Parody of Together We'll Be OK

Knightmare-related musical parodies
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Parody of Together We'll Be OK

Post by Drassil »

Based on Together We'll Be OK sung by Cannon and Ball. It's about Team 4 of Series 2, the first winners. Official audio, lyrics

Dungeoneer Mark, he's going in
And there's a Wheel of Fate to spin
Soon we assume, "You're in a room"
The quest is underway

You gotta turn to the left, step to the right
And get out quick when fuses light
Mark and his three, watchers will see
Together they'll do OK

Unblock the door, step on a heart
Talk to a maid of toads and tarts
Answer the wall, show you're not fools
For bell and gold today

You've got to wake with the bell, go down the well
See Merlin for a FREEZER spell
Leave Level 2, there's more to do
Together the four can win

Quest on Mark and
Lift up the mood that the gargoyle's in
Quest on Mark and tell
Mogdred the answer's no (answer's no)

Follow the path, when you've cast SUN
A sleepy dragon, almost done
You've got a chopper to flee, then you cast FREE
It isn't hard to do

And though HEROES occurs, the team are not Sirs
But they are squires: check those spurs
Mark and his three, watchers did see
Together they won their way
Together they won their way
Together they won their way
Knightmare: Kid-worthy, Naasty, Inspiring, Groundbreaking, Humorous, Treguard, Mesmerising, Adult-worthy, Rewarding, Essential.
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