellectual and still did a good job.
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Re: Series 3 - Episode 14

Post by Morghanna »

A good-paced episode.
Team 11 encountered Lady Velda, who had been taken prisoner again. She had only just been freed from the goblins by Jewelie (sorry, i meant Julie) and now she's captured again. ::)
Martin used the key to release her. She gave them some info, which seemed rather unhelpful at the time (advisor Jamie slammed his pen down onto his pad in annoyance :exclaim: ) and then told them the 2nd step.
Into the corridor of the catacombs and they quickly worked out what Velda's clue meant and cast their "GHOST" spell to pass thru the wall. Then the well-room (still under the effects of the spell) where they scared off the behemoth.
Ironically, after being given such a generous clue by Golgarach, they didn't even need the 2nd clue item, which they left on the well.

Martin clearly didn't like the spindizzy. ;) He moved across it less steadily than most dungeoneers and when he was told there were several doors, he snapped, "Right, let's get off this thing!" ;D
Given the hurry-up by a haunted skull in the catacombite's room and narrowly avoided life-force damage. Collected food anyway in the clue room and received the 3rd step from the oracle.
2/2 answers to Merlin and received the "CURE" spell.
Used this spell to reverse Motley's voice loss in the next room. Martin had clearly forgotten who Motley was. ;D At least the advisors recognised him.
Collected a piece of the chalice in the caverns, but the goblins were gaining on Martin when the bell sounded.... 8-o
After their shaky start in the pool room, team 11 got better and better. Martin really interacted well with his team-mates and the other characters.
"I think it's about time you got wise to the ways of real magic. The kind that is borne on the dark side." >:D
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