Blast from the past...

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Blast from the past...

Post by Alexander23 »

Jesus I can't believe I'm actually doing this but out of shire nostalgia I feel I have to exercise some ghosts from the past.

Anyway I haven't been able to think straight for a couple of hours, I was typing something earlier and I had to write nightmare, at the time I did it with a K and spell check underlined it and I thought no I'm right that is how it is spelt. When it finally dawned on me that I was wrong I thought 'why the hell did I do that then?' It then occurred to me it was due to the impact of one of my favourite old kids shows, KNIGHTMARE!!

I then steeped back into the glory days of childhood and the absolute bliss of its innocence, fun and sense of adventure, all encompassed in programme. I'm 23 now and should be doing more important things like going to a bank with a suit, tie and briefcase or watching the news but I find myself on a Knightmare forum. I think it was 87 or 88 when was I first gripped by it and the atmosphere and drama was just so intense seen through a child’s eyes you actually lived what was happening.

If I had a time machine I'd go back right now to those happy days and not the ones with Ron Howard and the Fonz but the old dungeon master with the black beard (don't know his name) and that roaring fire!

I'd love to see it again but I don't think it would have the old magic because I'm all grown up now and socially brainwashed, perhaps it's best left in the past. Just wanted to pay homage to such fantastic programme in those golden years. I can still remember the theme tune to this day

Come home from school, throw off the school uniform watch woof (I think) then Knightmare and that's my Shangri-la. I'd look a bit stupid if I tried that now wouldn't I.

Anyway here's to our generation folks, and the immortal show that was Knightmare cheers!!
Last edited by Alexander23 on 26 Apr 2006, 16:14, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: 21 Jun 2004, 16:04

Re:Blast from the past...

Post by darkDescender »

Yes. hello and welcome. I am Dark Descender, romanticist, feminist, crackpot extraordinair. Enjoy yourself.
"Welcome to one of Mogdred's little playpens, dungeoneer. Play awhile...Play forever! Mwahahahahaha! Mwahahahahahahahaha!!!"
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