Temporal Discussion, A KM podcast

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Re: Temporal Discussion, A KM podcast

Post by TemporalDiscussion »

I've just finished editing HStorm's interview with Alec Westwood. It'll be released to Patreon supporters tomorrow, with an extended edition being made available for higher-tier supporters. It'll be released on the free feed the following week at the usual time :)
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Re: Temporal Discussion, A KM podcast

Post by Canadanne »

I noticed that the pronunciation of the valley appeared to be "Banburn" a few years before that spelling appeared in David Rowe's book or anywhere else:
Canadanne wrote: 22 Oct 2012, 22:04You know what, I hate to say it, but I don't think the Vale of Vanburn is the right name... I've just watched this episode again and it sounds like Velda actually calls it the Vale of Banburn! The second time in particular it's quite a clear 'B' sound, at least through these headphones.
I have wondered if the name was inspired by the Irish goddess Banba (one of the people of Danu who became the Shee). Alternatively the prefix "ban-" in Gaelic gives words a female form, so Banburn could mean something like "she-stream".
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Re: Temporal Discussion, A KM podcast

Post by Canadanne »

Thoroughly enjoyed the Scott episodes - I've always loved his quest and it's been brilliant hearing his thoughts on everything!
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Re: Temporal Discussion, A KM podcast

Post by TemporalDiscussion »

Scott was absolutely excellent to work with! The big "coming clean" moment was a complete surprise to me - although I'd heard about it happening on occasion, I had no idea it happened here!

I have a feeling we'll be hearing from Scott on the podcast again 🙂
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Re: Temporal Discussion, A KM podcast

Post by TemporalDiscussion »

Hey folks!

Sorry for not posting for so long. We're still working hard on the podcast, and Series 4 Episode 1 is due for release on the free feed tomorrow.

The Podfollow link should take you to your preferred podcast listening service: https://podfollow.com/temporal-discussi ... dcast/home
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Re: Temporal Discussion, A KM podcast

Post by Canadanne »

Yay, great to have the podcast back!

FYI, the Hockering Wood information came directly from the Series 4 location cameraman Leigh Grey, who gave me these filming dates from his 1990 diary:

"11/6/90 Castle Acre and Castle Rising
12/6 Orford Castle
13/6 Leeds Castle Maidstone
14/6 Hockering Woods near East Dereham and Oxburgh Hall
15/6 Framlingham Castle Suffolk"

I would say that counts as official confirmation - can't get much more reliable than the guy who actually captured the footage!
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Re: Temporal Discussion, A KM podcast

Post by Canadanne »

Framlingham Castle for the path home! (Later reused for Winteria.)
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Re: Temporal Discussion, A KM podcast

Post by HStorm »

Fantastic, thanks, Annie!
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Re: Temporal Discussion, A KM podcast

Post by Canadanne »

After listening to the S4 E11 podcast, Jake is correct in his recollection that the Crazed Heifer exterior is somewhere in Suffolk - I'm not entirely certain if it's an airbrushed photograph or a painting, but it perfectly matches the 14th century Little Hall in Lavenham, which was originally a house and is now a museum.
https://suffolkmuseums.org/wp-content/u ... Hall-2.jpg
https://www.shutterstock.com/image-phot ... 905033.jpg
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Re: Temporal Discussion, A KM podcast

Post by Canadanne »

The face shown in the end credits of S4 E12 is also real, as described here by Ross:
GranitasIsCute wrote: 14 Jul 2012, 18:29
Canadanne wrote:I'm also now wondering where the end credits of Series 4 episode 12 were filmed? It looks like some sort of face carved out of stone or wood, with water running down one side. Weird. Any ideas?
Canadanne - Jake and I can solve that mystery for you. The stone face is taken from Leeds Castle. There is a maze and in the middle of the maze is an underground grotto, where you can find that face. Here is a photo I took on our visit to the castle yesterday:

You can see my photograph of it at the bottom of this page:
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Re: Temporal Discussion, A KM podcast

Post by Canadanne »

I am not Jake but it's Framlingham Castle again over the end credits of S4 E15! I recreated those shots to the best of my ability without actually being in a boat on the lake, near the bottom here: http://www.canadanne.co.uk/kmlocations/framlingham.html
(If you haven't seen them before, you may also enjoy seeing the Eyeshield room as a bustling gift shop, lol.)

Great to hear from Michael Cule in this episode! I don't think I've ever heard him speak about Knightmare before. Hilarious that he's just as baffled about Mistress Goody's purpose as we all are!
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Re: Temporal Discussion, A KM podcast

Post by TheOldenDays »

I am Jake, and I bought a postcard in that bustling gift shop in February this year. The lake/moat was completely overflowing because of all the recent rain.

I'm pleased to be reminded that my own efforts with photographing Knightmare locations inspired your own. I've actually seen a ton more of them since finishing The Eye Shield and found myself taking photos excitedly before thinking, 'TES is over, I don't do this anymore!" but it's always fun to be at a Knightmare location anyway!
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Re: Temporal Discussion, A KM podcast

Post by Canadanne »

TheOldenDays wrote: 04 May 2024, 11:09 I am Jake, and I bought a postcard in that bustling gift shop in February this year. The lake/moat was completely overflowing because of all the recent rain.
I was worried about the treacherous boggy ground you mentioned in TES, but thankfully it was all dry when I went!

(Fun bit of trivia for anyone who doesn't know - Ed Sheeran grew up in Framlingham and this location inspired his song 'Castle On The Hill'.)
I'm pleased to be reminded that my own efforts with photographing Knightmare locations inspired your own. I've actually seen a ton more of them since finishing The Eye Shield and found myself taking photos excitedly before thinking, 'TES is over, I don't do this anymore!" but it's always fun to be at a Knightmare location anyway!
It is absolutely your fault I went down that particular rabbit hole. ;D I really enjoy seeing everyone's KM location photos, as well as visiting whichever ones I can (still have a few on my "maybe one day" list). Has anyone made it to any of the Spanish castles yet??
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Re: Temporal Discussion, A KM podcast

Post by Drassil »

Annie wrote: 04 May 2024, 01:48 Great to hear from Michael Cule in this episode! I don't think I've ever heard him speak about Knightmare before.
Don't forget his appearance in James's Knightmare: 25th Anniversary documentary, in which you and I are credited alongside his cat!

Framlingham's MP is Dan Poulter, who was in the news recently after defecting to Labour. His Twitter account has the castle as a header photo.
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Re: Temporal Discussion, A KM podcast

Post by Canadanne »

Drassil wrote: 06 May 2024, 11:11
Annie wrote: 04 May 2024, 01:48 Great to hear from Michael Cule in this episode! I don't think I've ever heard him speak about Knightmare before.
Don't forget his appearance in James's Knightmare: 25th Anniversary documentary, in which you and I are credited alongside his cat!
OMG yes, I totally had forgotten he was in that - thanks for reminding me! I guess I was only thinking about podcasts and Paul Flannery's Twitch interviews, etc.
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