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Post by TuragaNuju »

*Skarkills mouth moved and a small sound was produced, Treguard and the group looked bewildered*

"He ees so tiny, he could feet in my pocket!"

*Exclaimed Majida, stepping towards the stocks*

"Be careful Majida - although he is small I'll bet he still has a few tricks up his sleeve!"

*Treguard did not hold Majida back, but cautiously took a step back. Suddenly, a loud noise startled the group. The sound of a horn*

"Blasted goblins!"

*Cried Pickle*

"They'll eat us for sure!"

"Be quiet Pickle - look."

*Three goblins sculced into the room, each wearing a paper crown. In place of where their horns should be were party hooters*

"I'll deal with this!"

*Lord Fear emerged from the shadows of the room. He rasied his hand and began casting:*


*All at once, from the tip of Lord Fear's fingers came a bright light, but intead of a fireball, ribbon spewed forth and covered the goblins*

"Oh my.."

*Said Treguard*

"It would seem Merlin's magic is getting stronger as we descend through the dungeon!"

*Lord Fear was annoyed. Very. Annoyed. No-one makes fun of me, Lord Fear thought to himself. He had to take his anger out on something... or someone*
Last edited by TuragaNuju on 17 Dec 2005, 22:17, edited 1 time in total.
Treguard: "Ooh.. nasty. Still, We Can Have A Toilet Break Now - I'm Bursting!"
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Post by Mashibinbin »

It was sometime before they decided what to do with the miniturised Skarkill. They had agreed Majida couldn't snuggle him away in a pocket as that would just be 'too nasty' and wouldn't be very sporting. Brother Strange having been silent for a long period then requested Pickle play some over the top melodramatic music whilst he attempted to dispel the deep and dark magic.

"Dispel N I T Y"

With a flash that caused Pickle to stop playing abruptly Skarkill was gone and in his place stood Tiny the Hobgoblin dressed rather strangely...
Last edited by Mashibinbin on 18 Dec 2005, 13:18, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Becxsmagic »

There he stood, dressed in fairy wings.

"Help me!" The group heard a tiny voice which sounded like Pixel's.

"Pixel! Where are you?" asked Treguard

"Right in front of you" the exasperated voice replied

They all stared at Tiny, Tiny stared back and began to speak again:

"Merlin mixed us up! He wanted me to be bigger and Tiny to be more...Christmassy"

"Master, do we have to take them too?" Pickle whispered to Treguard

"Of course we have to! The more the merrier...and they could help us against the goblins that roam around the levels"

Just as he said that, a goblin horn sounded and a buzz of panic flew in the air...
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Post by TuragaNuju »

"Quickly, through the door! The right hand path has always been the correct route to take!". Treguard and the group rushed down through the doors. Lord Fear stoped just behind the door, and looked at the left hand door.

"I dont need this!" Lord Fear exclaimed, and boldly stepped through the left hand door.

A figure skulked after Lord Fear... hiding in the shadows.
Treguard: "Ooh.. nasty. Still, We Can Have A Toilet Break Now - I'm Bursting!"
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Post by Becxsmagic »

The group minus Lord Fear all rushed into a room and found something to bar the door.
"Phew...that was close" said Pickle
"Where ees Lord Fear?" whined Majida
Treguard groaned. This day couldn't get any worse.
"Well, he knows the dungeons well, he'll be fine" he replied "So stop worrying, I'm sure we'll find him again."

They found themselves in a clue room and looked at what was on the table...
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Post by TuragaNuju »

Pickle moved over to the table for a closer look, but he soon retreated away again. Something on the table was giving off an awful stench!
"A dead bird... charming"
Treguard picked the bird up and looked at it.
"Its a Robin. Probably one of Merlin's puns?"
"Eet ees deesgusteeng!"
Majida turned away and tried to cower on Pickle's shoulder, but Pickle pushed her away
"Well, there might be use for it yet..."
Said Treguard as he put the Robin in his pocket of holding.
"Now, what else have we here?"
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Post by Mashibinbin »

Suddenly they disturbed by the sound of commotion from what seemed to be an adjacent chamber.

Now, dear reader although our own intrepid band of Dungeon-Dwellers couldn't hear what was going on, let me bring to you a summary of what actually transpired...

Lord Fear had just stepped through the left hand door and was greeted by a woman in headphones.

"Oh Mark thanks heavens you've finally come out of that place. We've been after you all for some time but you've all been so immersed in your roles since we announced Knightmare was cancelled and just plainly refused to come out of character. We even tried bringing more and more reality in via the ever increasing presence of Christmas but to no avail. But now, to quote a well known BBC2 comedy series you're BACK TO REALITY!'

Fear, or should that now be Mark, took a seat and sneered at them all.

"You mean its' all over. No more gloating at the kidsies, no more banter wityh Treguard, no more know...with Marta...How long has all this been?"

"Well in 1991 you first started filming with us Mark and four years later the show was cancelled. We are now approaching 2006. Your stubborn refusal to confront the real world has caused us many hassles and charges not least for the technology we have had to pay for."

"Wait some of my memory is returning. These Merlin and Mogred fellows, they came before me so why are they also in this realm you say you have created?"

"Well That's why you were brought in Mark. John Woodnutt who plays both is suffering some form of dementia and we left him to be wandering freely and he's now convinced of both his acting personas."


Mark was then blanketed and given a cup of coffee wondering which reality was real. As he contemplated things before the vast crew now at Televirtual the 'action' continued in the clue room....
Last edited by Mashibinbin on 22 Dec 2005, 16:53, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Thanatos »

The clue-object table housed a mince pie, which duly went in the knapsack, a sprig of holly, an approximately cubic box wrapped in colourful paper and shiny ribbon, and what looked like a letter, as well as the tradition scroll. The latter Treguard took and read aloud:

"Take not the pair but its fallen and that bound by his doom's driving force."

"What in the levels does that mean, master?" said Pickle. Majida considered this for a moment before tossing her head in frustration; she got as far as "It's too d-" before Pickle found his hand unaccountably muffling her voice.

Treguard, meanwhile, examined the other piece of paper, recognising Merlin's handwriting and quietly voicing his words:

"Dear all,

Well, what a year it's been! As you can expect, things have mostly been as dull as ever in the Dungeon, but after careful plotting have I got some big news for y- Oh, good grief," he interrupted himself as the penny slowly dropped.

"What is it, master."

"It's a round robin."

"And this is a dead one," said Pickle, beginning to understand. "So let's not take both - just the 'fallen' one. Well, we have. But what about 'that bound by his doom'?"

"Think, you silly sprite. The scroll says the bird's male, which makes close inspection mercifully unnecessary. Now, who killed Cock Robin?"

"The sparrow, bu-"


"A bow and arrow, bu-"

"And with what type of knot is it traditional to tie the ribbon around Christmas presents, this one being no exception?"

The others' pennies, whose slow descents had ceased, now completed them in an instant. Taking corpse and (still wrapped) present, they continued on their way.

Meanwhile the headphone-wearing woman was staring into a two-way spyglass. "Yes, your wizardry," she said. "I think he's falling for it."
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Post by Drassil »

"Marvellous!" replied Merlin, smiling into a two-way spybauble. "Keep working on him, Ariadne. I only want the Dungeon Master, his half-witted elf, and my alter-ego to make it through. Keep me informed!" He waved his hand with an exaggerated flourish, and the woman's image disappeared from the bauble, which he hung back on his Christmas tree.

It had been a strange idea of his to turn Ariadne into a television producer, but the 'web of reality' charade was proving a success. Lord Fear had been caught in it, and hopefully the others could be picked off too. But not Treguard, Pickle or Mogdred. If they could get all the way to Winteria, then Merlin was content to deal with them himself.

Merlin closed his eyes and thought about what a wonderful Christmas he was having. True, his Mace-and-Hordriss Father Christmas creation had escaped; and most of the elves had found an old elf portal and fled the workshop; and his spell to turn Pixel the pixie into a Christmas tree fairy had gone most awry; and he'd mislaid some important items; and Treguard was leading a band of party-poopers on a quest to stop him; but this was going to be the best Christmas ever. Because it was his and his alone. Merlin slowly opened his eyes...

...And saw that he'd somehow been transported outdoors. A stern woman was glaring at him across a snowy plain.

"Enough of this!" screamed Aesandre. "Christmas has no place in Winteria, old man. You turned my Turkish delight into turkey, my white wolves into white chocolate, and you've stolen my palace. I demand my domain back immediately!"

"Madam," said Merlin, "You obviously don't know who you're dealing with. You may be a derivative snow queen, but I am derived from the greatest wizard who ever lived. I have chosen to hold Christmas in Winteria, and I'm afraid you're not invited. But I do have a present for you. Spellcasting! L!"

At this point, Aesandre should really have tried to stop Merlin, but she was transfixed by his insanely slow casting of a very short spell.

"E! O!"

With a minimum of fuss, a huge lion fell from the sky and slammed onto Aesandre. "Good boy!" cried Merlin. The lion roared and vanished, leaving no trace of itself or of Aesandre. Chuckling, Merlin turned and walked back towards the palace.

Meanwhile, up on Level Two, there seemed much less to chuckle about...
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Post by TuragaNuju »

"Oh my!"

"Master.. surely we could just leave her here?"

"I'm afraid not, that would be cruelty to lions"

*The lion and Aesandre had appeared and fallen onto Majida - trapping both of them under the lion's weight*

"Hmm.. but how best to get the Lion off them..... AH! I know - we must use the clues that we just gained so that we dont drag them more than three rooms at most!!"

*Treguard took the Robin out of his pocket and threw it at the Lion. The Lion jumped up, grabbed the Robin and skulked off through the middle door*
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Post by Mashibinbin »

'And what of the present master?'

'Well Pickle, we have a comatose Genie and Aesendre's something disapeared leaving just some rags behind in the snow. Fetch it for me!'

Pickled scarpered over to the bundle, picked it up and threw it back down in disgust.

'The rumours are true master - she does indeed wears Underwear that is Icy!'

"Ewww, Nasty!" Chorused the crowd of travellers.

Treguard gently placed the unwrapped present beside Majida so that when she woke up she would at least have a reason to shut up, if only for a second while she unwrapped it.

After that, those remaining set off once more and found themselves with not far to go for they had now reached level 3...
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Post by TuragaNuju »

The group walked through the right hand door and they fell straight into a hole in the ground - which led into level three.

The group emerge at the foot of a giant pyramid. each massive block was made of a present. At the top was a large figure.....

"No.. it couldn't be?"

Treguard peered at the figure of the Dreadnought in a santa suit.
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Post by Mashibinbin »

Almost simultaneously a loud peal of laughter was heard and there was a disturbing crash of light and a rather more disturbing bout of flatulence...

Everyone looked at each other, said nothing and blinked, ignoring the stench that had now pervaded the area as they now had a more serious problem:

Merlin, growing impatient, had summoned himself before them and in no uncertain terms requested that either they leave him be or they would soon be hanging from a gigantic Christmas tree...
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Post by Drassil »

[Sorry, it's another long one. I just think it would be good if we could draw the story to a close before the 12 days of Christmas run out...]

Keen to display heroics without resorting to unchivalrous violence, Treguard tried to reason with the once-great wizard. But when he attempted to speak, he found himself quoting carols. He fast became frustrated. Pickle (whose dragon wings had vanished) was also unable to speak - all that emerged was the sound of sleigh bells.

"You see, I am much too powerful," cried Merlin cheerily. "You'll never get Christmas back. It is mine forevermore!"

At that moment, back on Level Two, Majida was unwrapping the present. It turned out to be an egg-timer with a letter M carved on it. But when she tried to examine it, it disappeared...

Only one other traveller had been transported to Merlin's Winterian 'antechamber' along with Pickle and Treguard: Mogdred. And Merlin's magic could not stop him from talking.

"Dungeon Master, listen to me. Just as Merlin expelled me from himself to become good, so must I be blended back into him to mend his unstable mind. You and the elf must form a bridge, connecting me to him. Do you so consent?"

Treguard saw no other choice. "Ding-dong merrily on high," he muttered, nodding gravely.

They repositioned themselves swiftly. Mogdred grasped Pickle's hand; Pickle held Treguard's hand; Treguard reached out to touch Merlin, who was too slow to move aside. The room was instantly filled with a myriad criss-crossing lightning forks, temporarily blurring Treguard and Pickle's visions. When they cleared, they saw that they were alone with a tall man standing majestically before them. He had long dark hair and beard. Mogdred and Merlin had become one. Smiling, he turned slowly to Treguard, who expected to be congratulated. But he got nothing of the sort.

"Fools!! This was my plan all along. I never wanted to balance Merlin's mind - I have used my growing evil to take it over! Now I am powerful enough to make the entire Dungeon quail!!"

The New Mogdred indulged in a very sinister laugh. Treguard, crushed by his failure, staggered backwards... and knocked something over. It was the egg-timer, which had quietly appeared on the floor a little earlier. It had been Merlin's: he'd adapted an old 'pause-timer' to rewind time, so he could enjoy opening his Christmas presents three times.

New Mogdred didn't notice this, and resumed gloating. "And as for Christmas, the Dungeon won't get it back, for I will destroy it altogether! Bah, humbug!!"

At that very moment, the rewind-timer did its work, and the last word was heard three times. By a remarkable coincidence, 'humbug' just happened to be the ironic, self-chosen calling name of one of the Dungeon's most formidable figures.

There was a burst of scarlet light, and Lillith, more irritable and powerful than ever, was woken from a long sleep and summoned to the room...
Last edited by Drassil on 04 Jan 2006, 00:37, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mashibinbin »

Lillith stared at the assembled mass of Dungeon Denziens before her.

Slowly, one by one they were all being sucked back into their positions before all this had begun. The rewind-timer had been very powerful indeed.

All that is, except Mogred who cackled and proceeded to address Lillith:

"So you see now dear, the Dungeon can now be ours if you wish to join me in my most devious plan yet.

Whilst those nincompoops go back to their relative areas of the dungeon we will have the chance to claim levels 1,2, 3 and of course that little 'storey' in between that I've taken great pains to keep the little fools out of.

So this time Lillith, I not asking for marriage as I did so long ago when you rejected me, you rejected me, causing me to banish you before I myself was deposed.

Instead, I just want you to be by my side as we have the dungeon for ourselves - do you so agree?"

Lillith, paused for a few seconds and adjusted her hair to look its best and then cried out shrillly:

"You fool! You don't realise soon we will both be travelling back also unless we quickly do something to counter this monstrosity of festivity that will make me back to a non-entity!"

After 5 minutes of further squabbling the two finally looked through their collection of spells they had availiable between them - GLORY, BACKFIRE and BUT. GLORY had been never used and so returned to Mogred and BUT and BACKFIRE had been attached themselves to Lillith as she had been summoned after such a long passage of time.

GLORY was the eventual decision but in a very cruel twist of fate it played against the scheming schemers sending them back also but with the added bonus of sending a scroll, detailing all that had happened, to Knightmare Castle to be duly transcribed by Cadrighan the Chronicler....

Last edited by Anonymous on 09 Jan 2006, 22:47, edited 1 time in total.
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