Computer games

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Computer games

Post by Nightwisher »

What's your taste in computer games? I still veer towards the retro lovelies such as Mario, Sonic and so on. I'm partial to a wee online game called World of Warcraft and also own a Wii (I think most people own a Wii these days!).
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Re: Computer games

Post by Pooka »

I own all the Ninty consoles (with the exception of a Virtual Boy, which I emulated) and I'm a bit of a slut for the classics... all the Mario titles (SMW quite possibly being the finest game ever created), Smash Bros (Mélee still being my favourite), some of the Mario Karts but not Double Dash!!, LOZ: LTTP (but some of the other LOZs I don't like), Kirby, Luigi's Mansion, and most other in-house stuff. Can't say I'm a fan of Metroid (Prime, in my opinion, was disappointing), but I guess everyone has their own likes and dislikes.

The era of the NES and SNES still had good licensed games. Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose! was excellent. Duck Tales was great fun. Aladdin was a really good platformer! Where did that 'caring about the customers' bit go, then, eh? Bah.

I'm not sure the PC was meant for games, but I use it for games anyway - the original Warcraft is ridiculously hard but fun, Worms 2 is the best Worms game around bar none, and some old favourites I never got to play on the Amiga (because I didn't know the Amiga existed until recently), such as Beneath A Steel Sky, the original Worms and Superfrog (although I don't know why so many people seem to like Giana Sisters as it's not actually that good!).

And yeah, I'm not a SEGA or Sonic fan but I do love Alex Kidd in Miracle World. I never finished that damn game, but I did get as far as the last level...
Pooka - teacher, writer, comedian, musician, geek, and full-time Knightmarian.
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Re: Computer games

Post by EvelynMason »

I used to have an Atari many years ago, they were in rival with the Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum for a good few years, but sadly, all became obselete over time. As soon as the ST was released about 1988, the 8-bit machines just faded away as people went after the next best thing on the market.

Sure I remember saying it, but there was a game called QUESTRON released around 1984, and it was very similar to what Knightmare was to become, different landscapes and scenarios, dungeons in later levels, an array of weird and wonderful creatures, good and bad, spell casting, you name it, they had it. Spent many an hour years ago playing this, but there was a bug in the game I had where near the very end, the game crashed and you could do no further. But it was great fun for a time, look on Wikipedia 'Questron' for more information. I'm probably the only here who ever played it though.
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